Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Reaching New Heights

Day 8. Today I’ve reached new heights and I’m so pleased with myself. More than that, I’ve healed myself. All my life I’ve never been able to get off a chair or sofa without using my hands and arms to bear some of my weight. Standing up without using my arms to push off was in fact not an option. In the last few days I can feel a strength I’ve never felt before. I can now get off sofas and chairs with only my legs to help me. I can feel muscle. My legs are waking up. I don’t get fatigued after doing lots of knee lifts. Before I did three and my muscles felt they’d atrophised. My body had almost given up. Now I know it’s possible to change. I’m dancing every day and it’s making my body SING! Yippeeeeee 🌟 Today I listened to John O’Callaghan at Luminosity Festival. Yum.