Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch


: Oh yay! She’s back. Kischka’s super power is being able to move from one end of the …

: Jammy Buns

: A gentle, soothing, dreamy piece to calm and comfort. 💙 Beautiful image by Taryn Elliott.🧜🏽

: There’s a cat at my door, alleluia! Haven’t had a cuddly catto experience in ages, then …

: This late flowering begonia is exquisite.

: Cannae beat donuts on the pier in Blackpool.

: “The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life”. This is a …

: Fresh, early morning lushness.

: One day your purple flowers will reach far and wide, little clematis.

: The succulents have been coming along nicely this summer.

: Same spot, different day.

: It’s unusual not to have wind in Fleetwood, so the last few days have been a real, tranquil …

: A delightful heart corona.

: Was not expecting psychedelic rainbows this afternoon and yet here we are 😄

: The winds grow cooler but the sun is still warm. Autumn approaches, dancing and swirling. I love …

: Really enjoying my new, wee, Blackstar amp. It’s very much like a Fisher Price toy in terms …

: 8am soundcheck. Church.

: Absolute lushness.

: A wonderful sunset after choir this evening. Happy September days.

: This weekend was full of joy and wonder.

: Paper daisies are pretty psychedelic and their middles are as soft as they look.

: Sunflowers are lit.

: Colours are popping today.

: Hello dear lovely folk, How are you? How’s your summer going? Please send some sun over to the …

: Joyous, moody, innocent, sultry, this piece has got a bit of everything. Listen for a refreshing …

: A soft offering of mermaid delicacy. This music sounds like it could be played in a golden hall …

: I love how emotive and pensive this piece is​. It’s brooding and cascading, like we can be. …

: Super happy to be back in here again.

: Fresh sweet peas from the garden. Heady with scent. Have you got some little nature areas in your …

: I love my home, even more so since living in a hoarder’s house for weeks and weeks. I’ll …

: Completely in love with these paper daisies. They’re so magical. And shiny.

: Typhoon incoming. One of my favourites. So loud, it made a kid wearing ear protectors cry. 😲 What a …

: Spot the Typhoon.


: Fabulous acrobatic plane. Absolute show off and totally mad pilot as far as I could see 😂

: Love me an airshow. The one at Blackpool this afternoon was exhilarating and sweltering. Red Arrows …

: Hanging out with my garden flowers is blissful joy, especially with sunshine and ice lollies. Funny …

: Back in the church garden with all my lovely flowers. Hooray!!

: Drum and Bass for energy. Sunshine too. Packing up and going home. Tomorrow. 5 weeks and 2 days …

: Such a light.

: Never been watched so much in my whole life as I have this month.

: Yearly haircut. Check. Back to mad frizz within a week. Check.


: When you see them, you can’t unsee them. I giggle every time I look at my mum’s …

: Find the fun, whilst doing the chores.

: Find your joy and live it everyday.

: Sunshine for the soul with this soundtrack.

: Geriatric dog one moment, Indiana Jones the next.

: Rose tinted loveliness.


: What a cutie.

: So much drama for a Sunday.

: Find the joy in the ruffness.

: A misty evening full of delicious, soft rain. The scent of the sea invigorated me.

: This Prodigy album is my mood completer today. These last two weeks have been incredibly …


: Fire sky.

: Surveying her Queendom.

: Grateful for these heavenly sunsets.

: Looked into my beloved’s eyes for the first time in almost two weeks. They may only have been …

: There’s just too much beauty to fathom.

: Rosie took herself onto the beach last night. I’d been warned she didn’t like sand, so …

: Exquisite colours.

: The majesty.


: A joyful late night swim for some folk. What a sky.

: Where do I begin with last night’s sunset?! 😍

: Rosie Posie. Sniffer extraordinaire. Super slow in her twilight years. A stubborn lil minx. I used …


: Blessed by clouds this weekend.

: The magic of clover.

: Despite the chaos in my life at the moment, I’m glad I can still see the calm.

: The windsurfer was pleased with this shot. Perfect timing as he was coming out the water quite near …

: Blissful sight tonight here in Scotland on the west coast.

: Had to take an emergency trip to Scotland and now I’m looking after this lil pupper. …

: Pizza in the evening sun. Yum.

: Go on, scoop him!

: Joyful pony ride on the beach. Such a beautiful sight. Loving that sparkly sea.

: Takes driving to work to a whole new level.

: As a child at the seaside I’d spend ages touching the frothy waves as they broke on the shore. …

: I explored more of the Lancashire and Cumbrian coast recently. This is Arnside with an eager, low …

: Peaceful vibes. Come bathe in a sanctuary of springtime loveliness. Flowers by Sergey, with thanks.

: When you meet your pal Bessie down the beach huts, it’s always a good day.

: Tried a harp out yesterday. It felt very large after my little harp. 40 strings vs 25. I needed …

: Herb garden is coming along nicely. Amazing what can grow in such a shallow bed. And that coriander …

: I love grasses swaying in the breeze.

: A relaxing, soothing, magical listen. The sounds are serene, ethereal, celestial and otherworldly. A …

: Huge clouds this evening.

: Never knew potato leaves could be quite so beautiful.

: Stunning sunset tonight. Yummy!

: My latest newsletter just got released. Hooray!

: It was a special day on Saturday, when Our Lady was crowned. My dear friend has this amazing Mary …

: Jam tart anyone? I was baking a lot for church last week and it was the moment of the humble jam …

: Yep, still obsessed with clouds.

: Early morning beach lushness. There’s a gentle peace at that time. I love basking in it. …

: Big, playful doggo. Strong, steady lady.

: The sea, she shines.

: A special stillness this morning.

: “Oh I do like to be beside the seaside”

: A special sunset.

: It’s my little, furry, magical green friend.

: I love stroking it.

: Happy Friday!! Isn’t moss wonderful?

: Here’s a recording of some delightful birdsong from my trip to Yorkshire, this time set …

: Epic set. Hypnotic. Enticing. Delicate. A melding of trance and techno at its finest. A journey. A …

: How lucky to see the Aurora in Fleetwood last night. It was worth getting out of bed for! I’m …

: Well, these two have just blown me away to my happy cloud. Feels like a mash up of all my fav rave …

: 20 degrees here in Harrogate. This lassie can hardly believe it. 😎



: Good morning. Happy Monday. I was lucky enough to play harp before this view yesterday. The air was …

: Dear sweet Frankiebobbles, wants to be part of everything, including the custard tart! 💛

: Happy morning vibes from Mr Pigeon.

: A five minute powerful affirmation boost. Keep remembering to trust yourself and discern …

: I used to love candy floss. A big, bright ball of pink fluffiness was a wonder to behold and a tasty …

: Let’s flow into Saturday like a gloriously pink, wispy, joyful cloud 😁

: Wind turbines just add something to a photo

: Lush sunset last night

: Sunny days. Feeling grateful for this level of warmth and joy. Singing practise is turning out well. …

: A spectacular sunset.

: A sparkly sea for your day. A multifaceted shimmering diamond. Like us.

: Birds enthusiasts - shag? cormorant?

: Introducing Blackpool Tower.

: Happy love doves.


: Joyful doggo got his prize.

: Hello Mr Pigeon. Don’t you look smart today? Enjoy your sunflower seeds.

: How alien are these chitted potatoes? After 3 weeks on our priest’s kitchen window ledge they have …

: The potatoes have been planted. Woo! I had no part in the digging bit. That’s all down to my …

: The church garden is waking up. Hooray!

: So very grateful. Sunset on the prom. Fresh air. Magical colours. Yum.

: My happy place.

: May light infuse your heart.

: Meet Mischief. A sweet little soul. 21 years young and wholly unimpressed with my fluent ‘Cat’ talk. …

: Fairies welcome.

: Moody magnificence.

: Happy happy joyful times. And a communion cake. Yay!


: The flower bed is looking mighty fairylike these days.

: The magnificent Ranunculus. Sent with shining love to kind hearted souls around the world.

: Time for primula planting 🎉

: Meet Frankie. My dear friend’s doggo. He’s 100% the bestest boi. He loves playing tug and feels like …

: Here are three exquisite prayers from Cardinal A Newman. He was so poetic and graceful with his …

: Yesterday was the day I sowed tomato seeds in the church garden. It’s great to be back volunteering …

: Happy Friday!! Got a cracker of a cloud this evening 💜

: Do you like gardening? I love planting flowers and bulbs. I love propagating seeds (one day I’ll …

: In this video, you’ll experience all the life, all the colour, all the sounds of a rainforest …

: Prayers of light and grace with celestial harp. Full of beauty and wisdom. By A Newman. Glorious …


: Happy Mothering Sunday to all the mothers, all the universal mothers, who do kind deeds for others, …

: Super shiny berry goodness

: A relaxing half hour with harp and beautiful waves. I’ve had great feedback about this piece …

: This is such a happy hymn. I remember singing it in a ceremony for a dear friend who was giving …

: Oh yes. Let’s get sunned 🤩 (got a new grabby thing for litter picking and bamboo canes for gardening …

: This hymn has been close to my heart for a very long time. I have so many memories of singing it …

: This hymn is by Peter Madden and based on John 14. I used to love singing it at school during …

: This harp reset uses two chords in the key of F# Minor. Nourishing vibrations and resonance echo out …

: Moody magic this afternoon. How lucky I am. Grateful for the ever changing clouds.

: A simple recording of a beautiful hymn. I only came across My God Loves Me a year ago and I just …

: Cardinal Newman lived 1801 - 1890. His prayers and teachings are poetic, full of grace and fervour. …

: Find the courage to live your dreams and do what you really want to do! And do it to help others.

: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; …

: I absolutely love listening to birdsong. Now that signs of spring are here, in the garden, the …

: Ash Wednesday has been activated! Have you given up anything up for Lent? It’s a powerful time of …

: Calming, shining, sacred vibes.

: Sweet harp with a comforting, relaxing wave soundscape recorded at my new seaside home. Waves are …

: Went to a fund raising tea party to help raise money for those suffering from the the war in …

: Five minutes in the nourishing sun with tranquil, lapping waves is all it takes to reset.

: An immovable appointment meant I was battling a seaside storm earlier with my umbrella. Practical …

: Meet Baxter. Best traits: Luxuriously velvety ears, super duper friendly. Worst traits: Loves eating …

: First sound check from my new seaside studio and a beautiful lens flare appeared so I thought …

: Excited to finally share with you the Saint Michael painting I’ve chosen for my studio wall. I’ve …

: A sprinkling of shells.

: Found a little nook, away from the wind to enjoy this glowing scene for a while.

: Braved the winds in my polar coat to witness this majesty. Totally obsessed with sunsets …

: Happy Saturday! Here’s my latest joyful newsletter. Only taken me five months to write 😅


: Loving these soft, pastel, textured sea scenes.

: Often, physically and mentally it can be so hard for me to move. Anywhere. It’s something I’ve dealt …

: Feeling very lucky. I was visited by a Florentine fairy yesterday and then I made a chai tea. This …

: A dear friend of mine gave me A Simple Prayer Book. I have loved reading it and these prayers are …

: Enjoy all the happy moments outside whenever you can. Appreciate the ability to be able to walk on …

: Such wonderful light out there today.

: Blissful tranquility

: Darling little birds chattering in the ripply waves. They really are a delight. Not sure of their …

: Happy Saturday dear lovelies. Remember to look up! There’s all kinds of magic going on with which to …

: Cotton clouds

: This lovely piece is the first from my new seaside home. 🌊⛵🌊 It’s got a lovely, relaxing sea …

: Went to the the pond to feed the ducks and geese. There were warning signs saying it was all but …

: In awe of this celestial sky and pumped full of clouds woohoo!

: Happy Monday dear lovely folk! I hope this message finds you in a place of comfort. How have you …

: Camera recommendations please. For cloud capturing. There’s so much more to see in these shots but …

: First proper beach walk on New Year’s Day. A lull in the weather meant that I could get …

: Ran down the road in my pjs to get the best shot of this lushness at dawn this morn 😄

: May 2024 fill you with hope. A hope that’s beyond this material, physical world. A hope that …

: Some incredible shots of the Wyre Estuary. Taken by my dear Simon.

: The full moon. She rises. The rainbow. She arcs.

: Golden hour loveliness.

: Boxing Day giggles and the best sticky toffee pudding (with butterscotch sauce) in the land. Nom!

: Merry Christmas dear lovelies. 🎄 Hope you’ve had a wonderful time. I’ve had a fab day, with gorgeous …

: Hooray! Bunting and pom poms up before Christmas Day 🥳 Merry Christmas everyone! The biggest hugs to …

: Dreamy and reflective this Christmas Eve.

: What favourite series are you excited to watch right now? I’ve got Slow Horses and Reacher on …

: Golden hour glory and wind so gusty I had to be held in place to take these shots. 😅💨😅

: Carol Singing Giggles Hey lovelies, hope you’re happy and snug this wintry Tuesday. I had a beautiful experience last …

: Love watching seagulls hang out on the breeze. They’re having to work harder today. Flapping more. …

: Yay we made it. To the beauty of wide open shores and the glorious scent of the sea. Where starling …

: Goodbye little house. Thanks for the memories. Now I’m on the open road. Zooming towards a new life. …

: What a sky!!

: Good morning! Happy Sunday!

: Turkish coffee, dear friends, animated Shostakovich and the beautiful buildings of Glasgow. A …

: Glasgow City Chambers is so very grand. Hollywood often use this area, around George Square, as a …

: Late night fun fair in Glasgow. How happy does that horse look?!

: I first met Winifred when she was in her 90s. We played Mahjong. She told me stories about growing …

: Gotta love a bit of Tasha Cobbs. Fill Me up has me weeping every time. This gospel is taken from a …

: One more week of cycling along this lane to get home. Making badgers jump, late at night, as they …

: Clouds clouds clouds yay!

: Altars are special places. This one of mine has so much magic on it. So much kindness, so many …

: So much beauty.

: Spikey.

: One of my favourite things is to spend time with the jackdaws and crows. When I look out of my …

: When the sun catches the treetop frost, my heart does a little dance.

: I really do love it when everything goes white. I’ve added a warm tint because these are the colours …

: This is my last stream from Scotland! Please join to me for positive vibes, good cheer and healing …

: And then it was white.

: I’m moving in 2 weeks but shall be enjoying the bunting (and pom poms) until the very last …

: The ever changing beauty of nature and the celestial sky.

: Steamy sunset. It’s not hot steam though 😅🥶

: The glory.

: I very much enjoy a toffee with my coffee.

: Now the leaves have dramatically blown away and the garden is full of leaf drifts, the view beyond …


: This is the view from my new studio window. I’ll be touching down there in three weeks. How …


: Happy Friday! What a moody, mysterious day it is today. It’s the kind of dreich weather that …

: I’m a sucker for pom poms so I’m obviously elated with this new string of them …

: For the love of autumn 🍃🍂🍁✨

: Hooray a new release! It’s a calming, uplifting harp journey with a soundscape of a crackling …

: Friendly cats in my future neighbourhood town yippee!

: In the Middle Ages, there was thought to be a disease called “Tarantismo”, which was …


: This glorious view could soon be my new back garden. Zooming into the horizon shows the grand hills …

: Lexi’s eyelashes really are the best.

: I adore this harp journey. It flies up up up into the ether of sound where magic and mystery reside. …

: Imagine the most powerful mother, full of love and compassion, shining Her light from the heavens. …

: Really enjoyed this dog behaviour video from the dog’s eye level. Super interesting with lots …

: Smiley happy burgers have popped up on my route to swimming 😄🍔😄

: Awesome lil Dodo. “The sun rises and sets with my two cats. Truly.”

: As a kid at the seaside, I loved nothing better than playing in amusement arcades on crane machines, …

: Yay! Happy Friday! My latest newsletter’s out! If you enjoy reading about happy, joyful things …

: Enjoying my new plant space and pine cabinet (it was supposed to be for books 😂).

: I’ve created an ethereal wolf soundscape. There are many different personalities here. A whole …

: Having one last listen to my new track Cosmic Wolves ready for it being released on Bandcamp soon, …

: Hawthorn berries against a blue sky is the most beautiful thing and makes me so happy!

: Cosmic Wolves anyone? Tonight I’m playing celestial harp with ethereal, howling wolves. …


: Please enjoy five hours of angelic, celestial harp music. Some tracks are super cosmic with lots of …

: Are you a cat or a dog person? I’m both, but I love dogs best on a part-time (non-walking) …

: Love this Drum and Bass set from Maduk. Lots of funky, liquid beats. Love the Pokemon remix. Now …

: How many people have fallen in love with a plant? Because I just did. Caladiums rock.

: Opening night of the new season with the Scottish Symphony Orchestra featuring Mahler’s 4th …

: I had the pleasure of meeting this Red Admiral today. What a beauty.


: I’m like a moth to a flame when it comes to the Blackpool illuminations.

: Yes please.🍰 which one do you fancy??

: It’s only 45 mins to get to the sea from here (the promenade). Easy 😂 first holiday in 4 years woo! …

: A magical flower for your day 💕

: Cabbages are so beautiful. And French Marigolds are so fancy.

: Happy Friday! This is a gloriously sweeping harp journey full of joy and vibrancy. It ebbs and flows …

: Tinto Hill in the distance and the setting sun opposite.

: Being 200m above sea level means there’s a freshness which makes my heart sing and my skin tingle …

: Summer in Scotland.

: Magical Glasgow moments in Merchant City and City Halls.

: A misty morning.

: Hello dear family, I would love you to listen to this sermon from Father Andrew Robinson. The first …

: A vase of birthday wild flowers is a real treat. The buttercups gleam gold in the light.

: As a kid, birthday cards were a bit of a boring process and left to open last. These days, at age …

: I never knew spotty socks could bring me so much joy.

: This awesome harp journey features psychedelic, relaxing cat purrs along with melodic, dreamy harp. …

: This is a beautiful prayer repeated five times and accompanied by ambient harp music. Call on Mary …

: A heavenly sky 💙

: Happy to have a smidge of blue sky now and again (and dare I say sunshine?!). You certainly get it …

: There were lots of fast moving, bright, lovely clouds today.

: Joyful donuts in the city woo! First port of call obviously 😄🍩😄🍩😄

: I did enjoy this father-son moment as they knocked at someone’s door. Dad’s face is just …

: Imagining these scenarios brought a joyful tear to my eye.

: This is a soothing piece of music. It’s a lament, so it’s pensive and emotive. What is …

: The sweetest Dodo story. What a dear family.

: Hooray! I finally managed to release an album on Bandcamp Friday!!! 🥳🎈It’s a great day to buy …

: I’m releasing a new album tomorrow. This is the cover. Love love love it. It’s called …

: Woweee. There always so much going on in the skies at the moment. The rain brings magical clouds …

: Yay! Found this lovely moss specimen in the polytunnel yesterday. I sure am in love with this …

: A trip to the city always brings treasures. These are donuts made by Tantrum. I’m still …


: What are your favourite 90s films?

: Looking after a friend’s garden over the next couple of weeks. Just wow to these lilies! 😄

: Afternoon rhubarb cake yum! Very grateful 🙏

: Happy hair.

: Happy cloud fairy.

: I love me some moody, epic clouds.

: Some sweet photos from the medieval event at my local library recently. Unfortunately I did not have …

: I’ve just written my latest newsletter. If you fancy a joyous read here it is. Pixie is of …

: Divine Mother Comforting Harp Prayer live session on Wednesday 28th June 8pm BST. Would love you to …

: I am a machine when it comes to potting on plants. So much of a machine, I don’t usually …

: Beautiful clouds again at last.

: Angel healing harp prayer with words of love.

: I highly recommend both series of Slow Horses. Gary Oldman is just brilliant with an all round …

: Fresh, sweet, Scottish strawberries. I wait all year for this delectable moment 😍🍓😍

: 12pm BST - Wednesday 21st June - Summer Solstice Blessed Harp. You are welcome!

: Been listening to underground soul this afternoon. I love the rawness. Here are three of my …


: I made elderflower cordial from the big bush in the back garden, where the robins live. It was fun …

: Tis a special tree this one. It’s a Western Hemlock.

: Spot the catto.

: My new favourite flower bush to hang out with is the Syringa. Luckily the neighbours have one so the …

: Yep. It was as good as it looks. Lemon ricotta sponge cake. Nommmm. Happy Birthday sweet Simon! You …

: A new day. A new coffee. Yay! Those are Italian milk cakes by the way. Yum!

: This is Lanimer Day here in Scotland when the town gathers together to celebrate a new Queen being …

: “My special friend shared her smoked salmon sandwich with me in the park today, then we played …

: These lush scenes were recorded around the area where I live in Scotland. It’s rhododendron …

: The lushness. She came.

: I was out filming in the dappled sunlight yesterday feeling like a fairy entering a magical world of …

: Current view.

: Snugglebum mode activated.

: Oh how I love dandelions. So do rabbits you know.

: Before yawn After yawn

: Dragonfly blessings. I didn’t even know it was there.

: Happy Friday!!

: This healing harp video is from my first album - La Navigatrice. It’s uplifting, expansive and …

: Current read. Loving the language. Makes such a change from modern times. I love Daphne’s style. And …

: Happy times when the leaves shine gold.

: Love a walk with the scent of creamy hawthorn blossom.


: Bought a cheese yesterday that I nickname ‘Le Stinky’, a French Camembert. We both have …

: Salve Regina. Hail Holy Mother! Here’s a magical prayer and a wonderful, sacred slideshow. …

: Happy happy tulip.

: Current obsession = Dewdrops

: Happy Saturday! I love recording my harp practises because I’m relaxed, exploratory and less …

: Finding this lil tiger in the jungle fills me with joy. I always bring my trusty bamboo stick cat …

: Sunniest day of the year today. I was down at my community garden planting up the mangetout troughs. …

: Super lovely little walk at dusk with all the insect fairies dancing in the new warmth. My favourite …

: 🎉 I’m excited to release a new cosmic track. I’ve been experimenting with sound by using …

: Such a lil smoosh face.

: Pixie looks even more amazing (if that’s possible) now the spring flowers are blooming.

: A wee joyful meditation. I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.

: An excerpt from a new video release full of strengthening prayers of protection and peace …


: I recorded this 5 years ago when I was a cat sitter. This is sweet Fennel. I love playing harp to …

: Best vet logo.

: Life can present so much suffering. It’s working out how to smile through the tears. That’s where …

: Ominous cloud love.

: Here are some prayers from the Saint Michael Novena published by W.H. Litho. They are strengthening …

: A delicious Buddha Bowl.

: Happy Monday! This is the video for my glorious Spring Resurrection release on Bandcamp. 40 mins of …

: Lots of change in the course of a few hours.

: A beautiful friend gave me this glass swan paper weight recently. It’s now on my altar. It was …

: I really do love my forest of plants and all their colours. They hungrily lap up the sun with it …

: Yay! Always a day to celebrate when I get to hang out with Pixie in the park. The best part-time …

: Happy to announce the release of a 40 min harp song called Spring Resurrection. It celebrates the …

: Happy Monday! I’ve got a little shop selling sacred Scottish agate crystal jewellery imbued …

: Adoro a língua portuguesa e tive a sorte de aprender alguns hinos celestiais e também as orações do …

: Here’s a snippet from my Spring Newsletter…Then there’s my love of bubbles. …


: Those sweet bleats melt my heart.

: This is a whispered ten minute track of The Lord’s Prayer and The Hail Mary Prayer. Each …

: A sill of celestial nature magic. Can you spot the special Scottish agate crystals getting ready to …

: The pearlescence of a daffodil petal brings me so much joy✨ Look closely at most flowers in the …

: Take time for yourself, away from the chaos of the day. Be like a hibernating bear and curl up in …

: Happy Friday! A sultry morning full of magical possibilities. The only stories you want to tell …

: Loved watching this Fast-Paced Outfit Change Of Céline Dion.


: Very excited to be getting ready to sell my Scottish agate crystals that have been imbued with …

: Went to a friend’s house today to meet Poppy catto, a new addition to the family. Mitzi doggo is …

: Happy Sunday! Mossy walks and flowing waters. I get so much harp inspiration from being in nature. …

: Welcomed warming sun on the face is so nourishing.

: Sunset snow

: Mitzy doggo. The silky earred one 💕

: The Snow Queen, she is here.

: Happy Friday! We could all do with being more patient. It’s calming for your mind and makes …




: I’ve joined Linkedin. 😃 If you fancy it, let’s connect. I hear that’s a special …

: Amazing news. 5 Minute Sparkle: 30 Empowering Days is officially released 🥳🎉🥂🍾I’d like to …

: Blessings on your day. May it be full of grace.

: Happy Monday! This is Day 14 from my soon to be released course 5 Minute Sparkle. This is …

: Pure radiant energy for your Sunday 💗

: Miniature sunshine trumpets make me very happy.

: Yummy ocean colours in this sacred church.

: Holly’s Happy Joy newsletter no.2 is out today and features cosmic clouds, sacred spaces, …

: Just taking a moment to appreciate how amazing it feels to get back home after a challengng day in …

: If you’re looking for a great vocal warmup, Mark Baxter is brilliant. I love reading the …

: Come rest your head for a while. Relax, unwind, put your worries and troubles into this healing harp …

: Amazing sunlight in the paddock.

: Well that’s fun.

: This mad face is so happy to be outside breathing in fresh air and listening to the birds. Yummy!

: Oooo cosmic excitement as dangerously vibrant as can be.

: New 30 min harp journey - Miracles - is out now on Bandcamp 🍾🎶✨ The reverberation is so majestic and …


: Devotion is a day from a new 30 day course I’m in the middle of making. Five minutes of …

: Have you ever experienced a miracle? I see miracles everywhere. Acorns that turn into oak trees, a …

: I love sunsets when the sky is full of magic.

: Magical miracles and healing harp. Sat 11 Feb 12pm GMT. Come listen to stories about miracles. …

: I heard this truth recently - Right now is the youngest you’ll ever be. And now…and …



: Even made it to the sea. 🥳 This was a much needed day out. When there’s no car and not much money, …

: Enjoyed a wee brunch in Oqo, Leith.

: Spent some time in St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh.

: What a beautiful day. It began at dawn.

: I bow before this radiant light.

: A shining meditation full of light. Received on the night of the snowy full moon. It will help you …

: This birdsong was recorded in the Peak District countryside, in the centre of the UK full of …

: The Queen of the Sea. Mamãe Yemanja. A healing, divine, potent force full of nurture and light. It’s …

: “I recognise this smell. This is the smell of the fairy who played with me last summer in the park …

: Paradise. I’m in love with life 😍 New bird alert (or maybe it’s a blackbird with a call I …

: Dance of the Blessed Spirits is an angelic half hour of healing, expansive music. Open your heart to …

: Glory.

: Two current obsessions (other than moss, which is a given) are clouds and logs. I picked up this …

: Moments later…

: The day. She wakes.

: This is an epic 3hr trance set from Cold Blue. If you want to hear la crème de la crème of trance …

: What a log character.

: It appears I’m a fan of school based fantasy. I’m currently watching Wednesday, which I …

: This is a follow up video of self-reflection about how unhealthy it is to blame others and how we …

: How often do you get emotional about past traumas? Do you find yourself out of control, wanting to …

: First joyful newsletter 🎊 Sign up for the next one here.

: I’ve written my first newsletter. Hooray! If you would like to sign up for some sparkly, sweet …

: Happy Friday from Ebony!

: What a jolly man with his mice friends.

: Spot the moon.

: An Introduction.

: I’ve released a new track - The Angels, They Speak. 🎊 Serene sounds in this meditative hour of …


: Oh my goodness, I love these rhythms so much. Tinariwen are soooo awesome. Making the best food …

: A lovely walk.

: Robin and distant river at dawn.

: In this series, Guardian writers share the best advice they have received and how it has impacted …

: This is a day from a course I’m creating. Connect you with your magical self to cultivate …



: Exploration


: This is Minou. He’s 16. A demanding, floofy cat with a penchant for food. He spends his days …

: A heartwarming story.

: UltraSonic Cosmic Harp Jam - This harp journey is super high vibe. It’s floaty, celestial, …



: High on snow crystals (again 🙄). ✨✨❄️❄️☀️☀️🚀🚀🪁🪁

: Where the countryside starts meeting the town.

: Epic, undulating expanse.

: One of the amazing pieces of Scottish agate jewellery currently being imbued with angelic harp music …

: Winter clouds make me so happy.

: I do giggle about the difference in style between mine and Simon’s washing up. He’s methodical. It’s …

: Just finished The Menu. It’s totally a late night, existential version of Ratatouille 😂

: Late night snacks have changed somewhat in recent years. I did have Monty Bojangles earlier so …

: The Bliss.

: A lovely harp journey holding the energy of a musical prayer being sent out to those who need …

: Harp Prayer at 20:30 tonight GMT. Affirm, believe, hope, wish, connect with your inner strength and …

: Choose your flav. Can be vegan if required 🌱 🧁 💕

: A great little story from this morning - A moment that changed me: I watched a bomb-disposal robot …

: Yay! Baby possum and his mama reunite 🥳

: Do you ever get overwhelmed by pain and feel so scared about how you’re going to cope? Then, …

: Pray for yourself and others through the supportive power of sacred harp music. Affirm, believe, …

: I Put Myself First is a new meditation about coping with challenging relationships over on …

: What a gorgeous story.

: Wow this set is sooo amazing. Fun, fast, funky, shiny, uplifting, psychedelic. Otta is on my happy …

: Yay! 🤸🏼🎉🎶✨I’m delighted to release a new track on La Navigatrice called A Study in Pause. We …

: This is the wonderful Sept @ the Boiler Room x Voxnox: Warsaw. I’m getting vibes from the …

: New Year’s Blessing 2023 on Meditation Lights. ✨

: Have a wonderful New Year dear sweet people. I hope you can find and celebrate your true self and …

: Would recommend this amazing loop set from Marc Rebillet. He’s so much fun with an awesome …

: Exquisite Gregorian chants with the added pizzazz of a saxophone gradually making an appearance, …

: Whimsical, joyful Christmas card don’t you think? Drawn by the talented Adriana de Matos. I love his …

: Afternoon vibes with my squirty whipped cream 🍦 love it sooooo much. It’s full of 🫧 🫧 🫧 And just to …

: What can you do to make yourself feel nourished today? Me: Make bean casserole with rainbow veggies.

: I appreciate the little town where I live in Scotland. They make a lovely effort throughout the year …

: Whale song & Sunshine harp. A blissful journey into a deep embrace.


: I was elated by the magic of the arctic blast recently. Along with sub zero temperatures came …

: A Christmas gift if you wish. Here are some free download codes for my album Craobhan, which means …

: Sweet friendship story about a man and a husky in Paris.

: Solstice blessings everyone. As the sun begins to return, I call in abundant miracles for the golden …

: I absolutely love cats so I made an amazing purrscape and a magical, relaxing harp journey. I …



: Cosmic cat purrs and healing harp strings is an online event tonight Saturday 17th Dec 9pm GMT. A …

: Zola Blood are melancholic and haunting whilst being totally funky and uplifting. With such a …


: An interlude.

: Apparently these icicles were as high/long as a house 🧊😵‍💫 ❄️ ☃️ but the perspective doesn’t show on …

: More lovely water falling. Have you ever had an ice bath?

: The Snow Queen’s residence.

: The Ice King of the North’s winter realm.

: Further into the frosty forest.

: Nature meets industry at this world heritage site. Autumn leaves. Winter snow.

: I can’t go on long walks without my feet protesting but my lovely Simon can. I’ll be gradually …

: The world is so magical 🌟


: Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name; you are mine. When you …

: Not many songs make me weep but Lully, Lulla, Lullay is one of them. A marvel of the highest angelic …

: Golden sparkly hexagonal prisms of snow. Aaarrrggghhhh losing my magical mind over here 🤩 I loves …


: This is such an awesome set from Eddie Halliwell containing many old school, hard house tunes I went …

: Never thought Frosty the Snowman could be such a wild ride but my, it sure is with Bublé and the …


: Stunning music from Choeur du Carmel de tous les Saints.

: Some yummy vegan Christmas recipes here. I tried the smashed tatties tonight. Yum! I’m a tattie …

: Magical Frosty Full Moon Musical Meditation - Bright Crisp Uplifting Harp & Sweet Birdsong is …



: Taken by Simon

: Super beautiful set from Cosmic Gate. Uplifting with surprisingly fat bass. Trippy, celestial sounds …

: Frozen earth. Warming sun.

: Fun, clever, gripping films I’ve partaken in recently. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Fracture …


: Ambient rain and melancholic harp in tonight’s live stream. Join me at 20:30 GMT for some peaceful, …

: Pain needn’t be suffering 24/7. You can distract yourself in many different ways. Laughter can be a …

: I felt rather like Will Ferrell in Elf decorating the tree this year 😆🧝‍♀️🎄✨🔔💖

: OwowO Andre Bocelli’s rendition of O Holy Night just blew me away. Love his voice. Makes me …

: I haven’t been into giving and receiving presents for years and years. I’ve been such a traveler, …

: Our lives are made up of weaving harmony and disharmony together to make a whole.

: I’m a member of the fb group Oriental Shorthairs Rule!! because I’ve got a fairly unhealthy …

: Best Christmas card ever 😸 Inside…

: A sacred choral treasure. Composed by Grigory Lvovski. Very very special. Hymn of the Cherubin.

: I felt everso mature yesterday treating myself to the finer things in life. I also celebrated the …

: Relax and enjoy this gloriously calming underwater soundscape as dreamy harp guides you in a bubble …

: Magical mist floated in after the glory of dawn.

: Best cat commercial ever?

: A rainforest meditation with tropical vibes and healing harp is available to help rejuvenate your …

: oooo I did giggle…

: I’m enjoying a rainforest soundscape I made for tomorrow’s Tropical Harp live session …

: Never apologise. Never explain. Kate Moss.

: The biggest lesson at the moment is about connections with people. You don’t have to hold onto …

: I’m a sucker for doggos in motorcars in idyllic locations.

: I’ve made some changes to my website with the help of the beautiful frithrah and I love what …

: Come join me for some amazing live harp and birdsong tonight at 8:30pm GMT. Expect blackbirds, …

: More ocean themed harp this evening with magical whale song coupled with an ocean soundscape. So …

: A magical harp track Call of the Mermaids is out now on Late Nite Harp 🧜🏽‍♀️🧜🏽. It’s a …

: Please visit my Ko-Fi page and donate to my goal. I want to play harp for people in palliative care …

: I am offering bespoke, healing harp journeys this Yuletide. Only 5 available. Choose one for …



: Ocean Harp tonight at 8pm GMT. 45 minutes of relaxing ocean sounds and ethereal harp. Join me! 🐳

: My power animal (after visiting the whisky stall).

: Favourite furry?

: Patience

: Hope

: Christmas market day.

: Untangle from your mind and breathe in nature’s power. I let go of everything holding me back.

: Repeat after me: My thoughts are light and positive. I deserve to feel free.

: Well this is a rather high energy, banging techno set to blow away the cobwebs. I do like it fast …

: When life throws so many different crises at you simultaneously, I’ve learnt it’s an opportunity to …

: The calm after the storm.

: Sea Swirl is my new harp piece over on Late Nite Harp. Sail away into a healing, nourishing ocean of …

: I sowed many marigold seeds this year and only one sprouted. Through winds and storms it grew …

: Fancy going on a potato trip?

: Through the recent chaos and uncertainty, bright, shining, supportive hearts have been there. …

: Three seasons here. Thought there’d be a snowy white fourth but now my journey has unexpectedly …

: Took this photo five minutes ago and it’s now completely grey. Loving this wild Scottish weather.

: Jackdaw delight.

: Magic

: Yay it’s the guinea pig brigade! 🥰

: Pre-party set up for the community Halloween party and Pixie didn’t know which way to turn. Were the …

: I love a cat’s purr. I also love it when I put sound effects on that purr creating something …

: In the gardens where I volunteer there are many different areas of lushness. Sometimes I work in the …

: I love the juxtaposition of these two videos in my YouTube feed. Strong women of around the same …


: Neptune, over on Late Nite Harp, would like to introduce itself during twenty minutes of glorious …

: Autumnal yumminess. Garlic chestnut mushrooms and mashed tatties with peas and marinated tofu.

: All ready for the local children’s Halloween party next week. I’m not into scary costumes (either …

: Love all the delicate water beads in the bottom right hand corner.

: Enjoy Halloween? Love cats? Look no further than this epic and eerie soundscape adventure Into the …


: A big, happy, fungi family.

: Absolutely loved Three Thousand Years of Longing. Rich, sublime, soft, sweet. Colourful stories. …


: Fungi season 😍🍄

: Very proud of my latest album Planets II released today. I feel amazed it came out of me. I’m …

: A fascinating look at natural candy making with delightful interactions, fabulous scenery and …

: Earth Harp - Uplifting Sound - 432Hz - Emotional - Rich - Grounding. A harp meditation connecting to …

: Taking a moment to appreciate the stunning 80s beauty of the Labyrinth Soundtrack. Glorious synth …

: Crystal Harp Healing - a Journey into Rose Quartz. Relaxing, magical, heart opening.


: It’s a steep learning curve opening yourself up to online streaming. Being vulnerable and …

: Rainbow ride into toon.

: What a lil tinker.

: Delicious morning.

: Today is an auspicious day for setting positive intentions and life changing affirmations. Connect …

: Mysteriously dancing harp vibrations tonight for the live stream. Positive affirmations, letting go …

: What beautiful trance. A comment: So nostalgic, so sentimental, so ‘my childhood’, so …


: Happy happy sunny shiny Friday times 🌞 It’s Bandcamp Friday so if you were thinking of …

: Half an hour of deep harp.


: I’ll be doing a 30 minute live harp stream this evening at 9pm BST. Join me if you can.

: Yes, you are the most beautifulest.

: No I don’t think you can catch that biplane in the sky but you can try.

: Yes you can share my crisps.

: The Minions had me in fits of giggles last night. Fav two shorts from Minions & More 1 were …

: Candlelit Harp. Autumnal Vibes. Evening session with lots of beautiful, evocative melodies.

: Uranus has announced itself over on Late Nite Harp 🎺Have a listen. Pre-order my ethereal planetary …

: Slow Pixie.

: Fast Pixie.

: The most beautifulest.

: ✨🎉Announcement 🎉✨ Planets II is available for download on 22/10/2022. Pre-order your copy for a …

: A day of magical sky.

: Bring on the day! I’m ready 💪🏽

: Oh what a lovely morrrning…

: Self-Worth - I Believe in Me is a new meditation just released. Our inner critic can be a complete …

: Evening light.

: What?! Even more amazingly ethereal harp?! Why yes there is 😁🎶

: There’s a Romantic Reset in G Harmonic Minor over on Late Nite Harp. This sweeping image from …

: Estas Tonne playing his glorious Inner Worlds piece is truly uplifting and inspiring. No words can …


: Killer plant room

: Beware…moss 😆

: The joy you feel when you realise the neighbours with the noisy and scary dogs are moving 🤸🏼‍♀️😆💃🏼😁

: I’ve started live streaming. It feels great. I recorded it too. Enjoy some sacred, healing …


: What a day at the farm looks like for some very lucky doggos!

: I am Flame of Light - Release Burden into the Fire Let everything go into the flames and connect …

: Dear little sweetheart.

: Yay Pixie’s back 🎉 helping me pot on when she wasn’t chasing butterflies. Made herself right at home …

: The light oh the light 🤩

: The Chamber of Treasure features rich, exotic resonance and bright ethereal harmonies over on Late …

: Helped a bee out with some honey water. Obviously wanted to stroke it but refrained : )

: Sweet peas are still going strong.

: Be with your Breath is a soothing 10 minute meditation to help you remember how nurturing your …

: Some delicious food offerings this past week.

: In glorious woods I roam.

: In the lush green I sit.

: A wee blackbird visualisation and some delicate, healing harp music has arrived on Meditation …

: Harp bathing in a sunbeam.

: Pixie has gorgeous hazel, green eyes. Here’s her snakey side coming out. I love her floofy chin, …

: Auroric Embrace delves into the cyclical nature of life and all the bittersweet, overflowing joy …


: She reminds me of a prim lady from times past here 😸

: We had a lot of fun this afternoon.

: Introducing Princess Pixie of the Flower Fairies.

: Deadheading the roses comes with the joyful advantage of working in the rose garden all afternoon. …

: Guilty pleasure? Perhaps. Not for the feint hearted? Definitely not. I watched Nobody last night …

: Wow I love this techno DJ Courtesy. She’s got a great sound - fluid, soft, driving, ethereal, …

: Meditation Lights has a new episode - What Colour are You? Peaceful Colour Meditation with Ambient …

: Resident alpaca friends. And Pepsi catto.

: Joyous puffs of colour.

: The beginning.

: Getting back into the magic of the Hare Krishnas and Hinduism. Bright, beautiful Holi Festival - a …

: Sweet Scottish summer garden with resident cat.

: Listening to a blistering techno mix from AISHA right now. Ethereal, driving, banging, super hard …

: This is a special favourite.

: Ok. More cat pics coming up woohoo!!

: Obviously you can imagine I’m doing cartwheels inside 🤸‍♀️ Snuggly part time cat love is the best …

: Think I actually wore her out (for about 5 seconds when she demanded I play with her again…yay!). …

: Princess of the park.

: Cosmic Dance is new over on Late Nite Harp. It’s a habit to play familiar patterns of strings; …

: All I wanted to do on my birthday was find my favourite furry friend and hang out with her. My wish …

: Birthday lunch cake. I’m a lucky gal (and will be swimming everyday for the rest of the week 🤣).

: Bright birthday bulbs 🌷 Exciting as I’ve not planted bulbs before.

: Best card ever 😍 I was told it was just perfect for me. A spaced out hippy, musical dinosaur? I …

: Birthday cake for breakfast? Oh absolutely yes ✨ 🎂✨ I’ve always liked the number 43. It’s gonna be a …

: A little bit of Scottish heaven.

: Celebrating a wonderful milestone for my harp podcast - Late Nite Harp. 100 Episodes! 🎉 Thank you to …

: Meditation Lights release! A celebration of the sun and all the flora and fauna it nurtures followed …

: I spy with my little eye something beginning with ‘h’…

: Sturgeon full moon.

: Sunflower paradise. They smell delicious. So say the bees. I have to agree.


: Helping me harvest the teasel (dive bombing it mainly).

: Yay Pixie’s back!

: Yummy sunset taken ten minutes apart.

: Tradescantia Nanouk purple underside. Simply stunning 😍

: Narcissists. Do you know one? Do you live with one? Is there one in your family? How do you deal …

: Sage tea. Perfect accompaniment for cold and flu symptoms. Add a bit of honey for extra goodness. …

: A new rain meditation is available over on Meditation Lights 🎉💦Let’s get cleansed, calm and …

: Great little clip on the 80s punk look.

: Gladioli loveliness sparkling in the sunshine.

: The cat and her dog. Those eyes 👀🤗

: Hello sweet bee. She loves the smell of sunflowers as much as I do 😍🌻😍

: Hello froggy 🐸 I disturbed you whilst weeding the fern wall. Oh my you can climb 😃

: Hair is a great protector against crawly, bitey, flying things when gardening.

: Venus is the latest piece to be released over on Late Nite Harp. 99 episodes - how exciting! Here …

: A beautiful story about a moth and a lady.


: So in love with these clouds. How is it even possible to be so epically beautiful? 😍


: Smooth, uplifting sounds from Rüfüs du Sol. I enjoyed the musical journey. It made me feel dreamy. …

: Beautifully intricate

: Land of Healing Flowers is a visualisation to a magical, calm place full of nature. Come rest here …

: Garden offerings. Spinach, thyme, chives, parsley, nasturtiums, raspberries.

: Super duper magical sunset

: A bunch of freshly cut flowers over the heart felt wonderful and healing. Try it!

: Awesome funky set with a mega enthusiastic crowd. This is Fred again.. in the Boiler Room. So much …

: Yay. Kitty was back at the park for some action play in between hissing at the local doggos. 😻

: Had one of those amazing days realising it’s the simple things that truly matter. I got to hang out …

: Playful Pixie

: I volunteer at a beautiful horticultural park. Today I was picking gooseberries and had wonderful …




: Psychic Vampires. What are they, why do they exist and how to escape from them. New episode on …

: Lion’s mane

: Come watch some doggy fun at The Farm. Love this place so much. Doggy rehabilitation and sanctuary …

: Enjoy this Love Activation over on Late Nite Harp. Listen to connect with higher powers and feel …

: Just watched a beautiful, little, innocent series called Heartstopper. Set in a school in England, …

: Me, trying to leave the balcony free of plants 😁

: A lady donated lots of ferns to me after needing to move them out of her garden. This is what I did …




: The evolution of the garden in the four months since we arrived…


: Something a little different today - the first episode of my healing, cosmic planetary course to be …


: Dawn

: Would love this neighbourhood cat life 😻

: Here’s an uplifting, ethereal five minutes for your Friday, full of magical elf song. Here …

: The scent of sweet peas is my favourite summertime joy. It’s made of some kind of magical, feminine, …

: Overwhelmed with the beauty of it all.

: Hey lovely folk! I call these happiness flowers. Sending them to everyone who bought my new planets …

: 🎉 Happy to announce Planets I is now officially released 🎉 Enjoy your cosmic adventure into space. …

: Hooray! Tomorrow, my album Planets I will be released 🎉 On this volume - the healing music of …

: Who’s eaten a nasturtium? Love how many sunshine hues they come in. Leaves are great sliced in …

: Managing our Inner Critic is a new episode on Meditation Lights. Included today: Reflections on …

: 5am after club vibes 😎

: Found ourselves on the receiving end of a couple of shots of mezcal. All the bartenders had one too …

: Mama Snake in the mix. My new favourite techno dj. Been around forever, knows how to mix in awesome …

: Seriously amazing time dancing to Mama Snake last night. Then we watched the sun rise.

: Sunset paradise

: The Voices - A Stream of Healing Consciousness and Light is a new style of meditation I’m …

: Tumultuous.

: How lush is this Tradescantia Nanouk? Purple leaves and magical star flowers. I’m in love 😍🌸✨

: These shots of Jupiter are stunning works of art - and they’re real 😲🙃. “The vivid colors you …

: Have a listen to Jupiter over on Late Nite Harp. It’s a journey into space, the cosmos, your …

: Magical kingdom clouds.

: Looking a little high after playing harp in a beautiful library. The books were relaxed 😺

: PLANETS I - Exciting album release news 🎊 Full album coming on July 13th 🎉 1 ½ hours of …

: I am the Wind - Into the Nucleus of Nature you go - Meditation & Bright Solstice Harp. This …

: I discovered the Ozric Tentacles after watching this cool Glastonbury Festival film. Oh my goodness, …

: Nasturtiums intertwining more every day.


: This Allen Watts set is a wonderful trancey listen. Super high vibes and lots of shininess. My heart …

: Welcome to my windy garden of delights 🌱🌸🌱

: Summer nights

: It has been super special to watch this glorious garden grow. It had been neglected before I moved …

: Magic of the Sun is an offering for the Summer Solstice. Here in Scotland we had our one day of …

: Solstice Blessings 🫶🏼🌞🫶🏼

: Viola madness and a chocolate cascading mint plant. I ❤️ flowers 🌸💖🌞😍🌻🙃

: Has anyone seen my flower fairy juice? It’s very potent and very…. Ah, I see. You’ve drunk the whole …

: There’s a Protection Reset & Harp Activation over on Meditation Lights. A calming …

: Jackdaw checking out my new friend 😁

: First baby ladybird of the year spotted! So cute 😍 Go well little bug, you are very welcome in my …

: Train adventure - finding the right carriage is always an exciting moment 🙃

: The wizard’s workshop.

: This is my Ethereal Sunshine Tango. Recorded on a sizzling, sunny, Scottish day. Enjoy going high …

: Magical moody lands. And the birds are soooo loud. 😍 Heaven on earth.

: Pure Sweet Love.

: “I burn away negativity with my radiant spirit. I am warm, caressed by starlight, bathed in …

: Sweet Paola, the Cottage Fairy. An angel here on earth. I love this latest episode of her in a …

: The Lanimer Queen was crowned in front of thousands this week. It’s been really fun to see this …

: Bright, enchanting harp music full of life blooming in the sunshine. Happy Birthday Simon my love 🌻 …

: Oh goodness. How cool is this catto? Or should I say how fast?!

: Windy day. No cloud gets chance to stay around too long 😃

: Couldn’t resist a stroke of this one.

: Horsey meet-up. What a scene. It’s a whole other world. 😺 I’m just there to admire the fluffy ankle …

: Always wondered if they ever rang that bell. Got my answer. 😄

: Happy Lanimer crowds.

: Off they go cantering up the hill…whoosh

: All shapes and sizes

: So many beautiful horses

: Horses, lots of horses. Riding right past our house. It’s Lanimer Week!

: “You don’t know what the future will bring, but just hang on and keep the light” - …

: Happy to have crystals out again.



: Exciting market haul including… Chocolate mint plant Parsley plant Violas Iced ginger cake Apple pie …

: Another from last night with a bit more width. So good 😻

: Enjoy a springtime reset in F major for some happy, refreshing vibes along with 5 minutes of …

: Fire sky

: Absolute fairy flower heaven. A paradise garden created by kind folk long ago and maintained by …

: A five planet alignment - how exciting!

: Celebrating the return of the warmth in Scotland with a refreshing springtime reset. 🌞🥳😎

: I ❤️ wild meadow grass sooo much. All different colours and textures out there. Proper grass fairy I …

: What a difference a day makes. I think those exotic harp melodies worked. Thanks to everyone for …

: “Calling all warm weather” - please make your way over to Scotland. It’s June, the …

: Magical walls.

: There’s a sensory garden on the way to market and I feel like an absolute fairy whenever I’m in …

: Let’s take a moment to appreciate the level of buttercream here. Alleluia. Amen 😍

: Got a nourishing collection of produce from the local market this morning. It’s an animal market …

: How amazing is the Kate Bush scene in Stranger Things that everyone’s in love with now?! S4E4 …

: Ice cream porn with passion fruit mango coulis and other stuff 😍

: What a floofer.

: Oh hello catto. Wanna play?

: It’s not often (twice in my whole life now) that I get to go to an organ recital. I ❤️ the power of …

: What a glorious walk into town. The 50kph wind gusts were an added bonus 🤪

: 1 Year, alone, off grid - a fascinating and nourishing look at what can be achieved on the land in …

: Thank you to the person on MB who reminded me about the lemon ricotta scones. I finally got around …

: Mermaid Reset in 432Hz - it’s time to get wavy 🌊 🧜🏽‍♀️

: 😄 Click here for the secret panel.

: Just made my very first omelette with chive flowers from the garden. They look so pretty all …

: I was reminded again of a Nelly Furtado song I was obsessed with in my 20s. The beat was so awesome …

: Aquilegia goodness.



: Beyond the green magnificence of my back garden beech tree heaven lies another magnificence with far …

: Hummingbird Prayer. Today I ask the magical hummingbird, revered in rainforests as a sweet messenger …

: Looks like a giant buttercup.

: Many jackdaws live in the beech trees out in the back garden and it’s the first time I’ve heard baby …

: I cannae get enough of this view.

: I managed to grow a single pink aquilegia flower a few years ago. I even took it on holiday to make …


: Being a little under the weather does have its benefits. I got to surround myself with a 4am dawn …

: Dance of the Rainforest featuring melancholic harp and a lush tropical soundscape is my new piece …

: Meet Dan the pony. Here for the summer pastures. 28 years old. Loves lying down. Often seen with …

: The history of Keith’s buildings of Cadzow Street.


: Feel like I’m in a land created by Dr Seuss 🥰

: Breakfast time 🥳 Oats (soaked overnight) Oat milk Soaked sunflower seeds Cacao nibs (best thing …

: Went to a lovely café today - Chocolat Blanc - and had my first Cortado. An acquired taste that had …

: I’ve released a super beautiful ocean vision quest over on Meditation Lights. You’ll …


: A truly breathtaking 4hr trance set from Cold Blue. I was dancing to it outside as a storm whipped …

: Giving some Sunday loving to my new Cosmic Harp track Song of the Sea. 22 minutes of blissed out, …

: Looking forward to the magical aquilegia flowers coming soon.

: Love this story of Cathode and Rémy 😻 A sweet sweet love.


: Gotta love a guy with this much mad music bravery. And found myself giggling when he started running …


: In a sensory garden full of nature I lay, looking up at the sky, the leaves, the trees. The birds …


: Here’s a stunning new relaxing release over on Bandcamp. Song of the Sea is an uplifting, …

: I’ve been receiving lots of magical, mystical prayers recently. I’m sharing this one …

: Such a rich purple colour on the violas at the mo. And everything’s covered in beech tree pollen …

: Look at that face of concern - it’s ok Ginger, it’s just you in the garden today, no other boy cats …

: The birdsong today was so rich and diverse. It soared gloriously with so much variety of song. I …

: Nasturtiums have incredible leaves.

: I’ve got a new cat friend. He comes to visit me every day - well, he comes for the cat who’s on heat …

: Well hello pretty purple flowers. Don’t you just love nature growing out of walls? 😍

: A gorgeous little song about hummingbirds has been released over on Late Nite Harp. Also, I talk a …


: Oh how I laughed at this. Spot the sea lion. A fun YT channel. This doggo one’s great too.

: More of Nala’s whiskers can be found in this video 😻

: I write a letter to my brain in this week’s episode of Meditation Lights. This is Resisting …

: Paradise

: And bunnies 🐰 They’re very tame and very big here. Now I understand why there’s netting all around …

: We have some new horsey friends for the summer.

: Everything by the wonderful Anathema always makes me emotional. In fact many of their songs make me …


: Happy Friday!

: Been coveting these headphones for a while. They feel so comfy and cosy on my ears.

: Well hello there super cute Labyrinth flowers. 😍

: Awesome classic trance set here from Solarstone made all the more wonderful by the epic views from …

: Yay! Presenting my new whirly washing line - cemented into the ground because it gets soooo windy …

: A melancholic harp reset in 432Hz is waiting for you over on Late Nite Harp. ✨ Dandelion ✨

: I love Vök. First discovered them in a cool cafe in Munich called Lost Weekend. Tonight I enjoyed a …


: New meditation out on Resentment. How do you let it go when it comes? ❤️

: I find it far too difficult to refrain from eating all the freshly baked cookies before they’re …

: What an awesome set from DJ Luter One. He plays fantastic soul and beats from the 80s/90s and I love …

: Morning light glory.

: Doggo and birdo here to spread love.

: I’d never heard anything good about Japanese Knotweed until this morning when I read it can be …

: Fancy a short, dreamy harp reset to cleanse your aura? Enjoy three minutes of beautiful, ethereal …

: It’s ok to take a break away from it all and recharge. It’s healthy to stop.

: Dreamy colours.

: A meditation on learning to accept everything that’s happening in your life. This has been …

: A friend came to listen to me play.

: Full moon, birdsong and a longing Tom cat.

: I find myself in a strange and noisy predicament this past week. A neighbour walks his cats (on a …

: It’s a good day when you open the Liquorice Allsorts and there’s the best selection ever (with …

: Spirals of Melodies is a new piece on Late Nite Harp beginning softly, floating in on a breeze. To …

: Lush spring vegetation before the flowers pop.

: Love a good rain droplet or two.

: A short meditation about listening. Great for peace, tranquility, letting go and confidence.

: Watching epic films and playing epic orchestral music as a kid has had a profound effect on my …

: Sir William Wallace


: Big girl’s chair.

: Yay, creative announcement! 🎉🍾🎊 Deeper & Deeper is a new all encompassing soundscape I’ve …


: A comment from this sweet little video - ‘If we bottled that love and shared it around, the …

: Playing the best of Still Corners right now. Track 4, The Trip, reminds me of exciting times a few …

: Come rest in the woods for a while with an enriching spring meditation.

: Just swam for the first time in two years. Mermaid mode activated ⚡️Thank you sun for the post water …


: Golden milk 💛

: Russell Brand just gets it.

: The dragon, oh she flew and she blew balls of ice in her wake. Then she was gone.

: The spring snow dragon has been out in full force today but only for half an hour. A lovely …

: Good snow flurry morning to you! Here are some thoughts about Patience and how to get more of the …

: A funky, uplifting, delicate duet from Lisa Hannigan and Loah here. And this is Lisa ten years …

: My one and only house plant. Looking forward to much abundance with this mini money tree around. …

: My Meditation Lights podcast is officially launched woohoo! Here’s the intro. Join me for some …

: Yay! Finally a lovely new harp release from my sweet countryside cottage. Featuring a 5am dawn …

: City living meant a certain level of disconnect from nature, except for my adorable pigeon friend …


: I let go of my garden tools before I went travelling so buying a few small things like a trowel, a …

: Found myself listening to this awesome Motown track tonight. Everything about it is cool. And I love …

: When you hear a wren go off on a massive melodic tangent singing so loud and fast that the whole …

: That moment when you haven’t had a fridge or washing machine for 2 weeks and they’re now …

: Beacon of light 🌟


: Loving this moon tonight. What a colour.

: First play in the open air for a very long time. Couldnae see a thing but enjoyed a great session …

: These sacred friends have traveled with me over the years. They now come to rest at a magical place …

: Been dipping into this Bryan Kearney trance set. There are some real old skool crackers. He …

: New studio setup for magic making. ✨✨

: Good morning from chatty jackdaw heaven. You can just hear the tumultuous Clyde river in the …

: Full moon right now

: Tree heart of the glimmering golden sun

: Countryside glow.

: A sweet light in the woods at golden hour this evening.

: Tree time. Soon they’ll be green with leaves but for now I’m enjoying their silhouettes. It’s …

: Goodbye Glasgow home. You were an interesting experience but I’m grateful not to feel caged anymore. …

: As well as knowing the warmer weather is coming here in Glasgow, it’s also the moment to …

: One of my moving house rules is that I can definitely eat the big carrot cake with a fork rather …

: Probably the most epic set I’ve ever heard. Hard, fast, full of energy and industrial sounds. Many …

: My new favourite techno set - Kobosil @ Unpolished 2019. Energetic, original, great for packing. I …

: Yay! We’ve found a tiny house in the countryside to call home. Part of some old grade II listed farm …


: What a beautiful movie Soul is. Glorious animation with a nurturing, healing message. It’s …

: The simple cinnamon bun, when done right, is a delicacy to experience.

: Russell Brand - I’ve been warned not to talk about this. Making a great deal of sense.

: Went on a journey to find a new home. Saw a little cottage, walked through a nearby wood and came …

: Some deep purifying river love 💙

: Bird paradise. A life style choice. There’s never a dull moment in this house. I love the …

: Soul Seed is pure ethereal sound from deep within your soul in 432Hz. Latest release on Late Nite …

: Two years ago when I arrived in Glasgow, I booked up this techno night not knowing what to expect - …

: Shining happy soulful music is surely needed right now. This is Optimistic Soul’s set from earlier …

: Love a cat who comes running over to see you. It’s always such a privilege. This is one such catto.

: I’ve just released a 3 minute reset with some joyful tones in 432Hz over on Late Nite Harp. …

: ✨I’ve created a new magical, mystical course✨ 🔥The Planets: Inspiring Guidance & Cosmic …

: This is ButhoTheWarrior. I love his sounds and delivery.

: Went to an Afro House event last night. So much happy music starting with Lunarplatz.

: Repeat after me - I am proud of myself.

: I’m gonna live down a lane like this one day soon. With lovely sheep friends, we’ll look out onto …

: Enjoying the spectacularly hypnotic Blawan. Smooth, funky beats. Yum. I’ve suddenly got a …

: Majestic moss. Serene snowdrops.

: Yay. Happiest moment meeting the friendliest catto on a windy ridge in the Scottish countryside. …

: Guinea pig paradise (omg how cute are guinea pig babies?!?).

: Have you seen this sweet story of a student opera singer (in the audience) stepping in to duet with …

: It’s full moon tonight - a silver snow moon to be precise. There’s a mysterious harp …

: Gorgeous angel lady and her doggo Mugshot.

: Joined Mitchell Library today. Last time I had a library card was 20 years ago. I was like a kid in …


: Meet sassy Linda from HR.

: A beautiful calm piece has just been released over on Late Nite Harp. I Dream of Flower Meadows is …

: For those who like their techno hard, fast and fly, this is the exciting CLTX. Here’s another …

: I’m empathy giggling with this lad stuck in the mud. I’d be the same, possibly crying …

: Just had one of those thoughts only kids and grown up kids have: if I could choose only one smell in …

: This video blows my mind. ‘To infinity and beyond!’ as Buzz would say. ✨🚀✨

: Three heartwarming animal stories to fill you up and brighten your day. Larry’s Story PJ the …

: Loving the new Netflix series Arcane. Discovered it by closing my eyes and picking something at …

: Meet Jill the Squirrel. Cutest relationship ever 💖

: ⭐️🌟 A wonderful harp project has almost reached fruition! 🌟⭐️ 💃🏾 My new uplifting, magical, cosmic …

: Not for the faint hearted but fun nonetheless.

: Mr Universe, Fizzy Bodies, Chatty Lassies, Dance Floor Shenanigans The music last night was eclectic, hypnotic, hardcore. The club night’s called Need for Speed, …

: Before I went clubbing last night I read this dance therapy article about how to prepare to for a …

: The sweetest ball of parrot sunshine.

: Off to see Charlie Sparks. Off for a dance jaunt. Lift those legs Miss Honeychurch. Here I come.

: I’m bubbling over with joy yay! Today, I recorded the audio for my latest, 11 part course on …

: I release myself from people who stifle my evolution.

: Wordle 218 3/6 ⬛🟩⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ❤️🧡💚 Play Wordle here

: Repeat after me “I am doing my best”.

: Taking a moment to celebrate my absolute addiction to Duncan’s of Deeside’s All Butter Double …

: Love this still from today’s doggy daycare farm trips video. A blessed life waiting for a …

: Gregory’s Girl. A funny, surreal, quirky film about teenage awkwardness and the pursuit of …

: Took a little trip into the heart of the West End today.

: Celebrating beautiful, divine music over on Late Nite Harp. 🎊 🎵✨


: We need to be our own cheerleaders! 🤸🏿 + 🤸🏼‍♂️

: If you fancy some trippy magic, spend 5 mins watching this Mandelbrot fractal zoom, with your fav …

: Found some epic (and I mean epic) new techno from Viper Diva (great name hey?) and their set from …

: Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard = My secret, guilty pleasure. Salma Hayek is such a badass. Do …

: Here’s a stunning recording of Samuel Barber’s Agnus Dei sung by The Flemish Radio …

: Yay for yum cubes! aka Pistachio Turkish Delight from a sweet neighbour. So different to what I’ve …

: Beautiful man. Beautiful donkey. Beautiful story.

: I discovered Wordle last night. I love it. I love it so much I persuaded multiple people in my …

: Daily Affirmations ~ Light Heartedness I find the world a funny place to dance around I am light in …

: Here’s an uplifting, angelic sound meditation to connect you with ethereal magic. This is …

: Rescuing a Hummingbird.

: Let’s get fast and funky with Red Scan - Unstable Mind 🤸🏼‍♂️✨💃🏾✨🤸🏼‍♂️

: Tree of Silver features a tawny owl, mourning doves, robins, song thrushes, wrens, and a whole dawn …

: I malt so much with longer hair. I find beautiful silver strands on my clothes, floating out of …

: Mood. Help me decipher the artist’s surname. Would love to see more of their work. 😻

: My crow friend was as happy about the freak sunshine as I was 😆 Think I might have gotten a bit of …

: Lochwinnoch. Moss! 😍🍀😍


: Time for a mini adventure. Away from the city for the first time in forever 🥳

: It’s wonderful to find out that my new album Craobhan will have airtime on One World Music …

: It was a race against the Yorkshire Pudding Gods to take a voluptuous and airy photo of the wee ones …

: A sound arose of endless interchanging melodies woven in harmony that passed beyond hearing into the …

: 100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying. Be polite to rude strangers – it’s …

: Introducing my new album Craobhan. ✨🌲❤️🌳❤️🌲✨ It’s a Gaelic word for Trees. I’ve been listening to …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 30. Love. Happy New Year! ✨ My life is full of love, magic, abundance …

: You know you’ve got supersonic hearing when you can track down the sound of a slug eating a …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 29. Acknowledgement. I acknowledge the challenges I’ve dealt …

: A fun video about a sweet sweet doggo. I was chuckling.

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 28. Choice. I choose wisely who I spend time with and open my heart to …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 27. Creative Juices. I am in the zone of pure creative flow The …

: Awesome techno set here from three b2b DJs I found through loving Inhalt der Nacht ❤️. Brilliant …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 26. Generosity. A generous spirit in thought and action vibrates in my …

: I was 22 when I first heard E-Bow ~ Sigur Rós, on an adventure in Australia. It expanded my musical …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 25. Expansion. My thoughts are guided by a vast pool of loving …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 24. Joy. I see joy, I feel joy, I create joy, I am joy I welcome …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 23. Renewal. I call on all things beautiful in my heart to help guide …

: Maybe I’ll share one of my favourite jingly tunes : ) Michaels Bublé & The Puppini Sisters …

: Well, it’s as near as I’m gonna get to Christmas angels….here’s a beautiful …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 22. Health. I am reawakening my muscles I love and nurture my body My …

: Don’t know about you, but I love slo-mo sausage doggos leaping into water. They start around …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 21. Purpose. I am a healer I make magic I soothe the world I am a …

: Feeling overwhelmed this holiday season? Need some time out? Join me in the world of ultimate cat …

: There’s a slice of swirly, romantic, powerful, moving, resonant cosmic harp waiting to be …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 20. Where’s my focus? I live a privileged life I have the …

: The hot dog challenge.

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 19. Glass half full rather than half empty. Every day I look and feel …

: Woke up after a little cat nap, looked in the mirror and realised I was looking (bed head) and …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 18. Taking positive control of life. I alone am in control of myself …

: Best Techno set I’ve ever heard. Inhalt der Nacht @ Reaktor, 2019. Funky, heavy, fast, …

: Meet Mike the Magpie. Your saucepans are no longer safe.

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 17. POWer of thought. I open myself to the wisdom of the universe I …

: I woke this morning, angry and fierce, after dreaming of the past. Negative thoughts spiralled, …

: Last night was a beautiful thing. Through the ice mist and multi-coloured light layers, the music …



: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 16. Surrender. I surrender all expectations I trust in divine timing I …

: The Castle is a rich, charismatic cosmic harp piece with softness and drama. There are beautifully …

: Louise Hay - Heal Your Body

: Have you experienced dogs being ninjas? Looked after a labrador once, turned my back for a second …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 15. Peace & Positivity. I welcome miracles into my life I allow …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 14. Where is your attention? I focus on what I want Other people do …

: Fancy hearing some beautifully sweet early morning robin song? Over on Late Nite Harp I’ve …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 13. Gratitude. I am thankful I am nourished each day I appreciate …

: Snowy White Night is magical and mystical. A perfect lullaby for a cold, crisp evening as the snow …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 12. Celebrating creative gifts. I open my heart to the richness of my …

: I found myself in an unusual position during my night out last Friday. I’d never been to the …

: Here’s a classic Limmy sketch. He’s a unique Glaswegian comedian, who helped me slowly …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 11. Body fitness. 💪🏼✨💃🏾✨🤸🏼‍♂️ I am light on my feet. With each …

: My facial expressions as I watched more and more of the F1 Grand Prix finale today. 🙈

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 10. Balm for a frantic mind. I love and approve of myself. I am calmer …

: Pretty lights.

: In love with this lady’s garden and all her friends.

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 9. Recovery and new strength. My body knows how to heal itself, and is …

: Here’s a sweet, little snowflake song I’ve just recorded. 😻

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 8. Feeling joyous today. And excited. For tonight, I party with Trym. …

: This guy and these fun loving Kunekune piggies. 😍

: Early morning Glasgow. Just me and the birdsong.

: First time listening to a Tinlicker set. It was a sweet and chilled experience with lots of lovely …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 7. Affirmations from The Queen ~ Louise Hay. I am loved, and I am at …

: Hypnotic, funky, playfully smooth techno? That’ll be D.Dan : )

: Early morning birdsong (3am), taken from Albert Bridge, towards a tidal weir, near Glasgow Green. …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 6. Wealth. I am open and receptive to all wealth life offers me I …

: Last night was curious, colourful and cool. Slower beats meant a different crowd and a more chilled, …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 5. Confidence when moving. I walk with ease. I move with grace. …

: If I Can’t Have You - Tony Di Bart. Wow, this song takes me back to a time when I barely knew who I …

: The lights were really something tonight.

: Clubbing on a Monday?! Ooooo you naughty girl.

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 4. Strength and Abundance. I am rich in health, happiness, love, …

: Techno lovers rejoice! Found D.Dan. 🥳 This set of his is unreal. It’s hypnotic, melodic, raw, …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 3. I am supported in all I do. I am positivity personified. I choose …

: A Copenhagen from the wonderful Freedom Bakery today. Complemented with a cup of Assam tea (with …

: It’s not often my heart and soul explode open when someone sings but it always happens when I …

: I’m seriously appreciating what I made here. Hot chocolate with masala spice, sea salt and cream. …

: I pray my rage is a fire that cleans my mind out and makes me ready to listen I pray my rage is a fire that cleans my mind out and Makes me ready to listen I pray my pain is a …

: I ❤ The Bengsons! When I heard The Keep Going On Song last year I wept with emotive joy through …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. Day 2. My emotions have had a direct link to my fingers for far too long …

: I see a deep, dark cavernous kingdom where Balrogs and Dragons reside. There’s golden gold …

: 30 Days of Affirmations. New moon eclipse in Sagittarius. The world is your oyster. Give yourself …

: Let’s all get down with the whales this Friday. Here’s Kevin James with an awesome pick …

: DnB set tonight from DJ Hybrid. It’s smooth, jungly, and nostalgic with some lushly soulful …

: I go so deep into the rhythms of Drum and Bass. My body loves all the different, funky beats. …

: The Holly and the Ivy is my favourite Yuletide song (it’s a jig!). This rendition is sung by …

: Phenomenal set from Charlotte De Witte. I’m always grateful for the ethereal bits in techno. …

: A night of hard trance with some real crackers. Lots of whooping and whistling from the old timers …

: And carried on into even more colour (I ❤️ lasers and disco balls). Lasers even make squiggles now!!

: My night on the toon began with some pretty lights.

: Been listening to this Aly and Fila set for 4 ½ hours now. It’s 6 hrs in total and …

: Cheeky evening coffee whilst listening to a classic trance set from Cosmic Gate? Don’t mind if …

: That’s me away then, full of oxygen and exuberance after leaping round to Trym’s bangin …

: Taking on a load of shelter dogs and putting hours of training into their rehabilitation is a …

: Cosmic Stones is a new 30 minute track over on Bandcamp I’ve just released. 🥳 An über deep …

: The Raven

: I’m half way through a new Cosmic Harp project and get so giddily excited about it all, like a …

: A super story about charming ravens and a lovely lady in Hollywood.

: Beautiful Bird is so special to me. I received it in the final moments when my mother passed. I …

: An acoustic excerpt of my new cover song Beautiful Bird.

: 🎊 New Song Release 🎊 Beautiful Bird is a song I’ve covered by Adrian Freedman. There’s a …

: This is the coolest mix by Anna Gram, I’ve got on repeat at the moment. So many 80s vibes and …

: There is a song coming soon, a powerful song, which I received in the moments of the death of my …

: If you fancy a simple, melancholic, cosmic harp journey with a flower, here’s my latest Late …

: 2nd jag day. Even though I’ve already had Covid (and fortunately wasn’t too badly affected) I’ve …

: Doesn’t get much cuter than this. Goblins aka pugs in their Halloween costumes.

: Always learning.

: Just found an awesome Glaswegian DJ, Anna Gram. Delicious, retro, melodic flavours run through her …

: I love these foxy characters, including a tree fox who can climb so high. And sweet Muttias with his …

: This is some kinda doggy paradise.

: New favourite YouTube channel. Doggy Daycare Farm Trips in Australia. It makes me so happy watching …

: Last autumn, I released an autumnally inspired cosmic harp journey. It’s a swirly piece with …

: Floofy hair dayz.

: Thomas Coats Memorial Baptist Church in Paisley, on a bright, sunny day is something special. I just …

: I had an interview on UK Health Radio’s, Alchemy 101 recently. Can’t quite bring myself …

: Fireworks over the city last night too far away to capture. A blur of light was just as pretty. …

: A sweet cover song with a poignant story, getting a special release soon…

: Recording video can be challenging in the city. Like today, just as I’d pressed record, I …

: First time dancing in a while. Found this set to be most healing and smooth for my current buzz. …

: A spooky, musical offering today on Late Nite Harp. Calm, atmospheric, lots of cats!! Happy …

: It can often feel hard to pull away from creative work at home to visit new places. Staying local …

: This lamp has come into my life at just the right time. It was in another room, rarely used. I moved …

: Cosmic Ocean is now available on Bandcamp. Yay! Excited and blessed to be creating ethereal sounds.

: 🎃 Halloween Special 🎃 I’ve been wanting to make a cosmic harp journey featuring cats for a …

: Working hard on a complex piece, which has gone through many stages of transformation to get to …

: If you fancy a 12 minute seascape of serenity in the heart of the ocean featuring hypnotic whale …

: Here’s a special, sacred hour of a deep, ocean soundscape. This is Cosmic Ocean. Travel into …

: Super happy about my new Cosmic Harp project over on YouTube. I’m experimenting with sound …

: Scottish Fold Cattos = Absolute Love Bugs And what a cool furry family this lil girl has. Yes …

: Let’s Rave Baby! Image by Martin Lopez

: A watery, soothing cosmic harp journey to lull and relax over on Late Nite Harp today. La …

: Introducing Opera Doggo, good boi!

: We put our child in charge for a day – it was both terrifying and freeing.

: Life feels exciting when new music is being made. The creativity fairy is back in town and I’m …

: Absolutely loved this set from Cosmic Gate. So many old tunes. I was back in the Opera House in …

: I was in a cerebral state last night and decided on a new way of picking a movie. I closed my eyes, …

: For those of you who love Halloween (or have to love Halloween because of the kiddos : ) here are …

: I was featured in Good Health Magazine. Woo!

: Something that’s really making me smile at the moment. This one too. Catz rule yeah! ps Oh …

: This is my new favourite song by Haki R. Madhubuti And Nation - Rain Forest recorded in 1984. It …

: Miss Monique’s latest set from Turkey. Here she is smiling in the sunshine. Dance on peeps!

: Yay for Cocoa Puff!

: It’s Bandcamp Friday - a fab time to be supporting independent artists over on Bandcamp! …

: My favourite tune right now. Dreamy, funky, ethereal, floaty. Thunder has helped cat napp gain more …

: Wild dolphins play catch with their favorite person. A magical story.

: 4am cycle through the city streets. Silence, followed by early morning robins. I love late night …

: Miss Monique coming at ya with her weekly progressive house set. Lush, deep, soulful grooves in this …

: I’m in one of those moods where I can happily sit and watch 1000 colourful macarons being made …

: Autumnal park vibes.

: Thank you to all those who bought my album on Bandcamp, it was super sweet of you and I hope …

: Wow, just discovered Isono Hirō. And the whole website looks super interesting.

: Putting a call out to anyone who has a cat that purrs. I would love some audio of these cat purrs …

: Really enjoying this starry composition as I sit on my favourite soft spot of warmth listening to …

: Dear lovely peeps, my album is officially released. Yay! Here’s the link to La Navigatrice on …

: Happy Friday! Here’s my album cover. Woohoo! I love its simplicity. After working on it with …

: I’m finding this video about Zazu learning to bark softly the sweetest thing right now. …

: Oh my. Beaker the ducko and his favourite boy. What gorgeousness ❤️

: Katla. The moody series I’ve devoured over the last two days. Beautiful landscapes, slow …

: Just finishing up mastering my first album. It’s been a bright learning curve putting these seven …

: Just heard the best set in a long time. Melodic, progressive, hypnotic, full of musical layers and …

: Well that’s the best news I’ve had all day 😉🥳🤩 Mario + Rabbids - Sparks of Hope. Love this comment - …

: The smallest horse in the world lives with a sweet, caring couple and lots of Frenchies. A …

: I’m absolutely rocking out, in a dreamy kinda way, to this dj duo I’ve just discovered. …

: I’m enjoying a morning set of proper trance from Giuseppe Ottaviani @ Creamfields. The beats, …

: For all of you enjoying ethereal melodies and gentle (yet driving) beats, here’s a set from …

: Oh my goodness, just noticed a catto hanging out in Miss Monique’s latest set. Could she be …

: Just gonna celebrate for a moment after reaching 500 listeners of my course Healing Relational …

: Checked out a new club venue I’m off to in December (to see Trym from France bang out some dance …

: I got unusually mad (and I mean mad to the point of frustrated weeping) at a guy on Ig today who …

: I’ve just been introduced to Nandi Bushell and her performance with The Foo Fighters. I find …

: Heard Calling All Angels for the first time last night (at the end of The Chair - a great little …

: 50 people have signed up for my course on trauma and cosmic harp music already. Feels surreal …

: An endearing story about a man, his six boykin spaniels and their search for box turtles in North …

: A dear pilot spends his spare time rescuing animals from over populated shelters. Such a wonderful …

: I, like everyone else, am struggling to comprehend what’s going on in Afghanistan right now. …

: ANNOUNCEMENT. Fresh and full of magic. I’ve made a course called Healing Relational Trauma …

: Ice cream of the Gods for lunch. Liqueur truffles for dinner (and breakfast) including melted …

: Thank you for all my lovely birthday messages! I’m very grateful for each one of them - it’s lovely …

: Birthday biscuits woo! 42 today! 🎉🍾🎊 It’s been a weird, emotional year for me, but I’ve come full …

: Beautiful Miss Monique dances so much in her sets, I can never quite get her in focus. Eternally …

: Better to be dancing, whether rain or sunshine are some of the lyrics in this groovy, chilled out …

: The cutest boy in the club wanted to buy me a drink last night. I’m grooving at the bar, happy …

: It’s been one of those days where everything was perfect and right. Where everything worked in …

: Got my hair cut by a sweet, wise, bubbly lady called Yvonne. I’m sure we’ve all had confusing …

: Miss Pretty


: Love is.

: Hydrangea Love.

: I do I Ching online sometimes. The explanations, though full of riddles, are super interesting and …


: What do you do if somebody calls themselves an arsehole and you say ‘no you’re …

: My exquisite ‘tin’ has been with me a long time. A birthday present to myself many moons ago. The …

: Celebrating a beautiful reunion.

: Wholesome and joyful.

: Tell me you need a coffee without telling me you need a coffee - * Note to self - remember the base …

: Had the magical experience of happening on a delicate flower today and in the moment I took the …

: Captured by Simon

: Never heard any Space Rock until now. Astromelia have a wonderfully groovy and exotic sound. …

: There’s been a change to the macaque hierarchy at a Japanese reserve and now the alpha is female.

: Creamy lemon cheesecake ice-cream🍦 followed by scented purple buddleia goodness.

: An ethereal, melodic progressive house mix from Miss Monique to keep you focused and groovy : )

: Been taking a few pictures of yummy food creations recently.

: My audience this morn ❤️

: Always loved ferrets. Never got to hold one though. Until now. In the park, hanging out with their …

: Grateful to have a cosmic harp journey featured on Insight Timer. Dandelion Seed is peaceful, …


: Celebrating shaggy silver curls.

: Verbal Jujitsu.

: Fun, green tea, jiggly mousse cake recipe with an audience of cats. Love this channel - calm, sweet …

: Just released a sweet, sparkly harp song about an old furry friend over on Late Nite Harp called …

: Fancy something exotic, passionate and mysterious? Here’s my latest cosmic harp journey …

: Chilled vibes in the city in Royal Exchange Square. Ice-cream has been consumed. Happy days.

: Watched Uncle Frank today. Poignant and heartfelt, I really loved it. It was funny, sweet and full …

: Delighted it’s mango season in India and Pakistan and all the local Asian shops are offering sweet …

: Absolutely adore this message from Maya Angelou - Love Liberates.

: A beautiful, heartfelt, magical song about whales from Susie Ro - Creatures of the Deep. I love this …

: Yay for the reintroduction of beavers and the first kit being born in the UK!

: The Oatmeal is a wonderfully funny comic. And this particular one about Rambo the dog is extra …

: I love this video featuring two huskies and a golden lab. It never fails to make me laugh. And the …

: Random amazing tent found. Might just stay.

: Indiana Jones set in Glasgow. The streets are transformed.

: I found this video and advice from Dr Les Carter about breaking trauma bonds very interesting and on …

: Yay for gentle, happy, cheeky pitbulls.

: New relaxing, earthy cosmic harp journey has just gone up on Late Nite Harp. In the Deep of the …

: Vibrant city scape views with a twist of orange 😍

: Two happy things for your morn - A big happy bird and a goofy doggo.

: I think we all need to take some cues from these two.

: My new harp piece The World Keeps on Turning has just been released if anyone fancies some chilled …

: Fancy some hard, melodic techno to get some jobs done fast? This set is totally banging with loads …

: Seriously sweet mousey story. Looks like a heavenly place to live.


: A beautiful moment between a lady and a monkey.



: Baklava when freshly made, is the most delicious experience for the senses. I found a wee place on …

: If you ever get the chance, try Love Potion no. 9 from Conscious Chocolate. My go to bar to make my …

: Introducing Electric Kool Aid from The Ivy. Absolut Elyx, Plymouth Gin, Havana Club 3 Year Old Rum, …

: I’m launching into the world of voice overs! I’ve recorded a few different styles for my …

: The Scott Monument. What a beauty. More exciting stories from Edinburgh tomorrow (mainly food …

: Sweet, sweet, happy ducko : )

: Just remembering this old advert I loved as a child 😃 great animation and drawing. Fab style. There …

: The city was full of late night magic at sunset yesterday. Pics taken out the back and out the front …

: This is such a great video about Foley sound artists. From now on, whenever I watch a film, I’ll …

: A 2hr bike ride through the city this eve took me through some interesting places.

: Glasgow Science Centre on Summer Solstice. 10pm.

: Shiny happiness

: ❤️🧡❤️Fever baby!❤️🧡❤️

: Fevers - what a ride they are. Especially without taming them with meds. I’ve had an intense 18 hrs …


: Spaceship vaccination centre.

: Fancy an exotic harp adventure? Sahara Dancing Free is my latest passionate, dreamy release.

: Admin, Hopes, Self-Discovery and Dentists 48 Hello! In this episode I cover a range of topics including music, creativity, critcism, teeth, …

: Glasgow airport is just down the road. Here’s a plane flying over a boatyard.


: Ended up in an industrial area in Yoker earlier with lots of scrubland at the back where wildflowers …

: Sunbathing squirrel

: Three films I’ve loved recently - Bullets Over Broadway, The Wolf of Wall Street and Cast Away.

: In keeping with the moment, I decided to make Simon a toothy peg themed card for his birthday this …

: Riverside magic

: Fancy a pint?

: I’m choosing some nature sound samples on Zapsplat at the mo. Listening to them is reminding …

: And the wisdom tooth is out! 🥳🤩🎊🎉🎵🦷🥂🍾 😮😹🥴🌺✨🌸🌟 After the last three nights of no sleep whatsoever and …

: Watched 300 last night. Actively avoided it for a decade because of my non-violent, hippie …

: I’ve just released Forest Kiss on my Late Nite Harp podcast : ) It’s a fruity mix of …

: I may be asking for trouble but I can’t help but leave a few nuts on the ledge. The wood pigeon is …

: Absolutely loving this mini concert from Andreas Vollenweider. It’s funny that I’m not …

: That’s me weeping over here watching the beauty of humanity. Man sneaks a whole lot of …

: ‘I promised Brando I would not touch his Oscar’: the secret life of Sacheen Littlefeather. In 1973, …

: I’ve recently discovered that watching luxurious, playful cakes being made on a large production …

: I had a realisation during a breathe meditation this morning. I realised I spend so much time …

: How can they be so pink? 🙃


: Simple Vanilla Muffins (nom!)

: I’m in love with Weddell Seal song.


: Cheeky Chappy

: What school bag did you have? I had a hard Samsonite briefcase laden down with many books. It could …


: The Keep Going On Song by The Bengsons is my new favourite song and seems to make me and so many …

: Cheeky doggo hoping to play ball with a stranger through the fence.

: I love her face.

: Glorious Glasgow ~ Kelvingrove Park

: I felt vulnerable and insecure yesterday and couldn’t control my emotions. I was questioning …

: Delightful springtime walk. Can’t believe how pink, pink flowers are. They’ve got their own level of …

: Curious lines of light this morning.

: I read an interview with Leigh Bardugo. I hadn’t heard of her before and saw she’s …

: Just bought a chocolate cake, didn’t bother slicing a piece off, got a couple of forks and delved …

: The Spring Queen is my new cosmic harp piece I’ve just released over on Late Nite Harp if …

: Today the cats were out in full force. As my walk started, I thought I’d interrupted a meeting …

: I’m a quiet, gentle activist for freedom and human rights. I’m not sure I’d be any …

: Had a cool review from my latest track on Insight Timer just now. Someone wrote - “Oh was this ever …

: How beautiful and grateful does this man look? It fills me with happiness knowing that he and his …

: Good morning. Happy Friday! Here’s a short, peaceful guided meditation from Mooji - Seeing …

: I’m proud to live in a country where human rights, equality, standing up for justice and …


: Love love LOVE kilts.

: Today was another fun trip out on the train with sandwiches! I visited Dumbarton. I sat on a bench …

: Feeling soothed by this sweetly, harmonic song. Hymn of Healing by Beautiful Chorus has a super …

: I got a lovely message from the team at Insight Timer to say they are thrilled to announce my cosmic …

: I’ve been taking some moments to watch (on repeat) this sphynx kitten/bat demon break an entire …

: It’s 3:40am, I’m up and laughing at how LOUD the seagulls have just become out there on …

: Helensburgh has lots of lush nature and many unique stone houses. It felt special walking through …

: I went on a trip to Helensburgh today. It felt expansive after the density of the city. The clouds …

: Juicy, crunchy colours. Tasty stir fry magic.

: I love this as a concept. And I totally adore tulips. Their colours and sparkling petals brighten my …

: Sometimes I listen to the band Alcest. This song, Délivrance from their 2014 album Shelter has to be …

: Easy peasy Mediterranean Fish Bake if you’re interested. T’was so yummy. And easy. My …

: Just found a new DJ and I love her so much already. Miss Monique, a cute, smiley girl from Ukraine. …

: I’m not the greatest morning person. My body loves sleep. Today though, I was wide awake at …

: I used to run a wildlife sanctuary of sorts when I lived deep in the countryside of the Peak …

: Here’s my second digital diorama - Buzz Masquerades. Buzz dances in the moonlight with alley …

: Listened to two epic sets today. The first was techno trance and the second was a hard trance set. …

: I’m totally in love with Owl Kitty. Particular favs are The Lord of the Rings and Indiana …

: I’m here to celebrate a beautiful Saturday. Treacle tart and clotted cream for breakfast, a …

: A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood is such a moving film. I love Mr Rogers and knew nothing about …

: Apple pie and ice cream with a lovely cuppa tea. For breakfast of course 😉

: As I sit here in the park listening to wrens and goldfinches sing their sweet songs, as I watch the …

: A sweet, gentle, ancient sounding lullaby (featuring a blackbird, a cuckoo and a couple of cats) for …

: Super shiny mesmerising.

: Haste Ye Back

: Stop the press! I went on a train to Bowling Harbour. First time out my local area in yonks. The air …

: I’ve been having lots of fun making colourful videos recently. It’s an infinite creative …

: Just seen the coolest music video with David Hasslehoff and now I want to see the film Kung Fury. …

: Finally it’s finished yay! I’ve been working on my first digital diorama. There are …

: Sweet Buzz. Always had a distant look on his face as if he were connecting to another reality. His …

: Love it when that happens.

: Just listened to the best DnB set ever : ) What great beats, fat and juicy with excellent graphics …

: Introducing Pickles. She looks to be having a wonderful dream…in the sky, with flowers. This …

: Not having a cat in my life means I’m excited whenever I meet one in the area. There are a …

: Here’s another portuguese song I’ve been working on. Soft and gentle like a lullaby. Uma …

: Bye Bye Wuwing This was our dear old car we called the Wuwing. We hoped she’d go on forever. We got her at …

: Check out this badass depiction of Saint Michael by Vuk Kostic I’ve used in my new video. And …

: A meal fit for cat royalty. I love these videos so much. Such a nice channel about cats and Japanese …

: That’s me away with my annual addiction to physalis. I eat them until the ulcers come.


: I made a video for my latest song Luar if you fancy some colourful, magical, sea inspired beauty.

: Guess which one of the snow folk played Pikmin all day yesterday…🤔

: Ooooo look what arrived in the post today. I’ve got a soft spot for these little creatures, always …

: Trance music rescues me. What music rescues you?

: There’s nothing like a bit of Paul Van Dyk with some shiny old school tunes to get me smiling. For …

: Celebrating salad as art form tonight with -10 degrees celsius outside I thought a big salad was in …

: I’m really into this parish council story - a zoom video gone viral about a tiny village …

: My new favourite pastime is catching snowflakes in my mouth as they fall. Doggo mode initiated. The …

: I ❤️ being a grown up. Scones for tea it is then. 👍

: Considering it hardly ever snows in Glasgow, now it’s become a fantasy world for a few days. Feeling …

: Happy snow pixies

: Found a friendly Snow Angel

: Snowy white/orange night.

: Just started listening to a vocal anthems mix from Bryan Kearney, released a couple of days ago if …

: Here, have a ginger biscuit. Surprisingly smooth compared to the recipe but deliciously morish …

: Classic trance track from Signum coming at ya and I highly recommend his set from 2015 at the …

: Lovely people who listen to my music, I’d appreciate your help. I’m trying to figure out …

: I never get tired of this sticky bun doggo video.

: Fancy something exhilarating (and nail biting)? If you like a bit of adrenaline filled mountain …

: My current favourite video in the whole wide world.

: Even sun rays want to play harp. What an incredible melody that would be.

: Just been listening to a classic, remastered album from 1999. Early Armin Van Buuren. Old school …

: I’m so in love with crêpes, sugar and lime juice.

: My guilty pleasure. Classic Tom and Jerry.

: Just add dance….to any given situation that’s overwhelming you right now. There’s nothing …

: Gotta grab the snowy times by the horns because it never lasts long in Glasgow and now (8 hrs later) …

: Hello dancing snow friends.

: A two year old with so much compassion.

: Good old rock cakes from Queen Delia. Highly recommend these simple beauties.

: Our first Hogmanay is different to what I’d imagined but still, eating boatloads of chocolate …

: Bought myself the very good deal of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, on sale in the Nintendo shop at …

: 30 Days of Dancing #30 🥳🥳💃💃🦹🏽‍♀️🦹🏼‍♀️ That’s⭐️⭐️♥️♥️ 🌬🌬me 🧡🧡💚💚danced 🌼🌼💜💜out 🌊🌊🌺🌺🍄🍄✨✨for 💛💛💙💙30 …

: 30 Days of Dancing #29 Today was a dance where lots of creative ideas came through. Exciting times …

: 30 Days of Dancing #28 I’ve been dabbling in techno for a few days now. Tonight was Deborah De …

: Would you like a calm, fun podcast to keep the kids occupied for 15 minutes? Well here’s my …

: 30 Days of Dancing #27 Dance walk in the sunshine, smelling the yellow, sweet winter flowers, …

: 30 Days of Dancing #26 Yay! Fab new dj found. Alignment. Some say he’s got a hard techno edge. …

: 30 Days of Dancing #25 Great feelings of lightfooted freedom came over me today. The music lifted me …

: Did you know about the agressive Norwegian Lemming and the European hamster who eats candle wax?

: 30 Days of Dancing #24 Been bouncing around today to a b2b session of DnB and been feeding …

: Breakfast mood (and yes, that is a dollop of clotted cream with my chocolate pud). 😉

: 30 Days of Dancing #23 As I sit here, bouncing away to another Charlotte De Witte set, this time …

: 30 Days of Dancing #22 Haven’t been able to get into trance today so l’ve moved onto …

: A big heads up to Jorn Van Deynhoven. Haven’t heard a set from him before and I’m loving what I hear …

: 30 Days of Dancing #21 Part of today’s movement was a dance walk to the supermarket. It’s good for …

: 30 Days of Dancing #20 Aly & Fila got me moving today. Lots of stunning melodies to fly around …

: There’s no getting away from it - DnB has some funky beats and expansive sounds (at 2:48 …


: 30 Days of Dancing #19 Today I’m happy I can see more definition in my face. It got with puffy with …

: 30 Days of Dancing #18 Really remembering the ‘old’ way of dancing with other people in …

: Early ‘trance’ from the late 90s I used to dance to definitely had more of a sexy vibe …

: 30 Days of Dancing #17 I love Factor B. He knows how to end a set. He had me dancing to classic …

: 30 Days of Dancing #16 Sleeeeeeeepy today. But still danced in various seated positions for a couple …

: Entered the bathroom to discover it had turned into a pine forest. Yay! 🌲 🎄 🌲 What a delicious …

: Celebrating kindness and sweetness today (and every day). Saying thank you, being helpful, feeling …

: Three things to make you smile - A girl and her donkey, a doggo being derpy and a wild cat sanctuary …

: 30 Days of Dancing #15 Pretty much rocked out to old Eddie Halliwell sets all evening. The …

: 30 Days of Dancing #14 I love lasers. Especially flat ones which are amazing to put your hands …

: Fancy some beautiful trance? John O’Callaghan has done rather a nice set. Currently dancing to …

: Love a bit of Simon’s Cat. This one is particularly sweet.

: 30 Days of Dancing #13 I’ve got my old swirly chair back. I’ve found out this is a great …

: Fabulous trance set from Factor B. Haven’t heard him DJ before. This was beautiful. Very …

: A parrot and a hamster made me smile today.

: At 23, Bosh was the CD to have. Free on the cover of popular Mixmag in 2002, I’m just …

: Christmas Lights and Chocolate Biscuits 47 Hello! In today’s episode I talk about harp projects, my love of chocolate biscuits, …

: 30 Days of Dancing #12 How amazing is crouching?! I’ve found myself instinctively doing a lot …

: I love natural doll faces. In the pictures for this article, when you see them side by side, …

: 30 Days of Dancing #11 Bought candles today, turned off all the lights and spent the hour dancing in …

: 30 Days of Dancing #10 I love exploring stretches. I find my arms stretching up high and in wide …

: 30 Days of Dancing #9 I danced to old and new music tonight. A real mashup of history. I heard this …

: Dance Friends

: 30 Days of Dancing #8 Today’s dance was round the supermarket with the potatoes, criossants …

: The face of someone bashfully filling in a sneaky questionnaire to try and win £1000 worth of …

: After getting boozy chocs recently I was ready to go one step further and buy the rum I’ve been …

: Epic trance tracks - Giuseppe Ottaviani - 8K, Michael Kaelios - Out of Control (Original Mix), …

: 30 Days of Dancing #7 I never quite know where dancing’s going to take me and what my mood …

: Songs of the evening - Choice of the Angels and Big Sky.

: 30 Days of Dancing #6 This is my dance floor. Smooth, shiny, soft. I skid a little in my trainers as …

: I’ve loved listening to this early Armin Van Buuren set from 2005 (sound/video quality quite …

: 30 Days of Dancing #5 I’ve got just enough energy to write this post tonight but it doesn’t matter …

: Veracocha - Carte Blanche is one of the best early trance tunes from 1999. I’ve just been …

: I have a notebook near me as I dance. It’s a great way of scribbling ideas down to reflect on. …

: This set is the piéce de resistance of trance music. Cold Blue knows how to make proper trance …

: 30 Days of Dancing #4 It’s full moon tonight. I feel emotional shifts at times during the lunar …

: It’s funny to think of djs dj-ing in their kitchens after playing in so many uber clubs to …

: This is a beautiful trance tune - Coming Home

: 30 Days of Dancing #3 Pretty much spent the whole afternoon raving in the kitchen to ethereal trance …

: Super duper trance music to work/dance/pump to. Alex knows how to take you into space. Youtube …

: 30 Days of Dancing #2 I danced til I couldn’t dance no more and listened to an eclectic mix of …

: 30 Days of Dancing #1 I literally loved it! Two hours of a DnB set by Andromedik and I’ve …

: Spot the scaffolders.

: Ok, here it comes….the third installment of 30 Days of Dance. A challenge seeing me dancing …

: Post dance smile. It’s been a while since I bounced round the kitchen. Today was the day to rectify …

: Bouncing round the supermarket to this. So good. Woo! 💃

: Three adorable moments.

: I love Zola Blood. Haunting melodies, soulful voices, funky, retro, fresh beats and synths. …

: West End, Glasgow. I love the lights and the calmness of the night. Saves dodging between people …

: Getting into boozy chocolate this year. Feels like a real adventure in each mouthful.

: I have a serious problem with these Polish delicacies. They’re a bit like Jaffa cakes but much more …

: Love this song. Amazing album too. Highly recommend giving it a listen. ⭐️

: Savouring each barrel of yumminess. I had ‘au lait’ today. Mmmmmm.

: Fancy an uplifting grind? (and a bit of bouncing?) This is what I’m listening to and it’s doing the …

: I got a bit angsty in the supermarket this afternoon. Everyone seemed to want me out the way and my …

: A golf tournament, some fried plantain with a touch of himalaya salt and maple syrup, a mug of …

: This is the raccoon whisperer. I find the situation sweet, endearing and a little concerning. But …

: If you’re looking for something dreamy and expansive to help you relax, I’ve just …

: Bricks.

: A visit to Barra in the east of Glasgow city was different today. I like exploring new places. This …

: 😭❤️🥳 Van Jones’ speech made me well up with a whole mixture of joy for the future and sadness for …

: 90mph gusts of wind in Glasgow today. Exciting (yet safe) weather. Leaves whooshing past the window, …

: Ginger biscuits sans ginger 🤨 At the point where the ginger was supposed to be added I realised I …

: Firework flower (unofficial name). I look forward to this flower in the colder months as it smells …

: Definite Labyrinth vibe. Yes I was hoping to see the talking caterpillar.

: Swan with an attitude. A minute later he’d pecked a younger male on the wing through the fence and …

: Quite a party down at Victoria Park today.

: Fav leaves ever - the ornamental cherry tree. 😍 I am officially overwhelmed by Autumnal beauty.

: Nature’s confetti

: Sprinkle me with colourful leaves and I’ll be happy forever.

: Listen to the Raindrops and look out for the hummingbirds : ) Five minutes of musical tranquility …

: Always a great morning when you discover there’s velvety, strokable moss growing on your kitchen …

: Pensive Leaf Lover 🤔🍁❤️🍀🍄

: Crazy Leaf Lover 🍁

: Aberfoyle Forest, Stirling. Autumn hues and I found fantasy moss too! (and spent a good wee while …

: I’m so excited by autumn. I feel I’ve missed out on it these past few years because of the areas …

: Welcome to my wires! They have a mind of their own and I tend to let them spread. They’re wild at …

: Full on ‘tidy up dance sesh’ today. I have a sparkling house and a happy body now woo! The music was …

: Early morning harp practise…well early for me. 😊 10:20am. Glasgow, Scotland. #adayinthelife

: I’ve made a video for a song called Beautiful Bird by Adrian Freedman. It’s full of …

: Here’s a song about angels I’ve been working on the last few days. I love the first …

: These are some of my favourite compositions I’ve made using images from Pixabay. I love …

: Blending and experimenting in Filmora today. Love these petrol colours. And I’ve remastered …

: I’ve been working on a video for a cover song I recorded from Carnival Row. It’s a …

: Are you lucky enough to have hummingbirds in your garden? What a joy! How amazing are hummingbirds?! …

: We met Merry the Cornish Rex again. We met her guardians too (cats don’t have owners you know). Her …

: Cat Tails - Kiki 46 - I only spent a few days with little Kiki. She left a lasting impression. This is her story.

: Cat Tails - Don 45 - This story is about Don, a British Shorthair who wasn’t quite all there.

: I made another little video for one of my song performances. I’ve used video clips this time …

: Fancy exquisite chocolate? Look no further than these Happy Hippo biscuits for kids. By far the …

: Murky Bottoms I love swimming. I’m aerodynamically designed to swim. Swimming out of my depth is fine too, as long …

: Magical mossy moments.

: What types of people attract narcissists?

: Something super duper magical happened in the park this afternoon. We were lying on the grass, …

: Please meet my special Ombar. This is a real treat. It even got delivered straight to my hand by …

: Chapter 1 - This is Holly 44 - Wow, what a week. I finally got a letter from my mum. This is what happened next. I acknowledge …

: Just posted a new video to my YouTube channel after a looooong break. I’m experimenting using …

: Another Loch Ard swim day. The water was like marble and deliciously fresh. This swim was later in …

: I found the most magical woodland yesterday. As it has no name on the map, I’m going to call it …

: My mermaid mode still isn’t convinced about hill walking. She certainly protested on the way up …

: Celebrating sweet Georgie’s meow (again).

: Cat Tails - Georgie 43 - Cat Tails - Georgie the gentle giant.

: Cat Tails - Leo 42 - The surly Burmese catto with naughty tendencies looking to cause trouble wherever he roameth.

: A Head Full of Messy 41 - In today’s podcast I discuss how I’m trying to save my mind from being caught up in …

: A victory today. It may not look like much, but being a person with little balance, going up or down …

: I’m taking a more serious approach to singing now. I love singing. I want to nuture it. I’ve had …

: What’s the wackiest thing you’ve seen a cat do?

: Dug deep today to dance through the trauma in my mind. Wanted something I could really groove to so …

: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Falkirk Wheel! A feat of engineering for the canal boat …

: Spots.

: Welcome to Grangemouth. 😬

: Spontaneous birthday bike ride. Those clouds!

: Oh goodness. Mario Odyssey is so much fun!

: Being 41 now definitely means icecream for breakfast. And cake of course. Today’s choice - a …

: This is my cardboard box vocal booth. Looking slightly like a hide but with its own style and …

: Vulnerability and Narcissism On the last day of me being 40, I’m releasing my 40th ‘Get on and Shine’ podcast …

: When you need the loo so bad but you’re a hospital manager (Two Point Hospital on the Switch) and …

: I will say yum.

: Went on a mission for tea and wafers. I feel we were successful.

: Fresh box of Malteasers = My happy place 30 minutes after my fresh box of Malteasers = My not so …

: I remember as a kid having sandwiches, a handful of crisps on the side and a bit of salad (usually …

: Serenity, jet skis, tweety birdies.

: Doggo back from a big adventure.


: Fresh water swim? Don’t mind if I do. This is Loch Ard.

: Glencoe’s tiny waterfalls. There was still snow in places up higher on the mountain. Little areas …

: Then ended up on the sparkly slate shore of Loch Leven. Slate is so magical in the sun. We watched …

: We drove through epic glens and saw all kinds of mountains with their own personalities.

: Views from Glencoe.

: Eeeeek. Went up Glencoe in a cable car today. Warm, sunny, with a cooling breeze. I enjoyed dangling …

: Furry bug.

: My angel has returned.

: Sweet and happy.

: Can’t get enough of it.

: That sky. 😍

: Love the name of that boat. ⚡️

: Inveraray, Scotland

: Wine gums and movie night (The Hobbit pt 2) with my best pal. Lovely. ❤️

: Happy place.

: Just made these chocolate chip biscuit beauties. Super simple. Super scrum. I wanted to make thin …

: Oh how the birdies love monkey nuts. Some kind soul sprinkled these about and boy did the birds …

: City walk. Old and new.

: We live in a beautiful world.

: Oh my. Troon, Scotland. Best beach ever! I’m full of joy after a looong week of stress and …

: Big Changes An update about my gaming adventures and some life changing news.

: A magnificent pond. Notice the resident pigeons hanging out. They made me smile.

: This kind of day never happens to me. I spent the day arguing calmly and firmly with two solicitors …

: Walter the French Bulldog has a video that got me laughing but then this remixed song made about …


: Being in the heart of the city means I don’t see green expanse everyday. Pollock Country Park …

: I give you The Apple Strudel! Rather lovely indeed. Christmas aromas. Light and juicy. Crispy and …

: I do love a bit of Simon’s Cat.

: It’s Saturday. That means it’s cheat day!

: Getting Rid of that Darn Sofa A life changing shift has happened in my mum’s reality and I wanted to celebrate it with you. Six …

: Saturday morning coffee, piece of cake, Sonic on the Switch (in bed!). I’m happy.

: I’ve got myself a piece of lime drizzle loaf cake here. My first loaf cake attempt. Turns out it’s …

: In my dance today loads of emotion came out about this thing I’m dealing with at the moment. It’s …

: The Sugar Queen 39 - Here are some thoughts on sugar, the control it has had on my life and what I’ve done to …

: Bring on the cuteness! Just got to a level with loads of rogue moles. 🦦😅❤️🌈🌟🌻🍄🍄🌷🐿

: Holly Goes Gaming 38 - Today is all about retro computer games. I remember the games of my childhood and all the fun I …

: Clotted cream coffee with a galaxy swirl at its centre.

: Welcome to The Children’s Wood, Kelvinside. Here you will find a fantastic mud kitchen and lots of …

: A Wee Walk For me, every step counts on my dear wee tootsies. So driving 10 mins before I start walking means I …


: Happy Birthday Simon! You Are Good. ❤️

: A delightfully sparkly river running through Kelvin Grove Park, Glasgow. It’s Simon’s birthday today …

: Glasgow university or Dracula’s Castle? 🤔


: Back garden daisies are always back in force soon after the lawn has been cut.

: I made an egg custard tart. Woo! First ever. Had a couple of slices for breakfast and now figuring …

: Day 30. I’ve reached my goal of a dance session a day for 30 days. Woo! But it doesn’t end there. …

: Day 29. Sending peace and hugs out to the world. And lots of dancing vibes. Life feels good when you …

: Day 28. Had to fight through some mental heaviness today. You know when a situation from the day …

: Day 27. Dancing and organising today. A ‘dance tidy’ has its uses.

: I am happy.

: The amazingness of 🧊 🧊 🧊

: Day 26. Polished the oak floors today and danced round my mop like a pole dancer 💃 …not …

: Day 25. What a great dance walk to chilled out beats in the evening sun. I had a single coffee this …

: Dessert hack. A Viennese Whirl A blob of double cream A sprinkling of himalaya salt A sliced …

: Day 24. Barefoot exploration on wooden floor. Really cool on my tootsies as usually they’re …


: Wow.

: Day 23. Cooked roast tatties while dancing tonight. A slow kind of day. I did some upper body work …

: I 💜 Aquilegias

: Day 22. Had a musical exploration today. Gone were the banging beats. In came Prince with some …

: Day 21. A hoover dance day. Tidying and dancing gives me focus. I power on, listening to awesome …

: Just made iced buns. The buns of my childhood. It was always a good day when school made iced buns. …

: Day 20. Managed to make iced buns and go for a dance walk today. It’s great to walk and listen to …

: Day 19. I’m one of those all or nothing kind of people. And doing incredible amounts of star jumps …

: Difficulty Level = Cat 😻


: Something a bit different tonight. I’m a total mash tatty fiend (with cream, butter and nutmeg) and …

: Today, I listened back to some dnb songs I loved and found myself skipping forward to the second …

: Day 18. It’s become a way of life now. I have to dance. Everyday. My heart rate needs to race. …

: Roasted vegetable quiche. ✅ Vanilla muffins. ✅ Four cheeky jam tarts with leftover pastry. ✅

: Day 17. A dance bake off style sesh today spending the whole day baking. Totally addicted. So along …

: I love audio books. An epic fantasy read with the super talented narrator - Jeff Harding - is Kings …

: Day 16. 150 star jumps complete. Brilliant. 20 mins of kegel exercises complete. Amazing. Dancing on …

: Scones by Delia. Light, fluffy, scrumptious. I added a milk glaze too. This is the second batch of …

: Day 15. A dinky dance today. My body felt a bit like a doggo who doesn’t want to go any further and …

: So…..I say the word ‘so’ too much. 😉 I’ve noticed it in my podcasts. In my head, it moves my …

: Day 14. Today was a day where I felt my stamina rise. This dance sesh went deep into my core. I had …

: Day 13. I did some stretches and a bit of movement but more than anything my body wanted to rest so …

: Watched both Paddington movies this weekend. Is it just me or did anyone else get emotional during …

: Cookies and Scalpels 37: In this episode I talk about a new found baking enthusiam and share a lockdown story featuring …

: Fresh cookies for breakfast? Yes please. The joys of being an adult and making my own decisions.

: This morning it’s Sencha Cherry Tea. I like it, it’s got a refreshing sweet taste but i’m dubious of …


: Well hello there. I remember the enticing aroma of baked cookies as a kid at school. A feast for my …

: I give you the oozing chocolate chip cookie cake. Have to wait another ten mins to nom them and …

: Star Jump Queen Day 12. This was an intense workout today including 111 star jumps. I am the Star Jump Queen! Every …

: Time for Tea. The lemon flavours really come through. Smells a bit like lemsip in the cup (the …

: Day 11. Started off with a bit of dnb and some smooth moves. Ended up with banging techno. Good for …

: Too good not to share. Matt Lucas does Boris Johnson.

: A Squeamish, Exhilarating Day Day 10. My right thumb is out of action for a few days. I never realised just how much I used it. …

: Moist Breath Zone. A back to school song from New Zealand which kids will love. 🎶

: A Smudging Poochie Day 9. I feel a bit like Poochie today (a childhood toy - see pic). Solid dance. Lots of movement. …

: Well this is an interesting subject to broach. And a great juxtaposition in this image, of my belly …

: A surprising tale.

: Why the Mantis Shrimp is my new Favourite Animal. From The Oatmeal. 🌈 🌈 🌈

: Veggie lasagne. First ever attempt. Found out I really like taking pics of colourful veg. Result: …

: Little Gremlin Day 8. The music made me turn into a cheeky little gremlin today. I got practical during this sesh. …

: Poppies of delight. Popping up to say hi.

: Some of the most beautiful, white, frilly rhododendrons i’ve ever seen.

: Everything salad.

: The Can-Can Day 7. My strongest work out. I peeled off another layer in today’s dance. I scraped something from …

: Happy kitcheri with a coconut smile.

: Withdrawing and Scones Day 6. I’m shifting in and out of headaches and wooziness, possibly from caffeine withdrawal. Or …

: Nourishment 36: I’m feeling happy and nourished these days and making the most of this introverted time. …

: ‘Celebrating the innocence and the love, the joy, the magic, the laughter, the giggles. …

: Day 4. Lying with my head on a book is one of my fav things to do after a dance. The lumber feels …

: Clap for our wonderful carers. Even the doggos got involved tonight. ❤️

: Day 3. A beautiful sesh where I slayed my lazy lizard multiple times. When I danced I went for it. I …

: Day 2. I picked up the weights today. Dancing with weights felt good. Gonna get some wrist weights …

: New 30 Day Dance Challenge ~ Pump it Baby! I danced properly for the first time in a while today. I had me a nice trance sesh, in the kitchen, …

: Well hello lovely pigeon friend.

: Park life. Hello hair. Happy Wednesday!

: Rather… ‘You’ll give me cat again’ 😹

: There’s something comforting about going on a walk and seeing endless chalked hearts appearing …

: Hey flower friends.

: Discovered a lovely park a short stroll away. It made me happy.

: For all you home schoolers out there. How a Labrador mama calms her puppies in 5 secs.

: I’ve always loved acers. I never thought on my walks around Glasgow there would be so many to …



: I dreamt of a cat purring on my pillow this morning, sounding like it wanted to get into bed. I …

: Both of these had me giggling this morn.

: I ❤️ tulips!


: Happy place.

: Rainbows.

: Pretty.

: Uh-oh. Something happened in the shop today. I can’t resist an Easter egg bargain (better than half …

: Ever since the year dot, i’ve been in love with pink and purple.

: Yay! First official Fun with Miss Honeychurch episode has been released. I’m waiting for the …

: Ooooo what a song. 💕🥰 🎶

: Creativity, Stress and a Special Announcement 35 - Hi everyone, I speak again! It’s been an age. I hope you are well. In this episode I talk …


: Awesome first electric bike experience this evening. I flew like I never knew I could. I felt I was …

: Existential Egg moment (could be a dragon’s!).

: My Precious.

: A Bunny Birthday Message The bunnies have been busy today getting ready for their mum’s birthday. Here they talk about …

: What time is it? Exactly the right time for a chocolate egg and a vodka orange.

: A Worried Bunny Peanut and Pickles have a little chat and sing a calming lullaby.

: My neighbour sent this to me today. It felt comforting to read. Maybe it’ll comfort you too. Message …

: Midweek treats - coffee (after 6pm), custard tarts and vodka. 😉 Maybe not all at the same time …

: Buzzin with the angels. 🎶 👼 🎧

: “Hmpf. I don’t want to do anymore harp practise. I want to go outside and play!” Anyone play an …

: Late night adventures with my shadow. Hey shadow, how are you? (“very good” she said).

: Finishing touches.

: That light shape in the distance is the bushy tail of my first Scottish Fox!! They crossed my path, …

: Applauding the workers on the front line. ❤️

: Here’s to all the creatives out there. Pushing the boundaries, trying new things. Push push push! …

: A moment between melodies.

: New delight. Taking my walk at night and dancing round deserted streets, smelling night time …

: In the Precious Moonlight I am so pleased with how this turned out. Sweet and innocent with a touch of pizazz. This song has a …


: Wake Up to Love Happy Springtime!! Let’s be joyous as the seasons change. I’m appreciating the milder …

: Mother's Day with the Bunnies The bunnies are back and raring to go. They’re presenting the whole podcast today so get ready …

: My Heart is Full of Hope A song I wrote a few years back. Smooth, flowing, soft, deep. Loch Lomond’s waters kissed me …

: A visit to Luss today by the waters of Loch Lomond with Ben Lomond in the distance. Luss is a …

: Loving the cascade of flowers that greets me at my door these days. 🌸🌺

: Can't Help Falling in Love Can’t Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley. Day 2 (of 30) - A song a day. Dedicated to my …

: Flor das Aguas Flor das Aguas - Irineu. A song from the forest. Day 1 (of 30) - A song a day.

: Here’s my challenge. For the next 30 days, I’m going to record a song a day. To get back into the …

: She’s setting up. She’s making ready. New studio. In progress.

: Last night pumped. The bass drove. It felt friendly and fun with most dancing. I like it when people …

: It’s been a hard couple of days so i’m off dancing. I’m going to shake it all out. What i’ve learnt …

: This is Tom. Simon met him on his walk today. Everyone knows Tom. Everyone strokes Tom. Simon had to …

: An ‘after dance glow’ makes for a good feeling. It’s my first dance in my new …

: Hello Blackbird, what a fine feathered friend you are. Simon enjoyed your wee chat earlier on. And I …

: Interesting night. I arrived to five guys standing around drinking. I was brave and started dancing. …

: ‘I never felt so free’. Through the night.

: Friday night. Going out dancing. Free dnb and jungle night. Don’t know what to expect but I’m …

: Our new baby. Audio Pro C5. Lush sound. The bass is a dream. Not that we can pump it up so much now …

: Oh yes.

: Don’t mess with the moose while she’s building.

: One of my favourite Björk songs. I have it on repeat as the melody is just so beautiful.

: Snap This is a win people! I managed to make a Poäng stool. 🥳 It took me a few attempts as I made it then …

: Happy sunny Monday! Here’s a super duper shiny song to help you shake away all the cobwebs. …

: Happy Leap Year!! An auspicious day to pick up the keys to our new abode. We’re in. …

: I love IKEA, mostly.... IKEA is a blessing and a curse. Good design. Environmentally friendly products. SO much to choose …

: After three weeks of looking for a home, we have a winner! 🥳🥳🥳 Glasgow West End. City life is here! …

: Kothel on Crow Road makes me immediately cooler when I hang out there for coffee, cake (and …

: First night out dancing in Glasgow. Through the heavenly winds to the club I fly. Take me train to …

: How much custard is too much custard? This is my second custard slice in 24 hours. This dessert is …

: It’s the experiences you think you don’t want that really gee you up and make you feel …

: Glasgow style.

: Jelly Beans. How many flavours have you tried? Awesome exchange at the shops just now which led to …

: Deep pink are my fav (cherry) followed closely by light blue (Island punch) but then white (coconut) …

: There’s a US candy section in the little supermarket down the road from my flat. Got excited …

: Had a fab dance. First one in ages. Done so many 10km walks round the city but no freestyle steps. …

: Loving this liquid drum and base track right now. Very sweet.

: Just had cool experiences with two different cats on my urban walk. One was like a posh silver pom …

: Cake for breakfast? Yes please.

: This is for all the cupcake lovers out there. Just ate myself a salted caramel chocolate cupcake. …

: Thanks George (@ Macs in Glasgow). You’re my guardian angel. You’ve helped me to walk …

: Keys!


: A sweet lady was feeding a big flock of pigeons. When she’d finished a bus drove by, the …

: The Pink Ink. A cute little tearoom kids will adore. Mostly serving sugary cakes. And pink lemonade. …

: We’re ready.

: I Love my Duvet Coat I’m celebrating something amazing today. I got kitted out for winter in Scotland and bought a …


: Love this so much ❤️

: Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute. Cold, crisp, sunny, peaceful. The calm before the snowstorms and gale …

: Cute apprehensive starlings and frustrated airborne seagulls wondering about the morsels of bread by …

: My Home Bakery in Hyndland Street is a delightfully cosy place with exquisitely fresh cakes of all …


: Better to die on your feet than live forever on your knees - Dolores Ibarruri.

: Lines.

: Eeeeeeeeee. So lovely.

: Yes please.

: Rachel the Songbird giving Glasgow some high energy vibes. She made me smile so much. 😸

: I’ve been in a Glaswegian whirlwind today traversing the city, admiring buildings, smiling at smiley …

: I’m in Tchaiovna. A calm, funky teahouse in the West of Glasgow. I’m drinking something different. …

: Looking out from the west coast of Scotland, Gourock. And welcomed by a rainbow. 🌈

: Hotel time. Coffee with cream. Double demerera rum on ice. Feels like a nice soft intro before we …

: Amazing birdsong in Bristol. 4am echoes. Bouncing off buildings.

: Yay! We made it to our overnight stop in Gretna Green. The Gateway to Scotland and a famous stop for …

: A great discovery - after leaping around like a crazy person for hours, it’s the loveliest …

: I love this view from outside the club. Moody.

: I was definitely open last night after a 6 hour marathon dance off sesh in Bristol’s warehouse …

: Yay Dee Dee’s driving. 😻

: New playground. ❤️

: Tune!

: I can feel their heartbeats. 😻😻

: Officially the last day of housesitting today. 🥳 Cattos have other ideas. 🤔

: I visited the cake shop of my childhood today. Chocolate cream puffs, cream doughnuts, florentines. …

: Incorporating twenty star jumps into my dance sesh tonight made me remember just how free and loose …

: And what’s going on in here exactly? Miss Dee Dee can’t resist an open, snuggly harp …

: Dee Dee: Queen of the World. Me: Eeeeeeek.

: I does like fishfingies pwease. Fankuu.

: Good boy sweet doggo. Getting ready to be his master’s eyes once more.

: Exqueeeeze me. Where’s my chimken pie?

: Gain ok Holly. Play to me please. Zzzzzz.

: Jack? Yeah? I really love you. I love you too Dee Dee.

: I bring you this song. Another way musical beats help my body to express itself. My hips went crazy. …

: An eclectic selection of beats and rhythms is important for my body to grow and expand. I go deeper …

: Catto friend.

: New Beginnings and Shiraz 34 - I’m back after an enforced break and practising the art of podcasting again. With the …

: Trapped with no car and no chocolate. This is serious.

: Don’t mind me. I’m just snogging Jack. (I’m actually quite drunk).

: I think I would like some chicken soup and dumplings please…

: Grand Champion Gorgeous Boy.

: Out for the count.

: Play?

: Interview with a catto. 😻

: What have you been up to little monkey? (Mainly zooming around causing mischief with a silver …

: Now Jack. Can we make an agreement that you don’t start digging up the litter tray tonight the …

: Yep. Still got it.

: He’s got such a booper ❤️

: Sometimes all it takes is a half hour, some favourite tunes, and a bit of booty shaking to make me …

: He’s a top lad is our Jack. He’s been through it in his life. After four days he’s …


: Sleepy loves.

: Just discovered eggnog. Oh my. Liquid cake.

: And stretch.

: Excited catto alert.

: Funny comparison. Our whole life is in our car. And it looks like a toy next to that beast.

: Playtime.

: I love welcoming housesits. These hosts made us feel so at ease last night. We were greeted warmly …

: And Delilah.

: Meet Jack.

: A Life Changing Few Days It was 8pm, on a Sunday and we were driving to Gloucester. To an Airbnb for a few nights in between …


: Bye bye little pickle Florence. Our time together was short yet very very sweet. What a darling …

: The Life Cycle of a Flea Recently I’ve found housesitting more challenging than ever before. Partly because I’m ready to …

: Very excited to get to our final housesit next week. We’ve been moving so often this past …

: The Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth.

: “Oh I do like to be beside the seaside”



: I enjoy listening to dnb music whilst shopping. I love grooving down the aisle in my own joyous …

: Feeling grateful to find everything I want for winter in the sales. Boots to help me to walk well, …

: The sound from HMS Prince of Wales was expansive. Everything about it was huge. Minimum crew - 700. …

: Portsmouth Docks. Amazing.


: Totally smitten by this one. How beautiful she is.

: It took her about ten minutes to settle. 😻

: The purple ribbon lives on! 💜

: Butter = A great way to make friends.

: New house-sit already! Meet Florence. A cute bush baby lookalike who’s general expression is …

: Bye Buzz. This will probably be the last time I ever see you. I’ll always remember your …

: Butter addict. This is him trying to get third helpings. 🙄

: Oh my what a hard day you’ve had Leo. Chasing ribbons, stealing butter, swiping Buzz. So …

: Handsome Leo.

: ‘Way too much turkey’ face.

: A Funny Bunny Christmas Seasons Greetings everyone! Love from Holly and the bunnies X You can sing along too: The Holly and …

: Wow and yum. Apple Tarte Fine.

: Waiting.

: Well that’s very clever. And high. Eeeeek.

: Tonight my dance was deep and driving. I found a new and improved way of processing thoughts. I felt …

: Buzz Love.

: All aboard.

: Cats on Kitchen Counters How wide spread is this phenomenon? In my housesitting experience I’ve seen all kinds of differing …

: Playtime.

: Already had to resort to rationing the chocolate if we want to make it through the holiday period. …

: Hello Leo.

: Snuggle puffin. Any position. He’s up for it.

: Feels fab to have stayed cool, calm, and collected during this year’s Christmas food shopping …

: Well don’t you look like the cat who got the cream. Oh that’s right you did. Clotted! …

: Chatty starlings. Don’t you just love them?!

: The magic of Rye Harbour in Sussex.


: Potholes are Pants! Just had one of those epic journeys. Where everything seems stacked against you. The incessant rain, …

: So it begins. Ten days of Buzz love.

: William The Conqueror pub, Rye. Drink of choice - spiced rum on ice. The fairy lights are magic, the …

: Pebbles.

: A special moment today - Zooming round the supermarket, jazzy Christmas songs playing and excitedly …

: I love lying down. On the floor. And letting gravity take me. Through gravity I sink into the …

: Billy the Beast.

: Poppet.

: Sweet kind gentle Jake.

: Iridescent sunshine hair.

: ‘He did it’.

: Today I went into a pub and had Sunday roast and white wine from a beautiful glass. I feel …

: Dear little Jake. Still such a sweet, innocent kitten age 5. Curious, scared, affectionate when …

: ‘I demand treatos’.

: Cute Smoof

: Tiger Bill

: Happy Friday!!

: Semi-relaxed catto boofing himself in the face.

: Action catto.

: Glad you approve of our sheepskins Billy. Make yourself comfortable beautiful boy.

: Finally met some sensible cats. In my experience, most want to curl up on top of my head during the …

: Just editing my next Late Nite Harp episode in front of this baby. Never seen anything like it. …

: Having cats back in my life is the weirdest thing. They stare at me. Right into my soul. …

: Smoked salmon? Yes please. Only the best for these boys.

: Let the catto photos commence!

: Loving our local Jackdaw friends. They always seem to have so much fun together.

: Meet Billy and Jake. Siamese cattos of the lilac kind. Jake’s the baby. In age and …

: No filter. 😎

: An old haunt.

: Clubbing 33 - In this episode I give you the low down on my clubbing experiences since I was 15 years old …

: Last day with these cute rascals. And the longest housesit so far at 6 weeks. Can I even remember …

: Last night was epic. I danced for five hours straight. Looking out onto thousands of fellow …

: Tonight is the night of beats. Tonight is the night of stomps. Tonight is the night of raising it up …



: Hello Mrs Sniffle Snaffle. Oh what big cheeks you’ve got.

: The Bunnies are back! 32 - A fabulously fun episode with Peanut, Pumpkin and Pickles. They share a little more about …

: Adventures in Primary School Teaching Part 2 31 - In this second part I talk about the types of school I’ve worked in, the good, the bad …

: Adventures in Primary School Teaching 30 - This was a fun episode to make. Remembering all the good times I had as a teacher. And some of …

: What’s getting you excited at the mo? I’m loving Reaper. I take so much satisfaction from …

: One month today I’ll be back under the spell of this gorgeous creature. Buzz. My cuddle …

: My new boyfriend.

: I started writing songs 10 years ago. Back then I was intense, going through a spiritual awakening …

: The power.

: The River Severn is a huge river. People surf it as the tide comes in. Opposite is Wales. It felt …

: Pumpkin having a good old rummage. FYI Bunnies eat some of their poops twice. To digest what they …

: Oh it’s time for more treats is it Pumpkin? Or should I say Little Miss Greedy Pants.

: Indoor bunnies - it’s like having a minature farm inside your house. Pristine bunny enclosure …

: Singing Rabbits 29: This is a very special episode with some very sweet guests. Pumpkin, Peanut and Pickles join me …

: I’ve got an exciting surprise in my next podcast…singing bunnies! Stayed tuned. It’s …

: What a glorious ear.


: Mmmmmm yeah.

: Hey there baby. Having a nice rest?

: River Severn.

: Domestic Abuse 28 - The subject of domestic abuse should be raised often. This is my story. I implore you to share …

: I wish for every single person in the whole world to see this. It’s pure love for oneself and …

: Hooray I’m back!! After two months of intense TMS (in my case extreme nerve pain) I’m finally …

: Cute bunny noses, little bunny paws, sweet ickle bunnies relaxing, bunnytastic times. Yay for …

: Happy to say that Late Nite Harp is now available in all your favourie podcast players and …

: My new ‘heart melting bunny moment’ - the way they wash their furry face with their cute …

: Oh Pickles. Or should I say Poopy McPoopface. Please try and use your litter tray. The others …

: Well that was fun and unexpected. Love the rainbow hair too.

: Ever been licked by a rabbit? I was for the first time tonight. Sooooo cuuute. 😍

: Let's Talk Tech - So Long Chromebook As I wait excitedly for my Chinese takeaway I thought I’d update you on my Chromebook sitch. I …

: Halloween Magic 👻 27: A spooky episode reflecting on childhood memories, the spirit within us, signs that speak to us, …

: Pumpkin. Bright as a button. Dandelion muncher.

: I’m so excited to share the first episode of my new podcast Late Night Harp. It’s a …


: Old Haunts 26: Tonight I talk about visiting Bristol, eating copious amounts of food, walking in cities and our …

: Dear Mr Pickles. What a little heart throb you are. If I were a rabbit I’d be happy to be your …

: Three super duper dnb tracks from my epic dance upon a flagstone floor in a farmhouse kitchen. …

: Who would have thought my heart would melt when I watched a bunny yawn.

: Relaxed bunno Pickles.

: An ancient flagstone floor in a farmhouse kitchen is my new dance space. It’s rustic, warm and …

: ….are messy and cute. These six weeks are going to be fun!

: Bunnies!

: Aw. Her friend turned up.

: Cafe Doggo aka The Bristolian. I’m funking out to smooth beats in here. With chilled out staff, …

: Well that looks comfy Mouse.


: Oh how cute.

: Positive words.

: Amazing Bristol street art.

: Sweet Mouse. It’s good to see you again though you can’t see me so well anymore. What a …

: High Queen Orla Your Majesty, High Queen Orla. Thank you for gracing us with your presence. To even have stroked one …

: Rafferty, you’re in your prime little man. You’re fast, fluffy and can catch a fake …

: Cheerio Hudson. You charmer. Cuddle demander. Big softy. Tabletop lazer. Warm snuggly floofer who …

: Will miss this old gentleman. He spends more time here than his actual home. He hoovers up all the …

: Psychic Vampires 25: Tonight I reflect upon my social interactions of days gone by and how in the past, I tended to …

: ‘Your feet smell’

: My fav feline floofer.

: Sometimes you’ve just gotta stop and eat a Double Decker with the ducks.

: Happy snoozle boy.

: Happy happy jumping boy.

: The Ivy. Winchester. A bit of posh glitz.

: Mid yawn.

: Blessed are the Cracks for they Let in the Light 24: I talk about dealing with worry, my mind’s ability to lay booby traps for my body, …

: The Tale of the Lost Cat 23: I’m in another part of the UK now talking about a crazy cat rescue, my encounter with some …

: Gentle deer in the garden. Maybe she heard the harp. 😃

: Hey good looking.

: These were the final moments of the rescue. Altogether it took twelve people - 3 neighbours, a …

: We’ve been hunting round for this catto for three days. He showed up last night on …

: New dance floor. New smiley face. It’s taken a while to get back into dance over the past …

: Twisty Catto.

: This is Morgan. He’s always round here though he doesn’t actually live here. He was a …


: We reached an agreement. I’ll love him forever and he’ll let me stroke him continuously. …

: Don’t think you can twist me round your paw with your sparkly eye. 😻

: Hellooooo…? I don’t think he’s even in this realm.

: Hudson poppet. I know you like my pillow but I have to go to sleep now.

: This ball of sass is Orla. She likes to sit on the induction hob. Sometimes she turns it on.

: Hudson aka Spud. Beautiful catto extraordinaire.

: The first time I saw purple berries on a bush I was ecstatically happy for days afterwards. I saw …


: Tonight I got Blown Open Tonight my mind exploded. Tonight, divine, ecstatic music nourished my soul. I sang my heart out. I …

: Celebratory ‘Moved out of Housesit’ cake fest. A few days of freedom is upon us with …

: Final scritch scrotch with sweet Pickles. Thank you for giving us a lovely safe space darling one. …

: Ramshackled loveliness.

: The friendliest sheep.


: First time up The Tor for me. First time because, well, I’m not a hill kinda girl. So after much …

: Classic cream tea at The Abbey Tearooms, Glastonbury.

: I’m now in the Apple Podcasting Directory so you can listen to Get on and Shine on all your …

: Don't Bottle Things Up 22: I talk about how important it is to say what’s on your mind rather than repressing it, how …

: I know. It’s raining.

: Warm spot.

: I never met my grandfather. I’m in awe of his coolness. My dad’s the little one on the right. …

: And these cute lil critters.

: Lifted by the sea.

: Yes Rosie. I’ll save you some (she didn’t even eat it in the end. It’s just the …

: Still there.

: Yay for sweet fluffy cattos!

: Spot of sunshine? Don’t mind if I do.

: Taken from Cadbury Castle, Somerset. By Simon.

: Hotel Adventures, Harp on the Lawn and a Lovely New Housesit 20: I talk about my adventures from the last week, the loveliness of friendship and what it’s …

: Daily scritch scrotch.

: Catto has a serious addiction to Dreamies but she’s only allowed 4 a day. Awwww! Sorry …

: The cherub. She sleeps.

: Meet Pickles. Our catto for the next couple of weeks. ❤️ She’s cute and fluffy and apparently …

: I was Fierce Today was one of those perfect days where everything flowed and reset. I had an amazing, colourful …

: ❤️ New. Catto. Crush ❤️

: It’s lovely to play outside today.


: Oh look what we have here. Only an empty dance studio for most of the weekend. Now let’s show …

: Yay. Friendly hotel catto. I’m calling her Freedom.

: This is the face of someone who feels as free as a bird now, who is grateful to have learnt many …

: Being a Grown Up 19: Happy Autumn Equinox! I talk about vulnerability, strength, keeping on moving and staying …

: Furriest boots in town.

: Long fur? Long tongue 👍

: If I didn’t know she was a sweet, soft little baby catto, with a tiny high-pitched meow, …

: Mountain Lion 18: I pick a medicine card from a deck created by Jamie Sams and David Carson. I pick Mountain Lion …

: I’m not at my best. But I’m still out there kicking my own ass, dancing hard and making …

: Dancing in the Face of Adversity 17: I danced this evening. First time properly in a few days. I needed to know I could conquer my …

: The Torment of Psychosomatic Pain 16: Today I talk about a psychosomatic illness I’ve given myself and how I’ve been …

: Awwww doggos. I do love you.

: Call me Miss Decadence today. Treats are well and truly happening! This was a scrumptious layered …

: Strangers Coffee Shop, Norwich. Edgy cool cafe. I sat outside as it’s tiny. One of those cafes …

: Feels great to be out walking a new city. Discovering places with innocent eyes. Laughing, playing, …

: There’s a lot of Morris Dancing going on today.

: Norwich.

: There’s some crazy cat magic going on in this photo.



: I love flint.


: ‘Tis a lovely, sunny, warm day isn’t it Salmon?

: Chainsaw and Harp: an Exploration 15: My mobile studio is right next to where a load of guys are currently using chainsaws. I thought …

: Useful. Thank you beachside cafe.


: Sheringham, Norfolk

: Late Night Harp 14: Harp stories, how I got into harp, what harps I’ve had and some harp playing tooooo.

: Such a sweepy catto. Completely passed out earlier. Whiskers twitching. On some mad adventure most …

: This lovely fluffy pudding enjoyed a bit of stimulation earlier. She sits down a lot and I wanted to …

: Attachment, Mind-Body Connection and Creative Flow 13: I talk about the dangers of feeling attached to things and about working through pain and …

: New Housesit, New Cattos, New Dancefloor 12: I’ve arrived at my next housesit. I talk about recent adventures, sweet cats and new …

: The assignment of ‘taming the scaredy catto’ is in full swing. And those white fluffy …

: Making friends.

: More yummy textures.

: I’ve enjoyed walking over these. They’re so smooth I could even skip. 😃

: Miniature lioness right here. This is Hattie the shy one.

: The most beautiful dancefloor. With new friends.

: A magical cat meeting a magical staff. It’s all about magic here.

: Magical dancing plant friends this evening as autumn draws in and the breeze quickens. My ribbon …

: Indie and Salmon. There’s a third one outside chasing the wind. She’s decided to become …

: An extravagant meal in a Russian restaurant last night (in Norfolk) with traditional spiced nutty …

: Awwww special times. Goodbye sweet Spooks. Thanks for being my furry baby boy for a while (and …

: I Experienced a Miracle 11: Ever had one of those moments where you feel like your whole life has dramatically changed for …

: I love aiming for water when we picnic on the road. We never quite know where we’re going to …

: This is the face of someone who has just skipped for the first time in 30 years. This is the face of …

: The Power of Cattos I’ve just had the most delicious cuddle with Spooks. He went out of his way to snuggle up next …

: Dancing in Public vs Dancing in Private 10: what do you prefer…dancing in public or private? I talk about the benefits of …

: The Art of Moving House 9: The stresses and challenges of moving out of a housesit and what I’ve learnt over time.

: Watermelons and More Stick Magic 8: I talk about how much I love watermelons and whether I should name my staff.

: A Late Night Creative Spark 6: I talk about what I did with a creative burst of energy when I couldn’t record my podcast.

: Lush Boxes and Goblin Dogs 5: A bit more detail about my housesitting life including streamlining, decadent spa hotels, kind …

: So what is housesitting all about anyway? 4: Stories, information and ideas about my adventures as a housesitter.

: You know, there’s something about dancing around flowers which makes my soul shine so bright. …

: The Story of my Staff 3: This may well be the beginning of my marching band career : )

: In order to get decent internet, we may have gone to a weird ass cafe in a snow dome, we may have …

: Hoarding, Clutter and Dust - Let's Celebrate Space 2: I talk about how I’ve learnt to appreciate the art of decluttering.

: I read that when a Siamese cat looks into your eyes, you can see the love they have for your …

: Dinner time.

: Another catto lives here too but he’s so elusive I’ve only just managed to get a photo of him …

: A mischievous pixie being an absolute cute pest.

: My incredible dancefloor.

: Bright flowers I danced with today.

: Seeing the Beauty 1: I’ve done it. Hooray. I’ve recorded my first podcast. Full of colour, a bit of …

: Leaping Back Up onto the Bandwagon I’ve been a bit lax lately. Been eating more sugar. More dairy. Quite a few ice-creams. I can …

: The coolest looking thing I’ve seen all day (except for a catto with bright blue eyes anyway).

: This is pretty much my dream come true. Holding and loving a sweet Siamese catto. The same kind of …

: What a beautiful catto you are.


: This is Spooks. I’m totally smitten. I’m currently playing As the World Falls Down by David Bowie to …

: Got taken out to dinner tonight by our new housesit family. What a super generous couple they are. I …

: Selby Power Station. The biggest one in England. Once a huge smokey blot up North. Now a forward …

: My last walk in York for a while. Old and new. Our car of blue. Ancient walls. Bye bye York. See you …

: Yes I’ve got a thing for strawberry sponge cakes at the mo. And yes it was as good as it looks. 😍

: The Art of Moving Out Moving out of a housesit always presents a different set of challenges. Here are a few examples: The …

: The Little Coffee House, Selby. Strawberry and White Chocolate cake for me (nom) with a cappuccino. …

: Connecting with my Inner Water Baby I connected with my inner child this morning. With memories of innocent youth. I sat on the shore as …


: I have so much gratitude for this place. What a gem of a bay. Cayton. I never knew Yorkshire beaches …

: Bramble the sunshine doggo. Part Jack Russell, Lhasa Apso and Poodle, she’s the friendliest …

: My heart. In ripples. In crystal waters and soft sand.

: And there were spiders. Lots of them. Everywhere. On my body, in my shoes, setting up camp in my …

: Cayton Bay, Yorkshire. A northern beach. Wow. Pristine and fresh. Very fresh. So fresh I squealed. …

: Late night birthday paddle.

: Whitby by night (famous for Bram Stoker’s Dracula).

: Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to meeeee. 40 feels positive. This year feels big. I’m looking …


: A bright walk, dancing to tunes on my wireless headphones (by Jabra - best thing ever!), basking in …

: And here they are from the front. 🎶

: Totally loved this today. Tatanka. 🎶

: Checked our housesit’s allotment and met Syd next door who gave us some beans and told us …

: Simon bought me a present. A happy gingerbread man yay!

: Oh yes. It truly is what you think it is. An ice-cream boat!!! And they did vegan flavours. And they …

: Dance you say? Around the kitchen in a light-footed, joyful like manner? Leaving behind inhibitions. …


: This guy. The Plumber Drummer has got some seriously good beats. Oh yeah I was dancing. Impossible …

: Hanging out at my local minster 😎

: Dancing has helped my posture refine. Now I naturally lift my chest towards the sky. I stand tall. A …

: Welcome to a chilled out ASMR session with your host Carl the Catto. Nothing to see here except …

: I am your God now. You must worship me. And feed me treats. Um, yes Carl. Of course. May I just put …

: Let’s celebrate hair. And dancing. And retrowave drum and bass. And Northern Lights by …

: Love his new cute tail (sshh don’t tell him).

: Meet Carl. He loves being outside. He has a special den area; cosy and sheltered from the rain. …

: I’m in York again. Yay. This is my latest walk.

: Incredible boots.

: I don’t wear perfume but it’s fun to smell them sometimes. There’s a lovely …

: On the M5 in Gloucester there’s a wonderful service station aka rest stop. I look forward to …


: WuWing’s getting a clean.

: Doggo paying close attention to an interesting diagnosis of the camshaft.

: Today is a good day. Today, after two months sabbatical far up north in a garage having her engine …

: It's Hard To Believe - Your Mum Getting Old This woman has been with me my whole life. Growing up she looked after me with her whole heart. She …

: I’ve always had a sweet tooth.

: Sweet little catto. She lived outside on her own for so many years that even now, settled in a …

: Growing up with furry friends.

: Drops of mist on tiny clovers growing through cracks on the ground. I wish I were a fairy drinking …

: I bought this giant pink octopus for Rosie when she was a wee pup. She still loves it just as much …

: I was going to relive a childhood obsession tonight with a bag of candy floss. Turns out the pink …

: Donuts (no photo, ate them too fast), Dodgems and the bright lights of Torquay.

: Mum’s magical garden.

: Drunk on pollen.

: Strange experience this morning. I was dancing, my mum hobbled in. She was hunched over and …

: I’m gonna dance until the day I die.

: The little Queen sleeps (after waking me up at 4am sounding like a minature lion, asking to go …


: One of my first jobs was serving Mr Whippy’s from a kiosk by the sea. I did my first one in …

: Babbacombe, Devon. I’m coming for that sea and those pure water droplets on my skin. This week. I …

: What a cute pupper. Rosie is her name. Food is her game. She used to look like a podgy caterpillar …

: And this pixie too.

: Oh my goodness. I get to hang out with this little ball of joy all week. 🥰

: Mum: Are you awake? Me: (completely comatosed under the covers, dreaming of red lasers coming out my …

: Lots of red bricks.

: London St Pancras.

: I went to a shiny London wedding full of fun and laughter and kids with balloons running riot around …

: Skateboard Central.

: It went so high!

: What fun. There were no safety warning signs when I was a kid 😃

: The Millenium Bridge. Southbank. Friday night. The vibe was pumped full of music. Thousands of …

: London calling.

: A catto who doesn’t let anything stop her. She’s nicknamed Peggy. 😊

: Such a handsome boy. I could just dive into those eyes. 😻

: I’m in a rustic, French style cafe called Tartine in Tooting, London. The air is relaxed and calm. …


: No catto can resist the purple ribbon of power.

: Meet Bagheera.

: So weird. Shopping in a church.


: After a month in the countryside, it’s great to be back in the hustle and bustle of life. This …

: Last morning with this little bubble. You can see how concerned she is about this.

: We’re moving out tomorrow. I packed our whole life into a van today and made the house sparkly …

: DJ’s can be so bossy. Put your hands up, everybody get down, jeees give us a break, …

: Today I’m listening to an awesome soundtrack. Tomorrowland is a dance music festival like no …

: I love this Corncatto

: Two powerful films of reflection and sensation. Colette and Green Book.

: Little cloud of sleepy fluffy puff.


: I saw so much beauty this evening at Durdle Door, Dorset. Epic swim too in a sea which felt more …

: Shoulders are beautiful. When I use them, dance with them, they make me light and strong. They …

: Love is all I know Love is all I am Love is all we are Love is everything Secret Smile Song by …

: Love this girl’s sass so much.

: Rainbow food.

: That moment when you’re back from a late night swim and hanging out the towels with an …

: Bournemouth seafront and the elusive cuddly toy (which happens to be a sparkly dog unicorn).

: A wistful morn.

: Shiny sea swim smiles.

: Just about my most favourite thing to do in the whole wide world. Got my fins, paddles and a new …

: Here’s a new recording I’ve just finished from the Maleficent Soundtrack. A Lana Del Ray …

: Finally I recorded this Radiohead cover song. It’s been swirling around my head for ages. Just …

: Evil…. Cute…all within about 5 seconds.

: Stranger Things 3. What a finale. No spoilers. Just a damn fine story right there. Loved it. What a …

: 5 with a cup of tea. 😃

: Loved dancing to new beats today. Different flavours, summery vibes. Love not knowing what’s …

: Happy food.

: Peace

: Such a sweet little poppet 💙

: Sea swim day = Holly hap day.

: Exciting seaside adventure at West Bay, Bridport. Crystal clear waters made my body sing. Golden …

: I like all of them. I can’t decide 😃🌞😃

: This is an important street to me. When I was eighteen, it was a street of freedom. A street where I …

: Diva Catto is not a fan of selfies. She requires the whole frame and all the attention. It’s …

: Bean Shot Coffee, Sherborne. Coffee and cake. Cheat day. Insustrial, stripped down surround. Their …

: Gotta love a cheeky gull.

: Sometimes I look like such an English tourist (I prefer sensitive English rose 😉). Anyone seen that …

: I’ve been waiting all year for this moment. Had a fab swim too. It was only cold for a minute then I …

: Have you ever been somewhere (in my case a taxi) where someone’s aftershave is so strong, it …

: And…little quackos. Yay!

: A lovely lush river.

: Also there was a man who didn’t like the serious history and tried to smash it all up. Ooooo …

: The Magna Carta room at Salisbury cathedral. Oh the expanse and grandeur. Time for serious faces …

: Culture Coffee, Salisbury. Victoria sponge. Oh yes. Strong coffee. 🤪 Sweet, soft vibe. Music is …

: You know when things happen in life to test your resolve? Well today has been one of those days. …

: If you want to get things done Subculture is a mixed album that does the job nicely. High …

: Can I really be that excited about clumping cat litter? Yes I can. Truly. 🙃

: I just went on a music adventure with KODO. This song I really love. It’s ancient yet jazzy. I …

: Harp practise with Maisie-Moo.

: Day 30 - What I've Learnt About Being Floppy and Mushy Day 30 - Last official day of the relaxed 30 day belly dance challenge. 😁 I learnt many moves during …

: Shaftesbury Fringe Festival. Kicking back. Taking it all in.

: Two relaxed moose taking in the view. We were thinking, if we hadn’t made the decision to go …

: Day 29 - Oh boy was it hard to get going today. Lethargy, boredom (over musical choices), lack of …

: A childhood memory revisited today in real time. Shaftesbury. Gold Hill. Ridley Scott directed this …

: Super duper back garden view. Yum.

: You know you’ve got a crazy cat crush when you can’t wait til Christmas because …

: Day 28 - Back Exploring the Rhythm of my Body Day 28 - After walking 8km+/day in York, I’m finally back to dancing in countryside kitchens. …

: Yes. I would like some special foods please. Thank you.

: Darling Cookie has left this world. Goodbye little angel. I’ll miss your tiny body snuggling …

: The little fluffy lamb sleeps on her big fluffy donut.

: A walk in the Dorset countryside with wispy clouds and a pastel sunset.

: Comfy cat bed you say? No, no I’m fine here lying on the plugs.

: Squidgy white pudding of fluff with a bit of gremlin added in.

: Meet darling sweethearted Maisy. She’s soft, sedate and strokable. A regal queen at 18 …

: Oxfordshire. Halfway to our next destination in Dorset. Staying at Mollie’s Motel. Uber cool. …

: I loved stroking this bronze lamb each time I walked passed. I used to see kids in the playground, …

: Goodbye Catto. Hello temporary rescue van.

: Last night in York. Going out in style (with a hedgehog). ⭐️

: Extreme Housesitting - when your clients are getting back in five hours time and your car is still …

: Another installment of Chatto with Catto.

: Catto surveys his kingdom


: I had another Guardian Angel Experience today Something special happened to me this morning. I’d spent an enjoyable hour missioning around …

: I’ve never had French toast, berry compote and mascapone cream before. I’ve concluded it’s …

: Bells chimed out and ice-creams were devoured. It was an emotional moment.

: Oh golly. I’m in love 🥰

: 27 degrees here in the UK and everyone’s feeling it. I’m loving the hotness and embracing the …

: Cappo on doggo: a study in cuteness.

: I do love an allotment full of love and care. I saw some magical ones this evening.

: You know you’re getting healthy when a plate of salad excites you and a plate of pancakes …

: Ooooo what have we got here? Mmmmm my favourite yum smell. Ok. Feeling a bit frisky now. Zoomies are …

: The Time of Leather is Upon Us I’m rather excited. Because after a long time of talking about, looking at, trying on, …

: York on a Thursday.

: What do you do in York on a hot summer’s day when you realise you’ve only got a few days …

: Gatehouse Coffee, Walmgate Bar (coffee shop #8) I love this place. For one thing it’s so photogenic. The colours are soft, warm and inviting. …

: The elusive orange one 🧡

: Been embracing bus culture since our car is still in hospital (and the next house-sit looms). I like …

: Day 28 - We are all sculptors. Sculpting our own bodies and our own futures. We chisel away, …

: Getting Up used to be a Bitch After lying down, I used to find getting up again a challenge. Physically. My arms were weak, my …

: I Underestimated the Importance of My Upper Body Day 27 - It’s funny how little I’ve thought about my upper body over the years. Now …

: They smell as delicious as they look.

: Popped into VJs this afternoon for a champagne and strawberry liqour. I’m not much of a bar …

: Partisan Cafe, Micklegate - Coffee Shop #6 Oh wow. Let’s talk about Partisan. It’s got a vintage, rustic charm and is full of cute …

: Day 26 - I got sultry today and took it slow. I played with my stretches. I went deep. Ain’t …

: Cheat day cont. We got some sweet licquorice drops here. Pink peppercorn Belgium chocolate. …

: Summertime and the livin is easy 🌞

: There’s music wherever I go in York. Great to hear an old favourite. ❤️ 🎶❤️

: He got the musical moves. Mr Rupert Engledow. Jazz and swing violinist. 🎶.

: Freedom on the sparkling water.

: Gulp and Graze Cafe, Micklegate - Coffee Shop #5 I’m loving it here at the Gulp + Graze in Micklegate. It’s bright and airy with a …

: Cheat day here we go. Breakfast. Dutch pancakes. I took mine with maple syrup, Swedish Glace vanilla …

: ~ I Dance in the Sun ~ Day 25 I dance in the sun, in the fresh, in the light I dance with the stars, I dance with the night …

: Doggo enjoying the Solstice sun. Look at them go. Such grace.

: Happy Summer Solstice People of the World! May the force and the peace and the joy be with you ✌️

: Initiative. Rainbows. Bunting. I ❤ York.

: Taken from The Urban Dictionary. Apparently I’m healthy. Jolly good. Ghost Poo

: I’ve been enjoying listening to a genre of music called Retro Wave. It’s got a lot of …

: Fossgate Social, Fossgate - Coffee Shop #4 I’m at Fossgate Social (coffee shop #4) this morning and boy do I feel awesome. Jazz funk …

: Day 25 - Conquering Physical Sensations Day 24 - I had an amazing dance. I feel incredibly strong now. But I went through hell to get here. …

: This photo represents something for me. All the hours of dance I’ve put into my life the last …

: I discovered a Lindt shop. Suffice to say, I got rainbow pick n mix.

: Pret A Manger, Fulford - Coffee Shop #4 This morning I’m in Pret A Manger. A lovely coffee shop chain in the UK. I love it here …

: There’s something about going into a place of refinery that makes me become a better person. …

: Another glorious York walk. How small does my head look in this photo?!

: Women and their Hairy Armpits I want to talk about hairy armpits on ladies. For some reason society dictates that women should …

: Had a look through my photos and found these. Gobstopper heaven in Montreal and catto Amy, doing …

: Anyone got any positive wild swimming experiences? I find it impossible to swim anywhere where I can’t see the bottom. Pristine seas. Absolutely. …

: Mermaid Tendencies I was lucky enough to swim in lots of pristine water growing up. I loved nothing better than being …

: An unfiltered rose. A scary looking old druggist shop. A street in Fossgate. A contented catto.

: Spring Cafe, Fossgate - Coffee Shop #2 Spring Cafe. Uber cool and vibrant. Full of people chatting happily and saying ‘like’ a …

: The Wuwing is Poorly Sick So our babe of a car is in the garage. We’re waiting to hear whether her engine can be saved. …

: A Minute in a Wildlife Haven I’m looking out the window. Wood pigeons bounce round the garden. Feathers preened and plumed. …

: Let’s get @vasta on Micro Monday. He’s lovely and says the sweetest things 😊

: After two coffees, it was inevitable I would go a bit crazy today. Fast forward a few hours and …

: Anyone ever been lacerated by stinging nettles? They got me all across my right ankle. I see the …

: Day 23 - was more of a working dance. I had stuff to tidy (the cleaner’s coming tomorrow!?). …

: I got my hair cut. By Johnny Scissorz. Ooo that name! I love hairdressers with Instagram accounts of …

: Daughter Cafe, Clifford Street - Coffee Shop #1 Since I’m in York. In the buzz. I’ll be frequenting coffee shops. I’ll be writing …

: A Walk in York

: Exploring a City with a Banging Soundtrack I explored the streets of London a fair bit in my 20s. Headphones on. Listening to an amazing …

: Day 22 - There’s familiar power now. I’m grounded and centred. I used to wobble and walk …

: Travel Memories, Chocolate Crepes and Pigeons Travel continued…Dad made a travel documentary of our road trip so I had to be on my best …


: Aww. Just looked out the window and saw Georgie sitting next to a squirrel having a chat. What a …

: Rose water high.

: He wasn’t hungry in fact and just wanted to hang out. Aww.

: Can’t get enough of the lil flying furry beans today. I’m surrounded by delicious herbal …

: A bee in thyme ☘️🐝☘️

: Wanting to Run Since becoming more nimble and light footed I’ve wanted to do short sprints on walks. Not for …

: Cheat day. 12 hrs early. I bought baklava today. There’s no way a box of baklava would remain …

: What a special pond. Bursting out with life as birds sing. What a special rose. Bursting out with …

: Day 21 - Is this really My Body? Day 21 - I danced. I moved. I pumped my toned arms through air. I realised how much extra power I …

: Georgie Porgie.

: Dear sweet catto snuck into our room to curl up on the bed whilst we were out. We only know because …

: If there was a way to live in these flowers, I absolutely and wholeheartedly would move in. …

: Experienced Catto Sought - Job Description Below - Apply Within Experienced Catto sought for top notch cuddles, perfect purrs and delightful company. Excellent …

: Mmmm lovely bird song. What you didn’t hear after I stopped recording was the monumental …

: There’s so much to explore here. I never knew how cycle friendly York was. There are cycle …

: Oh golly. I’ve always wanted to try one of these on 😃

: House-Sitting and All its Joy and Madness Housesitting is a wonderful lifestyle choice. I love it in nearly all ways. The travel, the …

: The Miracle of How Bellydance is Healing My Body Yesterday I saw a podiatrist called Holly. She made my feet feel happier. She removed hard skin that …

: Day 20 - Dancing for Relief Day 20 - I’m dancing once more after a few days transitioning between houses. When I dance …

: Twitchy tail marmalade catto enjoys belly rubs and has big warm squishy ears. He used to live under …

: Who’s a handsome boyo then? And more likely to let a gang of field mice snuggle into his soft …

: Grateful to have an English country garden on my doorstep. It’s lush, vivid, wild, wonderful, …

: My new favourite thing. Glass paperweights. Colours and bubbles. Wow.

: Catto in an English country garden. Aw.

: This is Georgie. He’s a HUGE ginger tom. He’s a gentle giant and very friendly. I’m …

: Ok. Had enough now. Two days without sniffing or snogging soft, furry catto ears is just far too …

: York. Simon’s birthday. Extra cheat day (woohoo). Totally loving this eclectic, ancient, …

: Do You Scowl? I’ve started to notice when I scowl, grimace or frown. And I don’t like it. Even in …

: Dear little Cookie. Fingers crossed for a positive and swift recovery for you sweet one. You really …

: Action catto. Spiralling, splatting, swishing the rainbow feather of doom.

: Baby Buzzface (how big is his head?!). Won’t see him till next year 😩 We had a one night stand …

: Last night with this gorgeous boyo. Not sure when I’ll see him again. I’m breathing in …

: An elegant, bright feast for the eyes (and other senses, if you partake in a cocktail).

: Cheat day. The Ivy style. Tunbridge Wells. Bring on the pancakes. Nom.

: Animals and Their Spirits I took dear little Cookie to the vet today. There’s something wrong and so far we don’t …

: Been tripping out on these little beauties. Reflected light on shiny glass balls (full of bubbles) …

: Bambi V2 I felt as if I was in an altered version of Bambi this afternoon with some added cattitude. A herd …

: Day 19 - Finding my Posture Day 19 - Sat down to start writing and a favourite song came on and I got a second wind. Woo! Quite …

: Get a room boys 🙄

: Brotherly Love

: Fine specimens of yummy kissable ears.

: Thank you Buzz for you ideas on punctuation. I will bear them in mind. No I don’t think we …

: There’s something about cat’s ears that make them lush to kiss. They’re soft and …

: After reading this article about high heels I thought about my own love for them as a kid, trying …

: Day 18 - I look in the mirror now and see health. I look in the mirror now and see strength. I look …

: I’m a sucker for green eyes. Cats or humans. Maybe not snakes though. They’re a bit too …

: Most photogenic cat ever? Quite possibly.

: Travel, Muesli and Almost Getting Arrested Travel featured lots as I grew up. Dad was in the travel industry so doing deals with hotels and …

: Silver linings. Don’t you just love them.

: What a stunner.

: I love the little ones at the back popping up and singing ‘hellooooo’.


: Pink and Purple Ever since I was little, I’ve adored the colours pink and purple. I was obsessed with …

: My helpful garden companions follow me round, hang out while I water and take in the sunny breeze. …

: Purple pom pom flowers and bright fuzzy bees are a match made in heaven.


: I’ve reintroduced cider vinegar into my morning routine. It’s a powerful cocktail taken …

: Day 17 - Connecting with my Calves Day 17 - here we goooo! Something majorly profound happened in my dance today. I felt new sensations …

: Leo lovely, I wish, how I wish, you could always be kind to everyone you met, especially your …

: OOooo that was a lovely sleep. Thank you Holly for providing me with your snuggly clean shirt to lie …

: Dyscalculia - of Lyrics I have dyscalculia. Of lyrics. All my life I’ve never quite been able to hear words in songs. …

: I’ve been watching swallows fledge this morning. Mum and dad flew out first followed by a …

: Hot-tub warmth + Sunshine = Happy Catto

: The Power of My Mind Minds. What a minefield. One minute I’m dancing, minding my own sweet business, enjoying the …

: One last intricate look at those shiny lush butts 😍

: Here we go. I’m officially writing on my new spangley keyboard. It feels amaaaaazing. Like all …

: Oh gosh. It’s happening….

: Having a dance. Catto style. The song - Zola Blood - Play Out. Smooth electro lounge funk. I feel …

: Calamitous Crows Every morning I’m getting woken up by bellowing crows. The kind of crows that sound like …

: From tomorrow evening I’ll be writing everything on this little beauty. The keys are …

: Sometimes all you need to do is sit in a field full of buttercups.

: To Panic or Not to Panic? Recently I panicked when I saw the cat about to throw up on the floor. I ran towards it like some …

: Day 16. I love dancing more than walking. I explore muscles and postures in finer detail. I go …

: Cat crush 😻🙃😻

: My wings were big yesterday. Must have been all that love running through me.

: Buzz the teddy bear cat is the most trusting I’ve met. His energy completely zens me out. I’m …

: After-show after-glow. This is what you look like when you’ve consumed sublime angelic music …

: Guardian Angels A beautiful thing happened to me whilst I was on the way to my seat. I was sitting in the upper …

: I loved Her Majesty’s Theatre. I wondered how many people had sat in there over the years. All …

: Moody, vibrant, beautiful London. You come alive in the sun with so many smiles. It was good to see …

: Whenever I’m in London, Carpo in Piccadilly is on the agenda. Such vibrancy. Such tastiness. They do …

: Jami Hilton. In London town. Love this groove 🎶

: Oh gosh. I’m here. All my childhood dreams and memories are coming back. I’m dancing and smiling …

: Day 15. Hips got plenty of action today. Belly dance moves felt glorious. The music was incredible. …

: The Prince. He sleeps.

: Ribbons, feathers and a Catto. What more could I ask for?

: He’s been up since 4am the little poppet. Now he’s sound asleep probably dreaming of …

: Being a Slave to My Belly Let’s talk about diets and healthy eating choices shall we? Hooray! What fun. 🙃 From my …

: Leo loves his purple ribbon sooooo much.

: ‘This is unacceptable. I expect clean, tidy cars when I enter them. With treats. And toys. And …

: Cookie The Glorious Empress of Tunbridge Wells gracing us with her presence.

: Conquering Pain I’ve been exploring different parts of my body during dance time. Today my twisted foot …

: What a little pixie.

: Buzz. My absolute favourite cat crush. 🎶😻🎶🎶😻🎶🎶😻🎶🎶😻🎶🎶😻🎶

: Today is a full day of dance to make up for the last few days off. I adore dancing round this house. …

: Mmmmm lovely scritch scrotches thank you.

: One minute of delicious birdsong featuring catto Leo as guest meower.

: I was grateful to be back in the hot tub this morn. Not for long as I couldn’t see a thing, …

: Pins and needles. How weird are they? The numbness, the tingles, the ‘oh my, how am I supposed …

: I’m buying a Chromebook. Instead of using my phone to write long posts, I’m going to play in …

: The M25 - What the Hell? I arrived at our next house-sit yesterday, in Tunbridge Wells, in the South East of England after an …

: Sound asleep cattos. In a big pile of squish. Leo usually gets the brunt of Buzz’s bottom in …

: My first ever podcast interview It was fun 😃

: Miss Cookie Face. My tiny shadow for the next ten days.

: This is @macgenie’s cat crush. Hendrix. The cow cat 😻

: I lasted half the night with Cookie in bed. Her loud purr got even louder when she settled herself …

: I’m lying here in bed with darling Cookie, listening to her purr, feeling her snuggling into me. …

: Here's To Women Women are interesting, complicated creatures sometimes (all the time). One reason is because …

: Love Letters and Leaving There was a boy in my class. He was very fanciable. All the girls fancied him. Stuart B. I wrote him …

: Jolly Fudge The best year of junior school was the last one. Not because I wanted to leave but because I adored …

: Behind The Bins With this newfound exploration of erotic feelings and admiration of the female form I hatched a plan …

: Sometimes people arrive back from their holidays fairly early in the morning. Tomorrow is one of …

: Early Erotica It seemed predestined for me to have early erotic experiences. I was looking for something to read …

: Ecstatic face of dribbly love after daily scritch scrotches.

: Delicious sights and smells this time of year. I’m drunk on flowers. Spring. Aston-Le-Walls, …

: It’s celebrate Douglas Adams day today. I’ve been meaning to post this hilarious story for a …

: Day 15. Ended up incorporating a saucepan into my routine tonight. Quite heavy. I enjoyed the handle …

: Finding My Mojo Again I’ve found that being in a state of flux is a healthy conduit in making my life better. Here’s …

: Complicated Relationships With Mums For whatever reason, since my teenage years, my mum has gained a habit. I tell her something amazing …

: It just so happens that next week we’re staying fairly close to London. It just so happens …

: Day 14. It’s amazing how little I sweat now dancing, compared with a few months ago. My body …

: Is there something you use in the house which has revolutionised the way you do something? For me …

: Loving the shape of catto’s nose and mouth. Full of curves and lines making the perfect little …

: I had a Nokia phone with buttons. The only delete key broke. My texts could get imaginative - …

: I wrote and recorded this song. It conjures up feelings of a magical maternal presence for me. I …

: Hands up who’s ever drunk fresh rain water out of a delciously scented rose? If you ever get …

: I’m more positive than negative. I like to see the best in situations, see the beauty. I really …

: Entering Another Dimension Day 13. For any of you who don’t know - I’m on a 30 day belly dance challenge (a fairly …

: I think you’re dreaming about little mice friends Squiggy, with a smile like that.

: Getting Frisky When I was young, I had a few experiences of being accidently exposed to sex. Once my friends and I …

: Day 12. I can’t get over how light-footed I am. I’m flippin agile dude. No-one saw this …

: Oh my. Just agreed to look after this little birman monkey and his two other siblings. In October. …

: Forget-me-nots

: Still snuggled.

: Dear sweet Charlie. Fell fast asleep playing with Dave. Charlie likes licking catnip out of Dave …

: Squiggy. Mid-stroke. Sound asleep one minute, on top of me the next. He likes a good scritch …

: The Secret Life of Curious Funloving Kids My parents were quite well to do. They had a neat garden and a nice drive so it was a surprise to me …

: Don’t you just love Jeff Bridges? He’s been old to me ever since I was a kid. He’s …

: I love this wall. I love this light. I love all the birds. I love their songs. I love the green …

: I spend almost every second of every day with this man. Simon. What a gorgeous hunk of a human being …

: Dogs Are Really Gross Sometimes While school was fun, home was even more so. By this time my house was full of animals. Four cats …

: Squiggy Catto getting down with the vibes.

: Getting into Trouble Brookfield Primary School was a new fresh school and looked like a gigantic bungalow. There was an …

: The most melodic of gardens.

: Some moments outside in this secluded garden where birds feel safe and flowers grow. Nothing much …

: Day 11. Had a bit of lumber pain recently. Those showgirl moves taking their toll. But then it …

: Mean Girls and Young Love My final year at infant school introduced me to how mean girls could be. Now with Michael Bingley in …

: My Childhood Obsession With Flumps I became obsessed with marshmallows after seeing Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1972 (with …

: Just listened to The Music of the Night and the love I have for this song remains. It truly builds …

: The Phantom of the Opera I remember vividly listening to Phantom of the Opera at home as a child. Dad would crank up the …

: There’s a fair few cat toys at this house-sit. In a pile. It wasn’t until flies started …

: I’m watching an awesome series with Tim Roth - Lie To Me - I’m enthralled by the clues, twists and …

: Possible Realities of Being a Dog-Sitter I’m a full time housesitter and look after people’s pets when they’re away. I usually …

: Oh dear (he still seems happy at least).

: Cheeeeeaaat Daaaaaaay!

: A video about never giving up. It’s old, you’ve probably seen it but it’s worth …

: A Seed of Becoming Day 11. Words can’t begin to express how happy I am this evening. I went on an epic journey …

: Think I just made the best salad ever using microleaves - radish and mustard sprouts. With a …

: Damn Those Likes I’ve been reflecting on my social media use and why it brings up feelings of annoyance and …

: Infant School and Family Secrets Eventually I got braver and stronger and went to the local school. Mickleover Infant School. I got …

: Showgirl Moves Day 10. Another lesson with my online teacher today. She’s so fab. Abdominal wall rolls are …

: Went to see this little pixie last night. SOAK. Her voice is sweet. I’m entranced. She’s real, …

: Watch The Ball! As I grew to the ripe old age of 3 I found out that walking was cool. I’d make my dad walk me …

: Toys from the 80s I had a mixture of toys in the early years. The classic Doctor’s Kit and Fisher Price record …

: Dear friends, if you had 3 weeks free in October and wanted to make the most of the late …

: Tipping the Balance Day 9. Dance time. Big shifts today. I noticed how my left leg never wants to lead because …

: Bought an Aeropress today. Oh yum. Adiós weak filter coffee. Hello strong, powerful, smooth magical …

: What a privilege. Squiggy on me. I’m a bit nervous of him, he’s a black panther after all with …

: Charlie. Quite an odd little pickle. I could spend half the night letting him in and out if he got …

: Baked Beans and Mrs Morley I remember I didn’t like getting told off by teachers. Or being left by my mum in any way, …

: Yay for mums! What a rollercoaster of love you’re on. Strong, brilliant, full of unconditional …

: Day 8. Back from an enforced break. I have the biggest dance floor ever. Kitchen. No island in the …

: Being Born When I was born I had a clicky hip. I spun round in the womb and tried to come out feet first. A …

: I love this man. Despite heavy rain, he sat reading his paper while droplets poured down. I was …

: Cheat Day. All day. Mwah ha ha. Let the chocolate games begin.

: Just Wanna Sleep Now Please You couldn’t get two more different cats than at our new house-sit. Relaxed docile teddy bear …

: The Joy of Hills Staying in Devon means you gotta love hills. I don’t, but I do them anyway 🙄 My lazy lizard …

: The Yum Tower of Nom Nom. Low carb diets open you up to a world a juicy veg, ancient grains and …

: Oh Dartmouth, how you woo me with your cobbled streets, sparkling sea and sexy french lingerie shop. …

: I love this mis-mash mountain of moss. Surviving sufficiently on gutter water. Enjoying living in a …

: Wild flowers growing in walls are one of my favourite things.

: Feeling Emotional Today Little tears well up in my eyes as I see beauty and struggle. The little girl who runs to her daddy …

: Best vibe in town.

: Jim Judge This is my dad. He’s not around anymore. He became actual stardust eight years ago. I’d …

: Water Magic

: Staying at The Captain’s Cabin in Dartmouth, Devon. It’s a special place to us. A favourite home. …

: So in love with these anemones.

: You know those walks that are half hearted to begin with - you’re cold, lethargic, bored, …

: Thank you for helping with the packing Catto. I know, it’s very tiring isn’t it.

: I’ve become mildly obsessed with this video Dancing Pupper and the song. Now the rhythm is firmly …

: I love spending time in The New Forest. I feel happy and at home. A soft lushness permeates the air …

: Day 7. New Forest belly dancing. Off road, in nature, sunrays through the clouds, wind blowing …

: Shake Your Booty Day 6. Had not one teaspoon of energy left last night to write about my dance. I didn’t even …

: Epic moments from Milford on Sea, Dorset.

: Trying to get a contemplative look into the distance was completely out of the question. The more we …

: A study of Catto.

: New month. New hair.

: Belly Dancing Skater Chick Day 5. Lovely motion from my hips today. My stomach muscles have rocked and rolled baby. My …

: Yesterday was International Dance Day and amusingly I didn’t feel like dancing at all. Well, until …

: This mischief maker is so good at bopping me awake. Firstly, her meow melts me with sweetness then …

: Body Knows Best Day 4. Freestyle belly dance. As I began, I had chatter in my head until this incredible beat was …

: Turned my back for two secs and Catto has commandeered my dancefloor. Catto you need to move a bit …

: ‘Oooo what’s these?’ ‘Smells good’ ‘Want one’ ‘Hello …

: A beautiful magical cat with her roots in Egypt and a white feather bringing me luck. I arranged a …

: I’ve only ever seen Wisteria from cars. This time I walked past some. Oh my goodness, the …

: I’m amazed at how well I’m doing on this super low carb diet and excited to see the results over the …

: Smashing Down Walls One of those magical moments happened. One where reality shifts for a second and you realise the …

: Engaged Thighs Day 3. Something incredible happened. I ran upstairs like I’ve never run up before (basically …

: Catto doing what Catto does best.

: What a lovely furry chin.

: Catto Chatto

: Day 2. Shimmies, pelvic releases, shoulder rolls and the pièce de résistance - demi pointe. …

: I love how much cats sleep. They definitely spend more time asleep than awake. It’s not like …

: Come visit The Realm of Felurian, if you think you have the strength to leave.

: An ode to moss (part 2) and soft green natural things. I was in my element stroking all this green …

: Drove with a herd of wild cows last night. It was delightfully exhilarating. They sure have a …

: I love being surrounded by colour and fun.

: Kitten vs Feather

: Wild donkies (who were checking out cars in the window of a classic car showroom a few minutes …

: Belly Trance Day 1. I have a new challenge. I’m going to learn and practise Belly Dancing for 30 days. I’ve …

: Under the blossoms we did walk.

: I was having a sort out of my suitcases. Winter clothes are finally going away woo! I find out Tally …

: Sprinkler fun. As a child I was obsessed with the sprinkler. It would whirl and twirl flinging out …

: Going to live with Bluebell Fairies is pretty high up on my bucket list 🤩

: Who goes there? I am The Gatekeeper. You may pass.

: I just danced my ass off to a load of drum n bass. It was faster than I’ve ever danced before ha! I …

: The Joy of a Train Set I love looking at other people’s book collections. You never know what you’re going to …

: Beauty I see

: Action cat

: I am so elated to be here right now, in this green garden, surrounded by songbirds, kissed by the …

: Donkies and Ponies are free spirits in The New Forest. It’s their land. I love that they have …

: Yo! Sushi Time Yo! Sushi is my happy place. It’s a place where my inner child comes out to play. Yummy food …

: Little Miss Tally is the quintessential lounge cat. She doesn’t even lounge in the lounge. She …

: Love Your Life I’m not one for malls. Or I thought I wasn’t until I came to this one. I’m sitting in Westquay …

: She’s only gone and bought herself a snapback skater cap….well two actually 🤗 Last year …

: As My Mother Sings I’m outside, rocking gently in a hammock. My feet rest on lush green grass, on a beautifully …

: Meet Tally. A fluffy ball of loveliness. She loves cuddles and attention. I’m so happy to get to …

: A Paradise Garden I’m sitting in the Garden of Eden aka The New Forest in Dorset. The depth of birdsong is heady. The …

: Unintended - Muse (cover) end of song with the floaty swirly bit 😃

: Baywatch? No Bournemouth. New York? No Bournemouth again! (with just about the cleanest NY cab ever) …

: Freedom

: Yesterday a fearless seagull lady, today a delighted pigeon man lying down sprinkling food on his …

: A feast of crows.

: Flying seagulls and a brave lady.

: Hanging out with bigger kitties today.

: This bandstand was important to me in 1998. I was seventeen, in a musical theatre group and ready …

: Flashing Vibrant Madness I was always obsessed with arcades growing up. More the slot machines than the gaming areas. Whether …

: Love is in the air 💞

: Bournemouth Prom. Windy. Sandy. Sunny. Wet. Flat. Loooong stretches of expanse. 9.2 km of walking. …

: Wonderful lady, lacking fear of being accosted (in any way, shape or form) by rabid seagulls, I …

: These are the Best Days of my Life. As I dance round this house, getting high on energetic beats, working as a team with my love Simon …

: Moose (our nicknames) on the loose. This is what happens when we are left with a trampoline.

: River Hamble in springtime + cute cuddly cats.

: I Need to Write I’ve been longing to write. How amazing is that? To create imagery. To pour myself into words. This …

: Unintended - Muse 🎶 Latest song cover. I’ve always adored this one.

: Where I fits I sits + amazing photo bomb.

: She's Only Gone and Done It! Day 30. Yay I did it! Thirty days of hard energy dancing. A dedicated effort to improve myself with …

: Negative Conversation and Letting People In I’ve been thinking a lot about conversations between people. About listening. About boundaries. I’ve …

: Let’s celebrate Hendrix and his cute fluffy paws.

: Lovely gentle Simon. He left Hendrix on the chair and got another 💞

: This cat knows how to steal chairs. Simon’s off it for five seconds and Hendrix already claims …

: Macgenie this one’s for you 😘 @Macgenie

: A day of sunshine revelations and relaxed cats.

: Back from my walk. Left foot love ❤️ Hendrix knows 😉

: Focusing Attention Day 29. A warm glorious sunshine dance round posh suburbia land. Scented flowers, tiny cute puppies, …

: Smells good! Smells of melodies excited to be made.

: Olive! You gorgeous thing. You wonderful sweet timid cheeky soul who’s always getting your …

: The Dangerous Life of a Hoarder I’ve been thinking about clothes. I live in the same jumper and trousers all the time now. They’re …

: Hendrix, you clown around and look like a cow cat. Polite, sweet, gentle, curious, kind to your …

: A gorgeous strong warrior ❤️

: Feeling Bloody Brilliant Day 28. I’m totally in love with dancing and walking and moving. Today I had a morning house dance …

: Cracking Nuts Day 27. Decided to eat pistachios through my dance today. I was hungry. I enjoyed cracking the …

: Curious Hendrix. Always got your nose in something 😻

: How walking is for me - Gathering. Readying. Beginning. Feeling. Adapting. Concentrating. …

: A bit of ship porn. These are pictures looking out onto the Solent. Large cruise ships dock in …

: Jumping Off Walls Today I jumped off a wall like I used to do at The Nags Head pub when I was 8. I liked it so much I …

: Have some spring flowers 🌺

: Meet Olive. Timid unless she’s playing, it’s good to help her forget to be scared 😉

: Tonight we’re staying at The White Lion pub in a little village near our housesit. Tomorrow we …

: Roadtrip! On the way to Southampton to meet Olive and Hendrix our new kitties for the week. Excited.

: Yorkshire. Farewell. You’ve treated me kindly. Sunshine, fresh air, lovely people, sweeping …

: Sweet Swirling Sounds Day 26. Last night of dance in this lovely cottage. It was a fab one full of light footed moves in …

: Post-Chocolate Face A creamy rhubarb chocolate truffle face to be precise. I love chocolate. We both love chocolate. We …

: Day 25. I can move and dance. What a miracle. Greenhavendjs, I am in love with all your tracks ❤️ …

: I’ve got a bit of a thing for moss. It’s so furry. I love stroking it. It’s like having …

: I’m learning a song. I used to listen to it a lot so I’m enjoying its depth again Sia - …

: I’ve Become Obsessed With Rhubarb I’ve become obsessed with rhubarb. I looked up its health benefits. Here are some facts from …

: City Birds vs Countryside Birds Click for cute wood pigeon action I love how tame the animals are here. In the countryside …

: York is fantastic. So many serendipitous moments happened. It made us think we were in the right …

: Lovely Feet I’ve had the most physically challenging couple of days. After a mammoth walk around York …

: Apple Brandy Cocktail? Yes Please... No dance today, just 11km of walking around York! Dance challenge will resume on Thursday 😊 Super …

: Smooth Moves I was thinking about my beautiful relationship with Simon and what amazing things happen to us each …

: Day 24. My feet are hot! They’re quite often cold and numb so I’m taking it as a good sign. I …

: This tree had a lightening bolt running through it once. And on it grows. New shoots and life. It …

: After half an hour of listening it was time to say goodbye. Thank you swan friend. Hope to see you …

: I am a Swan I wrote this song after my dad died. I sang it at his funeral. I could never have imagined playing …

: Cool. I just got featured on The Dodo for a video I recorded last June in the woods with a lovely …

: A Mermaid Drunk On Melodies Day 23. Really awesome kitchen dance in purple crocs tonight, flowing and stomping to different …

: I am totally in love right now. In love with life. In love with myself. In love with Simon. In love …

: Enjoying an old childhood song. Just the first verse here. Practising with the birds is amazing. …

: Day 22. Dancing in the sunshine mmmm mmmm. Warm golden glitter ball in the sky shining down. Tunes …

: A song to uplift you - Tye Tribbet - You Are Good ❤️💛🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️💛❤️ 🎶

: Good morning world. Today I’m grateful for my determined legs. I’m grateful for my …

: Seeing Beauty Day 21. Back on it today. Dancing with the moves of a girl who has missed her previous rave session. …

: Let's go on a sensory exploration. Warm sun on my face. Baby lambs bleating. Jawdaws discussing. Cold wind. Distant tractors. A car. A …

: Found some super cute images from The Wind in the Willows in the cottage. They’re painted on …

: Freedom This is a mega dairy. It’s huge. Cows here never go outside. Never see sun or grass. Get …

: Bunnies play, jackdaws chat, wrens sing, breeze blows, sun shines in my paradise garden. I got me …

: Day off dancing today. Did a bit of wiggling in the service station…😊 So I’m excited to dance …

: Super long day! The kitties waved us goodbye then we were off. We stopped in to see Simon’s …

: Day 20. Danced the whole day away. Tidying a house with the music turned UP is just the best. …

: Last photos of the gorgeous Tunbridge Wells kitty cat clan. Tomorrow a new adventure will be upon …

: Something wonderful happened yesterday. There was a knock at the door, I was down the other end of …

: Shoes are important to me. They are a lifeline. They help me be vertical and comfortable. I’m …

: Feeling Lighter Following on from yesterday’s ponderings about space, I’m feeling super serene today as …

: Oh Cookie. What a sweet little Tinkerbell you are. Light and dainty, chatty and kind. If I had a cat …

: Space Day 19. Tonight in my dance I got to thinking about simplicity and space. I love space. I move …

: Yes Leo. You are definitely King of the Castle 🥳 Eeeek.

: We put the pens up here to get them out the way of Leo who loves to nibble the ends. But alas, there …

: Oh Buzz. You really are the best snuggler. Anytime, any place, anywhere.

: The Cat Whisperer

: Kindness I want to tell you about something sweet and beautiful that Simon did yesterday. Little Cookie cat …

: Free Styling With Cats One wiggly ribbon, three cats in position ready to pounce. Quite like breakdancers who give one …

: One wiggly ribbon, three cats in position ready to pounce. Quite like breakdancers who give one …

: Time to Fly Day 18. Found some amazing, chilled out intricate trance tonight. Full of subtle twists and turns …

: Here’s some afternoon birdsong and a cat on a fence and some clouds 😄

: Cookie looking Badass. Though in reality she’s the sweetest ball of fur you ever could meet.

: Day 17. Some tunes make me wanna dance and shake it out so bad 😊 I found myself ploughing through …

: I love this little pot. It has kept a few secrets for me over the years and is probably my oldest …

: Happy families. I love it when they all get on 😄

: Growing up I didn’t have any siblings at home with me. My cats were my friends and family. I …

: Day 16. Early morning dance mixed with stretches and rest. Tears fell, fears got quelled, hugs and …

: An object of intrigue for the cats as it hangs on the wall. They’ve all had a moment with this …

: Day 15. Smooth ride. Cookie cat was obsessed with my arm movements as I imaginary glowsticked around …

: Spring has sprung on my blog thanks to Simon’s adventures into an early spring wood.

: It’s interesting being in other people’s houses with their memories and trinkets. So …

: Have some colourful droplets.

: Practising a Seven Brides for Seven Brothers song. I loved this musical as a kid. Lots of colour and …

: Day 14. I did something different today. I had things to do in town so I took my dance moves to the …

: Day 14. This was me this morning. I had my hands in lots of pies. Elephant riding, ribbon twirling, …

: Making Friends I feel fancy when I go to The Ivy in Tunbridge Wells. Such a welcoming place with a Parisian feel. …

: Day 13. Cosmic Gate - Wake Your Mind session. Oh wow, what a journey of sound. So so beautiful and …

: I was trying to do a constructive rest. Buzz changed that completely. All I did was lie down and he …

: Welcome to Singing With Cats - this week a song from the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack. No harp …

: Buzz the Boopalicious

: Hot tub for humans - sundeck for cats. I was in there early this morning listening to woodpeckers …

: Super happy with my posture. Can feel muscles relaxing into happiness and singing about relief 🎶

: Day 12. I’m baaack 🤩 I was more chilled tonight and journeyed through an epic set mixed by Cosmic …

: A Snow White Momement An Amazing thing happened to me last summer…

: Dance Break. 1 day. I think my body deserves it. Still got shoulder strain. Been frustrated today. …

: Some seriously epic clouds today. This pre-spring air is fresh fresh fresh! I’ve been looking up a …

: Buzz, funny five mins, insane behaviour, I couldn’t watch 😂

: Buzz and his Box I really love the sound effects. So dramatic 😄

: Birdsong and Rainbows A link to a few seconds of tranquility.

: Harp practise feat. Leo I’m slowly getting back into harp practise. I’ve been too busy …

: Paw of Power 💛💚💛

: Sunday morning hot-tub time. We tried to avoid startling the neighbours on the way in. Not my most …

: I want to boop him so bad!

: Another day, another cat in my face 😄

: Step Into Your Power I felt a bit down during moments of my dance today. I had to skip quite a few tracks. I noticed they …

: Day 11. My heart raced and my arms were outstretched to Goldeneye by James Dymond. Wow what a tune!! …

: Sleepy cat faces

: I came in to find Leo’s latest sleep pose - biting his brother’s neck. I left with Buzz …

: These two were hilarious tonight. Buzz turned up in Leo’s space and snuggled down. Then …

: Day 10. Afternoon tea dance to Neelix (his track The Sun is so beautiful). I got some moves going on …

: Cat on door. Proper gymnast on the beam. I could barely watch after a hair raising moment 🤪

: I once had a crystal that I adored. I was so happy it was in my life. One day, I lost it. I …

: I was once obsessed with a crystal. I took it everywhere, loved it. At a party, I lost it. I rushed …

: Addicted To The Beat Day 9. I’ve been on a dance journey tonight. This is my post-dance smile. I’ve stomped my feet so …

: Fed the birds today. I love feeding the birds. It’s been hard with a stalker cat around but …

: Leo the warrior claiming me during constructive rest. He was warm. Mmmmm 😻

: I am blessed. Thank you heat. Thank you water. Thank you bubbles and jets. Thank you life. I am …

: Today was amazing. I got given £200 for free by my bank, I found out my credit rating is …

: Dear little Cookie. Always watching over the boys, even though they’re mean to you. Forever …

: Reaching New Heights Day 8. Today I’ve reached new heights and I’m so pleased with myself. More than that, …

: Day 7. Epic beats and epic thoughts. Mainly about compassion and empathy. And how much to care about …

: Reach For The Lasers 🌈 Around this time last year I went to my first rave in twenty years. After a serendipitous moment, I …

: Hold Your Positions This is a photo series of an eager, slightly scary panther like cat trying to break into our …

: Exploring Nooks Day 6. Dancing through the pain. Today was about trying to stay relaxed (I think I’m looking relaxed …

: What a powerful film. The cinematography and stylisation were beautiful, magical and the message …

: Oh Buzz. You are a beautiful squishy furry thing. I love your head butts and unwavering calm …

: 🌴 Snuggly Kitten Love 🌴

: I’m Grateful For My Legs Day 5. A mixture of dancing and running around with purple ribbons being followed by cats. I also …

: We Have A Situation... We have a situation at our latest housesit. An attention seeking local farm cat patrols the …

: Here’s some cuteness for you. In the form of Buzz the Burmese. Always appreciative of a …

: Wood Day 4. It’s pretty hard to dance when you feel like you’ve got wooden shoulders. Ouch! …

: Constructive Rest Today I’ve been helped by Constructive Rest. I’m feeling kinda tight and ouchy in my shoulderblades …

: Shaking Out to Epic Beats Day 3 of my own personal dance off challenge - a solid 2 ½ hours of dancing through a set …

: Spider Magic Omg I found ANOTHER big spider (this time green 😩) under my clothes this morn. I finally looked up …

: 30 Day Dance Challenge Day 2 of the 30 day challenge. To dance every day for at least one hour. Today - Will Atkinson ASOT …

: He may be surley but when he asleep he’s awesome 😻

: Leo sounds like an incoming helicopter when he purrs. He also weighs a ton and I’m finding it …

: A Dramatic Pause One of those twice in a lifetime things happened to me tonight. I felt a tickling on my head and my …

: I Am So High Happy dance face. I am so high in this photo 🥳 Last night I had an incredible dance in my new …

: Sometimes actually getting started is the hardest thing #procrastinationcentral

: Flower Fairy 🌺🌸🌺🌸

: And this is Buzz…

: Cookie the Gently Purring One 💛

: Leo loveliness ❤️

: So happy to be back at one of my favourite housesits. Buzz climbed on top of Leo last night and got …

: I happened upon this photo. Our first summer together. Amazing times. Still giggling. 💛❤️💜

: Sea air. Dazzling clouds. Comfy bench half way up 😄 This is Seaford in East Sussex.

: Music time 🎶

: Hideyhole time. I can see you!

: Sussex has so many beautiful footpaths. This glorious weather makes some shots look like Telly Tubby …

: Mowgli meeting harp.

: It’s lovely to be cuddled. Yum.

: Tree friends saying hi. They even look like they’re waving 🖐🤚✋👋🖖

: Saw some amazing stained glass today.

: Giggles and walks

: He’s super cuddly and has the best whiskers.

: This is Mowgli.

: River Wanderings I’m grateful for the river I’ve been staying next to this past month. I love all the life that …

: So long little flower kitties. Thanks for all the cuddles ❤️🧡💜💚💙

: and calm…

: Isn’t it amazing how the same cat can look so different in two shots? A definite bruiser in …

: Oh Muffin. What a perfect darling snuggle puffin you are 😻

: Thanks for helping me with the flower arranging Fennel. Your mum and dad will like them I think. …

: Rebel 😎

: Anything for a cat's comfort By now I’ve lost the use and feeling in my arm and my body’s lying in a really odd …

: What I’ve learnt today - Don’t rush into things for fear of missing out, as tantalising as …

: What I learnt today - Deep breaths of pure fresh air make me feel strong and alive.

: Feeling springlike with my friend Fennel.

: Find your Dance. Move to your Music. So, this is me, taking a moment in the middle of an epic dance around the house which I do everyday …


: Here’s Muffin taking some moments outside after a long winter hiatus. I loved how frisky she …

: I literally became a child and had my first bubble bath in twenty years. A sensory explosion of soft …

: Hanging out and having tummy tickles

: Fennel sleeps. Wow that nose. Yes it is as soft and luxurious as it looks 😻

: Patient cats thinking of the possibilities

: This is me with all my flaws. Bring it on. I’m ready to rock this. Cathedral style 😉

: I just love conifer trees. Maybe I was a tree elf once. I’m literally drawn to their energy…

: This is the room where the Magna Carter is kept. Apparently it’s a very important document.




: I saw some profound things today and realised how beautiful it was to be out in the sun on a spring …

: And as if by some beautiful magic, as soon as I’d finished writing the sentence ‘face my …

: Facing my Fears Yesterday was a confusing and hard day. After a great morning in the pre-spring sunshine doing jobs, …

: Cats. Hanging out. They are awesome at synchronising movements. Like paw washing, ear tip movements, …

: Best friends having some winter fun ❄️❤️❄️

: I love snow shadows ❄️

: She made it!

: It took 24 hours and some serious snow shoveling for this little cat to venture out.

: Letting Go This is my final play on my beloved Dusty Strings harp. So bright and beautiful. A real honour and …

: I met this little character today. Mimi. As you can imagine she is a delight. I fell in love with …

: Squidgy sleepy cat Muffin doing what she does best.

: Cat love. Yay! 😻

: Beautiful colours at dusk.

: This is Fennel. She’s another manga character. Full of love. Enjoys company and strokes. …

: What a treat. Singing in nature.

: I went for a walk along the canal today and sang under a bridge. I love singing under bridges! The …

: Brighton Pier. Starling murmurations. Sunset.

: Goodbye lovely Georgie. You’ve been so sweet to me. Your presence has been appreciated old …

: Pure love.

: These two. Nearly always touching ❤️

: Now this was a magical wood. Bedgebury Wood in Kent. Morning dappled sun. Wow.

: Roxy, forever loving with the softest ears, always on the hunt for her next snack.

: Georgie, the Labrador gremlin bear dog ❤️💛❤️

: This is Small. I fell in love with her eyes. I looked after her over the New Year. She has the most …

: Christmas time with some incredibly furry Maine Coons. Izzy reminds me of a Dr Seuss character. She …

: Practising some new cover songs with an old doggy snoring nearby just out of frame. Excited to share …

: A sweet furry kitty joined me for practise today. This is Cookie. The skies opened and the sound of …

: And it’s always lovely to have an audience with Copper 🤩

: It’s been inspiring to stay in a different kind of countryside this month. A valley, full of …

: Cats awake and asleep all at once. I love Zen cats. I’m learning from them all the time and taking …

: Copper has been in it too. It makes a great snuggly place.

: Kitty Twinkle loves my harp bag. Great to know it has multi purposes 😄 Loving living with kitty cats …

: Goodbye old life. Thanks for everything. Hello new exciting adventure travel round the world playing …