Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Behind The Bins

With this newfound exploration of erotic feelings and admiration of the female form I hatched a plan to see more. I don’t know how I knew this but a friend at school’s dad used to read the Daily Sport, a smutty paper with lots of rude pictures. I decided that if I offered to recycle his newspapers I’d be able to see the naughty pictures in it. So began the clever ruse that Angela and I (because I roped her into it too) would collect newspapers from around the area (mainly his as all the others were boring normal papers) and do a good deed, taking them to the recycling bins at the shops. Back then there were no recycling collections. It was a great plan. And so I would sometimes be found looking at a fanny or a pair of boobies behind the back of the recycling bins. I did it a few times I suppose. It felt naughty and nice. It gave me a buzz.

I also fancied boys. My childhood crush was called Richard. He and his blond, floppy hair would walk home past my house each day after school. He also delivered the paper (those were exciting moments as he put it through the letter box). I was smitten. He wasn’t. I accepted that fact with a heavy heart. Those feelings lasted many years. My longest crush ever. I didn’t have a crush on a girl until I was at uni. I’m surprised it took me so long though because I thought willies were weird.