Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

I Underestimated the Importance of My Upper Body

Day 27 - It’s funny how little I’ve thought about my upper body over the years. Now I’m playing with it, moving it, it feels important. There’s definition up there and everything’s waking up. It’s not just something for my legs to bear the weight of. Having a flabby upper body doesn’t serve a purpose. So I made it more lithe. More toned. And now it has a purpose. It has jobs to do. It reaches for things with ease. It stretches and opens out. It twists and turns in a fluid motion and without pain. It allows me a bigger space with which to breathe in oxygen. It works with my legs to make me graceful and soft as I walk and dance. It’s no longer a burden but a joy.

Working it more has brought me back to life. Lifting up my chest feels amazing. Holding it there naturally feels regal. I’m tall and elegant. My shoulders don’t shrug or curl forward anymore. I have no shoulder pain. I have more space and strength vertically. This is something not to be underestimated. Vertical strength opening like a flower is like tasting the nectar of my muscles.

We had a massive rain shower. I went out to feel the raindrops. They were fat.