Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

This is the raccoon whisperer. I find the situation sweet, endearing and a little concerning. But they all seem very happy! These cute podgeballs getting cared for by a man who promised his wife he’d carry on their nightly tradition. Cookies and sausages for dinner anyone? Yaaay!

If you’re looking for something dreamy and expansive to help you relax, I’ve just recorded a new harp piece called Mermaids. Close your eyes, lie back and float into a magical realm. We all need a lullaby now and again.


A visit to Barra in the east of Glasgow city was different today. I like exploring new places. This area has an edgy, bohemian style.

😭❤️🥳 Van Jones’ speech made me well up with a whole mixture of joy for the future and sadness for the past. It’s a good day for America. Onwards. Lots of love from Scotland X

90mph gusts of wind in Glasgow today. Exciting (yet safe) weather. Leaves whooshing past the window, down the street. The sun is beaming. It feels like Mary Poppins is going to turn up any minute now…

Ginger biscuits sans ginger 🤨 At the point where the ginger was supposed to be added I realised I had none so a combo of freshly grated ginger with a dash of cinnamon came into effect. Creamy, sweet and subtle. Gonna get me some of the powdered stuff next time for a real bite.😉

Firework flower (unofficial name). I look forward to this flower in the colder months as it smells divine.

Definite Labyrinth vibe. Yes I was hoping to see the talking caterpillar.

Swan with an attitude. A minute later he’d pecked a younger male on the wing through the fence and wouldn’t let go! Haven’t seen such aggressive posturing before.

Quite a party down at Victoria Park today.

Fav leaves ever - the ornamental cherry tree. 😍 I am officially overwhelmed by Autumnal beauty.

Nature’s confetti

Sprinkle me with colourful leaves and I’ll be happy forever.

Listen to the Raindrops and look out for the hummingbirds : ) Five minutes of musical tranquility and stunning scenery.

Always a great morning when you discover there’s velvety, strokable moss growing on your kitchen window ledge. 👍🏽

Pensive Leaf Lover 🤔🍁❤️🍀🍄

Crazy Leaf Lover 🍁

Aberfoyle Forest, Stirling. Autumn hues and I found fantasy moss too! (and spent a good wee while connecting with the fairies and spirits hiding there : ) I may have stroked the moss too.

I’m so excited by autumn. I feel I’ve missed out on it these past few years because of the areas I’ve lived in. There just weren’t many trees or they weren’t that accessible to me. So this year, being in a city with oodles of trees, I’ve been kicking 🍁’s around, oooing at the bright red acers, ahhhing at any leaf that’s bright orange (I’ve got such a thing for orange at the moment). And don’t get me started on golden birch leaves lighting up the sky like canary diamonds sparkling in the sunshine. Yummy! I feel like I’m gasping out loud wherever I go. Over leaves! Brilliant.

Playing in the leaves, watching them float down like snowflakes in the breeze, being in this autumn energy, taking in the rich, vibrant colours leaves me feeling like one happy girl woo! 😉 🍁🌲🍂🍄🦔

Welcome to my wires! They have a mind of their own and I tend to let them spread. They’re wild at heart just like me. I’m very good at taking up desk space too so dusting can get interesting. 😉

I got my maraca out for my new song. Love a bit of maraca now and again. 😁 💃 🎵

Full on ‘tidy up dance sesh’ today. I have a sparkling house and a happy body now woo! The music was loud and the heart was beating. I love letting go of all mind burdens while I belly dance and fist pump around the house. I love my wooden dance floor and I love this DnB set.

Early morning harp practise…well early for me. 😊 10:20am. Glasgow, Scotland. #adayinthelife

I’ve made a video for a song called Beautiful Bird by Adrian Freedman. It’s full of colour, magic and healing. I’m experimenting with new techniques in each video and after discovering Pixabay for images, I’m flying into a whole new realm of creative imagination. So grateful.

Here’s a song about angels I’ve been working on the last few days. I love the first picture in the video, it’s such an amazing explosion of heavenly white and blue. Yummy! It’s a little healing song to remember our smiles and joys and help invoke a golden, warm, protective light.