Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Jam tart anyone? I was baking a lot for church last week and it was the moment of the humble jam tart, I chose to focus on. Now, a jam tart can be hit or miss depending on the pastry. Luckily, I got to experiment with a few recipes and found the best best pastry recipe ever, so each bite became a melt in the mouth experience, yum! Pastry ten minutes out of the oven has to be one of my all time favourite delicacies. Here we have raspberry, plum, peach and lemon curd.

My friend Hilary got the recipe from her friend Miriam, so she’s always called it Miriam’s Pastry - 250g plain flour + 175g unsalted butter, rubbed together to make bread crumbs. Stir in 20g caster sugar + 1 egg. 1tbsp water if needed. Rest in fridge, wrapped 40 mins. 200’C for 18mins. The filling is up to you!

piles of jam tarts in hues of reds and yellows on two blue plates