Something a little different today - the first episode of my healing, cosmic planetary course to be released in the near future. This beautiful course will give you strength, peace and vitality. It will boost your confidence and celebrate your uniqueness. This is Earth 🌏🌞⭐️❤️
Would love this neighbourhood cat life 😻
Here’s an uplifting, ethereal five minutes for your Friday, full of magical elf song. Here lies a land of fairies and secrets. Ancient powers and crystal kingdoms. May you get lost in these healing sound waves. 🧝♀️⭐️🌲 This is Garden of Song. Thank you everyone💖
The scent of sweet peas is my favourite summertime joy. It’s made of some kind of magical, feminine, voodoo alchemy that stops me in my tracks and transports me to a shiny, woo woo, fantasy land every time I catch a whiff 😍
Hey lovely folk! I call these happiness flowers. Sending them to everyone who bought my new planets album. Along with much gratitude and love 🙏 If you feel moved enough to write a review, I’d love you to leave one on my Bandcamp page. I love hearing about your experiences ✨❤️🔥
🎉 Happy to announce Planets I is now officially released 🎉 Enjoy your cosmic adventure into space. It’s gonna be an immersive ride. 🎢
Loving the new images from the James Webb telescope. It blows my mind in fact. Something which my music does too 😺
Hooray! Tomorrow, my album Planets I will be released 🎉 On this volume - the healing music of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and a secret bonus track 🥸 Would love you to support my album, celebrate my creative spirit and help share the magic of harp sound vibrations 🎶✨🙏
Who’s eaten a nasturtium? Love how many sunshine hues they come in. Leaves are great sliced in salads too. My goodness, I love summer harvests 🥰
Managing our Inner Critic is a new episode on Meditation Lights. Included today: Reflections on confidence, self-criticism, helping others and ourselves out of negative frameworks. 4-7-8 breathwork. Calm Meditation. Harp activation. Hugs.
Found ourselves on the receiving end of a couple of shots of mezcal. All the bartenders had one too so they were on the house 🥳 So much magic oot in Glasgow on Friday night. First time trying - I liked the taste. This one was smokey with a chaser of mint, cayenne and apple. Yum!
Mama Snake in the mix. My new favourite techno dj. Been around forever, knows how to mix in awesome moments of ambience. Made me smile through her whole set and I couldn’t stop moving. Very cool night after a few months off. Listen to any of these sets to feel her vibe.
Seriously amazing time dancing to Mama Snake last night. Then we watched the sun rise.
The Voices - A Stream of Healing Consciousness and Light is a new style of meditation I’m experimenting with. A free flow of healing thoughts and reflections, things I’ve gone through, moved on from and learnt about. All presented in a kind, loving, peaceful, positive way.
How lush is this Tradescantia Nanouk? Purple leaves and magical star flowers. I’m in love 😍🌸✨