Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Epic set. Hypnotic. Enticing. Delicate. A melding of trance and techno at its finest. A journey. A dance with the light. A dance up to the celestial planes. Great comments. Shine on ravers 😎 Ki/Ki.

Woman on the decks in a club

How lucky to see the Aurora in Fleetwood last night. It was worth getting out of bed for! I’m sure many people are saying that. Our world of wonder hey?

Pink and green aurora in the skyAurora over a boating lake with green reflections in the waterA row of houses lit by streetlights and a pink aurora shining above

Well, these two have just blown me away to my happy cloud. Feels like a mash up of all my fav rave genres of the 90s. Funky, driving, melodic, bouncy, playful. SO good! Totally loving these vibes. Oh yeah. Thanks boys. πŸ’ƒπŸ» Bad Boombox b2b Funk Tribu at Intercell Indoor 2024.

djs in a club laughing together on the decks.

20 degrees here in Harrogate. This lassie can hardly believe it. 😎

Woman with sunglasses sitting in the sun

Holly playing her harp in the countryside

Pink spring flowers in the foreground and rolling green hills in the background

Good morning. Happy Monday. I was lucky enough to play harp before this view yesterday. The air was balmy, the birds were bright and I was peaceful. Love to all. πŸ’–

Landscape of rolling green Yorkshire hills with the sun shining over them

Dear sweet Frankiebobbles, wants to be part of everything, including the custard tart! πŸ’›

Curly haired dog with grey hair looking at camera with big brown eyesClose up of a custard tart with a dog paw print in the middle

Happy morning vibes from Mr Pigeon.

Wood pigeon feeding on a bed full of flowers

A five minute powerful affirmation boost. Keep remembering to trust yourself and discern what’s best for you. You’ve got this. Make healthy choices. It’ll help you to heal and shine. Lovely image by Bart Larue, with thanks.

I used to love candy floss. A big, bright ball of pink fluffiness was a wonder to behold and a tasty caramelised treat. These days my wool duster substitutes such sweet pleasures quite well… minus the eating part. I also love its floofiness.

White wool duster held up like candy floss

Let’s flow into Saturday like a gloriously pink, wispy, joyful cloud 😁

Pink landscape sunset with distant mountains and a lone winter tree in the distant centre

Wind turbines just add something to a photo

Orange sky,  dark hilly, grassy land and small wind turbines on the horizon

Lush sunset last night

Golden red sunset colours with a dark hut in the foregroundOrange sunset and close up of a curved black roof against the orange sky

Sunny days. Feeling grateful for this level of warmth and joy. Singing practise is turning out well. I’m part of a duet this Sunday praying this beautiful psalm.

Woman with long, silver hair and gold rimmed specs smiling into the cameraNotated composition by Adrian Earnshaw

A spectacular sunset.

sunset os orange and yellow over a bay, the tide is out, wind turbines stand on the horizon

A sparkly sea for your day. A multifaceted shimmering diamond. Like us.

Golden beach and sparkly sea

Birds enthusiasts - shag? cormorant?

B/w of a seabird, perhaps a shag or a cormorant with its wings outstretched standing on top of a pole

Introducing Blackpool Tower.

b/w image of Blackpool tower and surrounding coast taken from the north

Happy love doves.

Two collard doves facing each other eating seed together on a mossy garden wall

Lady in a purple coat sitting with her tan,  foxy looking dog

Joyful doggo got his prize.

Dog at the seaside running for his ballWhite dog catching his ball on the sand

Hello Mr Pigeon. Don’t you look smart today? Enjoy your sunflower seeds.

Wood pigeon pecking food in colourful flowersWood pigeon in a garden of spring flowers

How alien are these chitted potatoes? After 3 weeks on our priest’s kitchen window ledge they have been blessed enough and are ready to plant πŸ˜ƒ I’ve never grown potatoes before so I’m looking forward to the harvest. I love potatoes!!! πŸ₯”πŸ˜πŸ₯”

A sprouted potato ready to plantClose up of a sprouted potato

The potatoes have been planted. Woo! I had no part in the digging bit. That’s all down to my gardening buddy Keith. He does all the heavy lifting. I just fly in like a potato fairy at the end and pop the tatties in the ground.😊

A raised bed of soil with a line of potatoes planted down the middle. a spade stands in the background.