Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

In my dance today loads of emotion came out about this thing I’m dealing with at the moment. It’s not a big deal in the scheme of things. I’ve just been treated badly by a company and I’m trying to get justice. I was in the middle of this amazing dance, my body felt free and happy, not a care in the world and then all this frustration popped up and I started going over details of the case and remembering that I hadn’t been heard. It put me off kilter a bit. I’ve already put it to rest. I’ve already told myself that it’s such a small thing. It’s not like my life is in danger. But my psyche had some residual stuff to get out and when I danced and got my heart rate up, I tapped into something which left me hanging for a while.

As it was happening I also thought, my life is perfect. I’m incredibly lucky. I have everything I need and more. I am whole. I am looked after. I am grateful. I am loved. But despite my wonderful life I still find things to be down about. Why is that? Why do I focus on the negative? Why do I let it rule me? Why can’t I shake heavy thoughts off immediately? Why do they have a power over me? Even the most beautiful people find something they’re not happy with I thought. Even the most perfect looking model has a hang up or two. So much good in people’s lives and then one comment/thought can leave a bad vibe which lingers. I’m looking to grow a harder skin whilst still nurturing my innocence and wonder. I want to be strong and slay that negativity. It doesn’t deserve a place in my life. And I’ll always remember to be grateful.

The Sugar Queen

39 - Here are some thoughts on sugar, the control it has had on my life and what I’ve done to combat it.

Bring on the cuteness! Just got to a level with loads of rogue moles. 🦦😅❤️🌈🌟🌻🍄🍄🌷🐿

Holly Goes Gaming

38 - Today is all about retro computer games. I remember the games of my childhood and all the fun I had. I also talk about an exciting new gadget on its way to me. Yippeeeee!

Clotted cream coffee with a galaxy swirl at its centre.

Welcome to The Children’s Wood, Kelvinside. Here you will find a fantastic mud kitchen and lots of happy kiddos not quite believing their eyes. Love this mural. Talk about popping colours.

A Wee Walk

For me, every step counts on my dear wee tootsies. So driving 10 mins before I start walking means I get to explore new areas without needing to walk home too. And being in a new city means there’s lots to see. Yesterday I walked along the river in the Botanical Gardens towards Maryhill. The stark high rises contrasted with the nature and river running below. It was humid. There was a trio of older men standing outside a garage, music pumping, admiring each other’s fancy motor bikes. I saw skateboarders using wide deserted roads for tricks. I walked through an area stricken with poverty and then found the next street full of expensive cars. Such a mixture of wealth. I’m taking it all in and feeling grateful. May everyone be happy (including you catto).

Happy Birthday Simon! You Are Good. ❤️

A delightfully sparkly river running through Kelvin Grove Park, Glasgow. It’s Simon’s birthday today 🥳. A present arrived this morning courtesy of his brother (living 500 miles away). Inside was a picnic hamper full of fancy camembert, brie and crackers. Posh picnic time! Woo!

Glasgow university or Dracula’s Castle? 🤔

Back garden daisies are always back in force soon after the lawn has been cut.

I made an egg custard tart. Woo! First ever. Had a couple of slices for breakfast and now figuring that next time I’ll make tartlets because the idea of having another slice in the forseeable future is doing me a concern. It’s huge! Deliciously custardy, sweet and filling! 😃

Day 30. I’ve reached my goal of a dance session a day for 30 days. Woo! But it doesn’t end there. I’m not stopping. I’m just not counting anymore. It just is.

Me + Dance = Every day for the rest of my life.


Day 29. Sending peace and hugs out to the world. And lots of dancing vibes. Life feels good when you dance and look after yourself. Groovy, grinding beats drove me on today. A Dimension set and a Camo and Krooked mix. Love love love from me, Snoopy and Woodstock. X

Day 28. Had to fight through some mental heaviness today. You know when a situation from the day takes over and goes round and round in your head? Trying to find your equilibrium in that state can be a challenge. Amazingly trying to forget about something that is hurting you mentally is a challenge but dancing to the right music is a good remedy for that. This DubFX remix hit the right spot this evening. And look, my hair now ties into the tiniest ponytail.

Day 27. Dancing and organising today. A ‘dance tidy’ has its uses.

I am happy.

The amazingness of 🧊 🧊 🧊

Day 26. Polished the oak floors today and danced round my mop like a pole dancer 💃 …not really but these floors look shiny fine now. I trod in sticky polish and now can’t skid. I love skidding! Sunshine and breeze here today. Great weather for🕺 💃!

Day 25. What a great dance walk to chilled out beats in the evening sun. I had a single coffee this morn. I think it messed up my metabolism because all i’ve had today is cake. With homemade lime butter icing. For lunch and tea. Nom. Now i’m hungry for toast. Late Nite Toast!

Dessert hack.

  1. A Viennese Whirl
  2. A blob of double cream
  3. A sprinkling of himalaya salt
  4. A sliced strawberry

Oh my.

Day 24. Barefoot exploration on wooden floor. Really cool on my tootsies as usually they’re never out of socks and shoes. I’ve realised how much my toes ‘hold on’ to the ground as if i’m gonna fall off the edge at any moment. Hmmm that’s gotta change. I feel their fear. It’s ok lil toesies, don’t worry. I got this. I can balance perfectly and stand up tall. Have a rest and enjoy this Dub FX chilled out song in the sunshine.