Fresh sweet peas from the garden. Heady with scent. Have you got some little nature areas in your home?
I love my home, even more so since living in a hoarder’s house for weeks and weeks. I’ll never again underestimate the value of space. It’s a breath of fresh air, a peaceful caress. Objects with space around them can be appreciated. Clutter is an enemy to calm living and a happy heart. The wee pockets of mine that have gathered in the corners have been warned… I’m coming for you!
Typhoon incoming. One of my favourites. So loud, it made a kid wearing ear protectors cry. 😲 What a machine! What a sound.
Love me an airshow. The one at Blackpool this afternoon was exhilarating and sweltering. Red Arrows gooooo!!!
Hanging out with my garden flowers is blissful joy, especially with sunshine and ice lollies. Funny thing is, I don’t know what half these plants are because when I sowed the seeds a few months back, I didn’t label them properly. Now they’ve massively grown, I can use a plant identifier to help me out. It’s really fun, the randomness of where I’ve planted them all (usually gardeners have a plan right? Nae me). They were so tiny when I planted them out, now after 5 weeks away, they’re luscious and thriving, hooray! And I even know what they are. 😅 These sunflowers behind me are going to be epic! Ps how cool are seeds? All different shapes and sizes. French Marigold seeds are mad. Love it all. 🌱 ♥ 🌱
Drum and Bass for energy. Sunshine too. Packing up and going home. Tomorrow. 5 weeks and 2 days after arriving. 🥳
Find the fun, whilst doing the chores.
Sunshine for the soul with this soundtrack.