Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Loving the cascade of flowers that greets me at my door these days. 🌸🌺

Can't Help Falling in Love

Can’t Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley.
Day 2 (of 30) - A song a day.
Dedicated to my mamma and dadda.

Flor das Aguas

Flor das Aguas - Irineu. A song from the forest.
Day 1 (of 30) - A song a day.

Here’s my challenge. For the next 30 days, I’m going to record a song a day. To get back into the swing of music production. To remember how to use my voice. To practise being in a new shared space. In a city full of noise. I’m going for rawness, passion and heart.

She’s setting up. She’s making ready. New studio. In progress.

Last night pumped. The bass drove. It felt friendly and fun with most dancing. I like it when people get hyped up by the music. As beats build, the atmosphere intensifies giving me more energy and a big smile. Eating a flapjack at 2am helped too! 11km of steps woo!

It’s been a hard couple of days so i’m off dancing. I’m going to shake it all out. What i’ve learnt is when i think something is hopeless and unfair, it actually turns out to be my biggest teacher which makes me stronger and more sure of myself than ever before.

This is Tom. Simon met him on his walk today. Everyone knows Tom. Everyone strokes Tom. Simon had to queue up to have a stroke. He was third in line. He’s the biggest cat in Glasgow.

An ‘after dance glow’ makes for a good feeling. It’s my first dance in my new home. I worship the oak floors. They’re up there with marble. They’re soft and smooth with a slight skid which brings an excitment to my feet. It’s a perfect dancefloor. Yesss!

Hello Blackbird, what a fine feathered friend you are. Simon enjoyed your wee chat earlier on. And I loved listening to you this morn. Even though it was 4:30am! Keep singing and shining dear one. We love having you around. We love your melodies echoing off the old tenements.

Interesting night. I arrived to five guys standing around drinking. I was brave and started dancing. Then some crazy cat girls turned up. They were fun. And mad. The music was heavier than my fav dnb beats. Still, 9km of moves later I’m feeling fit. Dancing is nectar to me. 💃🏾

‘I never felt so free’. Through the night.

Friday night. Going out dancing. Free dnb and jungle night. Don’t know what to expect but I’m gonna dance my touche off as long as I can. Let’s go have fun. Let’s dance. Wooooooo!

Our new baby. Audio Pro C5. Lush sound. The bass is a dream. Not that we can pump it up so much now we’re flat living. Looks great doesn’t it? We got it from Amazon Warehouse so weren’t even sure what colour it would be. It’s a girl! 👩🏼‍🎤

Oh yes.

Don’t mess with the moose while she’s building.

One of my favourite Björk songs. I have it on repeat as the melody is just so beautiful.


This is a win people! I managed to make a Poäng stool. 🥳 It took me a few attempts as I made it then realised I’d forgotten to put the board in - you know, the bit you rest your feet on (🤔🙃) so I had to back track and rectify the sitch. And hooray, I have a foot stool. I’m not the biggest fan of these IKEA DIY picture books. My brain doesn’t work like that. I have to spend hours trying to figure them out but I’d rather be Mary Poppins, snapping my fingers and singing to inanimate objects which then start to build themselves. 🎶

Next for the Poäng chair. Wish me luck.

Happy sunny Monday! Here’s a super duper shiny song to help you shake away all the cobwebs. Love this!!

Happy Leap Year!! An auspicious day to pick up the keys to our new abode. We’re in. Let’s start building. 🤔🥳💃🏾🕺🏽

I love IKEA, mostly....

IKEA is a blessing and a curse. Good design. Environmentally friendly products. SO much to choose from. And therin lies the problem. FIVE HOURS LATER I leave IKEA making ‘buh buh’ sounds. I’m pooped (though I still manage to eat a donut in the carpark). I realise that I went too far. I stayed too long. All those shinies were just too much for me.

I’ve realised the way to approach IKEA is in stages. Today’s stage was mostly about the kitchen. I’d forgotten that starting a house from scratch takes time. My brain has been consumed with whether I really need a potato masher (no) and a box to put my smelly cheese in (yes!). I live simply but buying all the utensils to make a kitchen workable is a mission. Now thankfully it’s almost complete.

I never thought I could get so excited about turquoise plates made of tempered glass. This time last year the idea of buying plates seemed proposterous. And here I am with the passing of time, making a nest, celebrating colourful plates and how useful they’re going to be.

Moving forward, Friday’s stage will be the bed and mattress. Then there are desks, dining chairs, office chairs, tables, etc etc. It’s exciting. I love it. I’m grateful to finally have the designs of my choosing in my very own hoose. Yay!

Have you got any IKEA stories?

After three weeks of looking for a home, we have a winner! 🥳🥳🥳 Glasgow West End. City life is here! So much choice. So many tastes. So many cakes! I’m in love with it all. I’m in love with the bold colours in these rooms too. They make me feel like an urban mermaid. 🧜‍♀️

Kothel on Crow Road makes me immediately cooler when I hang out there for coffee, cake (and sometimes even lasagne). The staff are elegant, the ambience vibrant and the decor a mix of industrial rustic. I love it here. I love how many amazing cafes I now have locally. Yay! ☕️🍰☕️

First night out dancing in Glasgow. Through the heavenly winds to the club I fly. Take me train to the club where I move and shake. I love the build up to a night out. Haven’t danced to this genre before. Girl DJ. I’m excited. Let’s go!!

How much custard is too much custard? This is my second custard slice in 24 hours. This dessert is my new fantasy. It’s like a fairytale dreamland in my mouth. I added a lil white chocolate and cherry cupcake into the mix too. Both delish. Both gone. Byeeeeee.