Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch


33 - In this episode I give you the low down on my clubbing experiences since I was 15 years old leading up to my very latest super club experience aged 40.

The Bunnies are back!

32 - A fabulously fun episode with Peanut, Pumpkin and Pickles. They share a little more about themselves, their mischievousnous obviously comes out and they sing us a lovely song.

Adventures in Primary School Teaching Part 2

31 - In this second part I talk about the types of school I’ve worked in, the good, the bad and the ugly teaching days, and the little things that always brightened my school day.

Adventures in Primary School Teaching

30 - This was a fun episode to make. Remembering all the good times I had as a teacher. And some of the not so good moments too. It’s ecclectic and varied. It has sparkles and fun. Being a supply teacher was a challenge and a joy.

Singing Rabbits

29: This is a very special episode with some very sweet guests. Pumpkin, Peanut and Pickles join me for a sing song and chat. I talk about my new experience of looking after rabbits for the first time, how I love it when they binky and what their characters are like.

Domestic Abuse

28 - The subject of domestic abuse should be raised often.

This is my story.

I implore you to share this episode with anyone you think may take benefit and strength from it.

Here’s a helpline service via text message.

And here’s the article I read that made me want to share my story.

Article - Intimate Terrorism

When coercive control was added to the statute books, it recognised something that victims of domestic violence had been explaining for decades: that the physical assaults were “not the worst of it”. It was the pattern of isolation, humiliation and domination that had broken them down, and robbed them of their lives.

It’s a hard area to police, or even put on paper, because it happens slowly, subtly and covers a range of possible behaviours. It’s also deeply personal, explains Davina James Hanman, an independent Violence Against Women consultant. “The perpetrator has intimate knowledge of the victim, so the patterns of abuse and control are specifically tailored,” she says.

Here, a wife is freed after her family successfully challenge her life sentence. Article - Sally Challen.

A lot of the problem is that women don’t know they’re in a relationship of coercive control. It’s family, friends and relatives who do see it. Somehow they have to speak to that person and convince them to leave. They don’t seem to be able to break that tie. It’s a very strong tie and the women are very vulnerable.

She said schools should teach children about coercive control, as boys as well as girls suffered from it. “They’re damaged and it’s damage done to them for the rest of their lives. Teachers also should be aware and look around their classrooms and make the children aware of what could happen.”

Halloween Magic 👻

27: A spooky episode reflecting on childhood memories, the spirit within us, signs that speak to us, inner truths and passing on.

Old Haunts

26: Tonight I talk about visiting Bristol, eating copious amounts of food, walking in cities and our new bunny rabbit friends.

Cover - Pippin’s Song - Lord of the Rings Soundtrack

Psychic Vampires

25: Tonight I reflect upon my social interactions of days gone by and how in the past, I tended to end up in the company of energy zapping people aka psychic vampires. Then I talk about how moving forward I hope to make more balanced, positive, nourishing friends.

Original song by me - You’ll Always Be

Blessed are the Cracks for they Let in the Light

24: I talk about dealing with worry, my mind’s ability to lay booby traps for my body, confronting past traumas, seeking attention, feeling squeamish, how to stay positive amidst emotional stress, protecting myself against chatty people and being a brave warrior.

Cover song - I’ll Fly for You - Carnival Row Soundtrack

The Tale of the Lost Cat

23: I’m in another part of the UK now talking about a crazy cat rescue, my encounter with some firemen, what it’s like to live with birmans and how I’m trying to get a handle on my tendancy to worry.

Don't Bottle Things Up

22: I talk about how important it is to say what’s on your mind rather than repressing it, how I love depth in a conversation, and what’s going on for me in the months ahead.

Hotel Adventures, Harp on the Lawn and a Lovely New Housesit

20: I talk about my adventures from the last week, the loveliness of friendship and what it’s like in my new housesit.

Cover song - Lonesome Pole Cat - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

Being a Grown Up

19: Happy Autumn Equinox! I talk about vulnerability, strength, keeping on moving and staying bright.

Cover song - Hearts and Flowers - Lamb

Mountain Lion

18: I pick a medicine card from a deck created by Jamie Sams and David Carson. I pick Mountain Lion and read what it says about this animal totem.

Dancing in the Face of Adversity

17: I danced this evening. First time properly in a few days. I needed to know I could conquer my body. I needed to know I could dance through the pain. Here I talk about what went on during that epic dance. I’m a tiny bit spacey.

The Torment of Psychosomatic Pain

16: Today I talk about a psychosomatic illness I’ve given myself and how I’ve been dealing with it the last few days. And why it’s even here in the first place.

Cover song - Sia - Breathe

Chainsaw and Harp: an Exploration

15: My mobile studio is right next to where a load of guys are currently using chainsaws. I thought I’d embrace the situation and noise and play some harp. I came up with the simple melody today after my dance. Here I’m having a riff on it with Cave reverb on.

Late Night Harp

14: Harp stories, how I got into harp, what harps I’ve had and some harp playing tooooo.

Attachment, Mind-Body Connection and Creative Flow

13: I talk about the dangers of feeling attached to things and about working through pain and change. I talk about flowing with creative energy and taking in life changing experiences with love and positivity.

New Housesit, New Cattos, New Dancefloor

12: I’ve arrived at my next housesit. I talk about recent adventures, sweet cats and new sensations in the autumnal breeze.

I Experienced a Miracle

11: Ever had one of those moments where you feel like your whole life has dramatically changed for the better? Where you feel like you’ve slayed your demons through sheer determination and you’re stronger than ever before?

My new skipping rope just brought me a miracle.

Dancing in Public vs Dancing in Private

10: what do you prefer…dancing in public or private? I talk about the benefits of both….and the crazy bits too of course. I also remind you to love your body. And fight for it.

The Art of Moving House

9: The stresses and challenges of moving out of a housesit and what I’ve learnt over time.

Watermelons and More Stick Magic

8: I talk about how much I love watermelons and whether I should name my staff.