Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch

Such wonderful light out there today.

Seashore, clouds, sunshine and waves at golden hour

Blissful tranquility

Darling little birds chattering in the ripply waves. They really are a delight. Not sure of their name yet. Maybe some kind of plover.

Happy Saturday dear lovelies. Remember to look up! There’s all kinds of magic going on with which to fill your heart ☁️🩷☁️

Cotton clouds

Fuzzy white clouds against a blue sky

This lovely piece is the first from my new seaside home. 🌊⛵🌊 It’s got a lovely, relaxing sea soundscape which I recorded on New Year’s Day and some blissful harp melodies. Listen out for the delightful little stones rolling out to sea with the waves, they really are yummy. This is Mermaid’s Power.

b/w photo of Holly with her harp. Added words overlaid say 'Late Nite Harp'.

Went to the the pond to feed the ducks and geese. There were warning signs saying it was all but illegal to feed the seagulls. Everything was quiet until they sensed the food. We were quickly surrounded. The poor geese didn’t stand a chance as the wily, winged beasts caught their spoils mid air.

seagulls flying in a blue sky

In awe of this celestial sky and pumped full of clouds woohoo!

A cloudy sky in Lancashire at low tide in an estuary

Happy Monday dear lovely folk! I hope this message finds you in a place of comfort. How have you spent this first week of January? I’ve mostly been in bed recovering from the move 😅 Also, walking to the end of my road to see glorious seaside sights. Happy to report the wind has flown away. Very grateful for the chance to wander aimlessly looking up at this big old sky. 💙

Holly on the beach with an apricot sky behindStream of water on the beach shimmering against an apricot sky at sunsetBig open sky dotted with fluffy clouds and a sunlit beach

Camera recommendations please. For cloud capturing. There’s so much more to see in these shots but my old phone can’t do them justice. Got a budget of around £400 so I know I’m limited. Cheers.

The beach at sunset with epic clouds and shimmering shores

First proper beach walk on New Year’s Day. A lull in the weather meant that I could get fascinated with all things shelly and stony. I was so obsessed with listening to the sound of the sea rolling the little stones against the shore that a wave went over my wellies! 😅 😄 Such a hypnotised amateur.

purple wellie boots on a sandy beach with a little sea foam in the corner of the pic

starfish in the sand

shell and pebbles on the beach

shells on a piece of driftwood with a stony beach beyond

Ran down the road in my pjs to get the best shot of this lushness at dawn this morn 😄

Huge grey cloud highlighted with reds and golds taken at dawn over the rooftops

May 2024 fill you with hope. A hope that’s beyond this material, physical world. A hope that stretches out far into the ether and meets with heaven. A hope that’s so comforting, so nourishing, that you are capable of achieving miracles through its power.

May you be always be protected by angels of light and divine beings of love.

May you laugh lots, dance often, giggle every day and find a hug whenever you need one. May you hug others when they need one too. We all need more hugs!

When times are tough, when darkness surrounds you, call upon Our Lady, our safety, our sweetness and our hope to guide you into the light. Say your prayers. Remember what beacons of love they are, should you be lost or feel lonely. Call on them. Find your most favourite prayer and memorise it. You are not alone. Find faith, it’s a great comfort.

May 2024 kiss your face with sunshine, have you dancing in delicate, rainbow showers and see you going out in breezes that will blow away your cobwebs.

May you find comfort in the love of others in your community. May you feel nourished by giving back and supporting them too. It feels good to help.

May you find inspiring people to be around. Those who bring out the best in you. Those whose auras are clear, bright and loving. Find people who light up the room with joy when they enter and who bring tears to your eyes with their kind, selfless service. Be with them and learn from them.

I ask God for more grace in 2024. Always more grace. And trust. To quell the (silly) worries, the burdens, the situations in life that present themselves.

I’ll kneel, I’ll surrender, I’ll pray, I’ll ask for help. I’ll say ‘Jesus take care of this’, when I feel lost or confused. I’ll remember that I am not alone.

I ask for more opportunities in 2024, to play harp music to those who need comfort. Those who need to be held by a divine, musical hug. I offer myself up to do the work of the Holy Spirit to help others through my music.

So much divine timing happened in 2023 to allow me to move from Scotland back to England to live by the glorious sea in the sweetest community I’ve ever met. Everything aligned perfectly, like a jigsaw puzzle slotting into place exactly when it needed to and not a moment before. It would be impossible to ignore all the signs and wonders that took place to guide me here. Therefore, I’ll always remember to surrender and trust the will of God and Christ’s light in the face of such divine power.

I am truly excited and elated for what 2024 will bring, always remembering to forgive myself and love myself more.

And may you love yourself too because it all starts with love.

Thank you for being here! Thank you for your support! Let’s shine out with healing light together and make the world a brighter place. 🌟

Happy New Year!

Love Holly

b/w portrait of me at the beach with a woolly hat on smiling at the camera

Some incredible shots of the Wyre Estuary. Taken by my dear Simon.


The full moon. She rises. The rainbow. She arcs.

Big full moon rising on the horizon over the distant hills of the Lake DistrictDistant rainbow beginning on the horizon on a moody grey day over an estuary

Golden hour loveliness.

Sunset yellow clouds against a silhouette of chimney topsPastel sunset cloud colours over grassy dunes

Boxing Day giggles and the best sticky toffee pudding (with butterscotch sauce) in the land. Nom!

Holly in a blue skirt by the sea smilingA bowl of sticky toffee pudding with icecream

Merry Christmas dear lovelies. 🎄 Hope you’ve had a wonderful time. I’ve had a fab day, with gorgeous new friends, volunteering at a Christmas Day lunch for lots of sweet people in our community. So much joy and kindness swirling around. A pleasure to be a part of! And the mashed potato was epic. 😃 Here’s my dear Simon serving Yorkshire puddings to some lucky folk 😄 Hugs to all. You’re amazing! 💛

Hooray! Bunting and pom poms up before Christmas Day 🥳 Merry Christmas everyone! The biggest hugs to you all. Love Holly 💕🩵🎄💫🕊️🕯️🎵

Christmas bunting and a shelf full of cardsString of pom poms (blues and yellows) under a shelf with Christmas decorations hanging down either side. Sweet decoration of an angel holding a candle

Dreamy and reflective this Christmas Eve.

What favourite series are you excited to watch right now? I’ve got Slow Horses and Reacher on my list 😀

Golden hour glory and wind so gusty I had to be held in place to take these shots. 😅💨😅

Grey sky meets golden sand with the sea on the horizon. Sunset orange colours over a lake Purple and orange sunset sky over a choppy lake

Carol Singing Giggles

Hey lovelies, hope you’re happy and snug this wintry Tuesday. I had a beautiful experience last night that I wanted to share.

I went carol singing for the first time ever. It was so nourishing. There were many giggles and cheeky cackles of laughter from the singing team as we traversed the neighbourhood by mini bus singing for the elderly and housebound.

On and off the bus we got singing in care homes and on people’s doorsteps. Everyone was so beautiful, kind, positive and friendly. There’s so much spirit here. I’m truly grateful to live in Fleetwood. And seeing the magical Christmas lights all around just made it even more perfect.

I got the giggles at the first stop in the care home because the very first hymn was in Latin and I had no idea of the words or how to pronounce them. It just made me giggle so much; I had to calm down and try and control myself (it wasn’t easy because I had performance excitement 😂). I warbled through it somehow (the English equivalent is ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’) and by the 4th house, I’d almost learnt it all, hooray!

I’m truly in a special place here and love everyone so much already. This is my home and I am absolutely blessed.

Love to you all. 🩵💛🩵

Ps I’ve joined the choir too yippeee! 😄 🎵💗

Holly at the beach smiling to the camera

Love watching seagulls hang out on the breeze. They’re having to work harder today. Flapping more. Sometimes they get to hover with just the right amount of wind. They’re the coolest thing in the sky. Imagine them with sunglasses 😁😎😁

Seagull in a cloudy sky with blue shining through

Yay we made it. To the beauty of wide open shores and the glorious scent of the sea. Where starling families sing sweetly all around and friendly people stop to chat about Fleetwood’s rich history. Where Fisherman’s Friends were invented many moons ago. This is going to be a wonderful adventure.

Happy smiling faces by the seaA long shot of the sea with a man standing looking out towards it