Get on and Shine with Holly Honeychurch


The Lake District hills looked so epic today.

Love me some bunting 😍

This is a sweet, gentle melody, that contemplates life and loss and all things in between. This melody tugs at the heart strings and invites you to soar up into the heavens to be lulled by guardian angels and divine beings of light. It’s in A Major.

Such a soft lil poppet.

Yay! An Advent catto visit 🎉

Dedicated fisherman

Magical skies

Where are we going today dear doggo? 💕

A simple, hearty soup. A nourished, grateful heart.

This is my only Vitamin D entry point these days.

Oh, to fly like a seagull.

Such a priviledge to play in church.

Altar in a church, harpist to the right, red carpet, crucifix in centre, candle to the left.

Boating lake loveliness.

A misty boating lake, blue skies, a row of small birds line up on a jetty

The sanderlings were enjoying hanging out together.

This beautiful reset is a comforting hug, a place of solace; full of healing harmonies and cherished melodies. It will uplift and guide you to the light, resetting your being with delicate rhythms and notes. A lullaby for the soul. A calming embrace.

Lovely image by Nacho Juarez, with thanks.

yellow, daisy flower growing out of brown rocks

I love the colours of hydrangeas through the months. They’re the plants that keep on giving.

Gotta love a light tunnel.

The drama of fireworks.

The sky was so grey, and yet this distant sliver of light on the water was so bright. It was rather magical.


Such beautiful sunshine last week. I love warm, October days. This week the damp has arrived, along with white skies. That’s why I appreciate these days when they come.

Oaty Hob Nobs are mmmmmm.