30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 15. Peace & Positivity.
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 14. Where is your attention?
Fancy hearing some beautifully sweet early morning robin song? Over on Late Nite Harp I’ve released a new little piece celebrating their glorious sound. Here’s Song of Robin Red Breast.
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 13. Gratitude.
Bonus ~ I am grateful I got to eat cookies for breakfast
Snowy White Night is magical and mystical. A perfect lullaby for a cold, crisp evening as the snow falls. I love the winter for its clear nights and bright stars. I love the sensation of fuzziness up my nose as I breathe in freezing air. It makes me dizzy with delight.
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 12. Celebrating creative gifts.
I found myself in an unusual position during my night out last Friday. I’d never been to the venue before, a converted warehouse with a cool, slightly chaotic, urban vibe. I didn’t know what to expect.
I got questioned (bouncer: ‘where’ve you come from love? me: home) and patted down, as swarms of young people jostled around me, eager for entry. There was perfume in the air and naughtiness in the ether. A gang of lads managed to sneak in beside me, dodging the ticket barrier. It felt a little unorganised but I went with it.
Inside, I was presented with a huge, long warehouse hanger, misty and dark except for colourful lights that lit up the scene and seeped into the space. A big crowd of people (kind of dancing) thronged before me as heavy beats drove on. I couldn’t see the DJ, so dense was the misty atmosphere. I was confused by the layout, nothing made sense, eventually I figured it out but I felt my energy was quite drained. I knew the music would get more uplifting as the night went on so I bided my time and decided to sit down for a while.
Here comes my unusual position - there wasn’t a single place to sit down, other than the floor. Not one chair or sofa. Not one little perch. It dawned on me, how reliant I was on being able to sit down whenever I needed to. I’m elated to dance with all my heart and soul, so long as I can rest my feet when they start feeling weird and painful. The idea of standing for 4 hrs started to freak me out.
I kept searching for a while then I asked a steward. He said there was nowhere to sit and he couldn’t help me, even after I said I was a disabled clubber. I felt lost. I go to these events to help my body get stronger, I go for exercise as moving feels easy when the music is pumping out, but I can always choose when to sit down. I used the walls - I’m great at leaning - they helped for a while but it wasn’t enough. I sat on the floor, but drunk people started to congregate and I didn’t want to get trodden on.
I felt overwhelmed. I eventually went to another steward towards the back and asked her if I could just sit down on a tiny ledge I had spotted by the side of her. She said no. So I mustered up my courage again, and pointed out (as hard as it is to face) that I was a disabled clubber and came clubbing anyway but now I needed to sit down. She immediately went out of her way to find a chair for me hooray! All I needed was 20 minutes and my feet were recharged. She told me if I needed it again (I did), just to ask and she’d bring it out. It was a relief.
The last two DJs, Aisha and Trym were reeeaally fab. Ethereal, melodic, unique, banging - they are my two favourite DJs for hard, fast, uplifting techno. I was smiling so brightly as amazing song after amazing song came on. Music from my past, music from my present. I flew up to a superduper happy place and it was brill.
The lady who helped me was my Chair Faerie and I appreciate her so much. She listened to me. She heard me. She made me feel safe. In not being able to find a seat, I (again) had to come to terms with the fact that I’m different and sometimes need more help. I was forced to announce it to someone and that’s hard.
But by asking, I gratefully received and danced sitting down, like a (disabled) demon until my legs were able, once again.
Here’s a classic Limmy sketch. He’s a unique Glaswegian comedian, who helped me slowly figure out the accent and laugh at the same time.
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 11. Body fitness. πͺπΌβ¨ππΎβ¨π€ΈπΌββοΈ
Bonus ~ My body is a kick ass machine!
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 10. Balm for a frantic mind.
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 9. Recovery and new strength.
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 8. Feeling joyous today. And excited. For tonight, I party with Trym.
First time listening to a Tinlicker set. It was a sweet and chilled experience with lots of lovely soaring melodies and uplifting beats. If you want happy, shiny, sometimes retro vibes (Robert Miles’ Children and Baby D’s Fantasy make an appearance : ) give this a try.
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 7. Affirmations from The Queen ~ Louise Hay.
Hypnotic, funky, playfully smooth techno? That’ll be D.Dan : )
Early morning birdsong (3am), taken from Albert Bridge, towards a tidal weir, near Glasgow Green. Mmmmm pretty colours and sounds π
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 6. Wealth.
I am a magnet for positivity, abundance and blessings
Last night was curious, colourful and cool. Slower beats meant a different crowd and a more chilled, funky atmosphere. I loved getting into the groove, though it took me longer because everything was slower ha! The lights were really delicious, I felt bathed in rainbows.
There were many friendly faces, some who wanted to play with my pigtails or have a little drunken, enlightened dance with me as I passed. All girls so that was cute and I didn’t mind being playfully ‘hassled’ by them. One trod on my toes with her humungous boots, then apologised telling me she wasn’t in control of them fully : ) There was a concerned lassie with her own set of life problems, who I tried to guide out of her negative thinking. She was in a slight panic, I hope she calmed down. She had a friend to look after her.
There was an eager guy who was desperate to start a conversation and find out where I was from. He kept framing it in all kinds of ways when I didn’t answer how he wanted. ‘Where are you from? Do you live here? What nationality are you?’ I just didn’t want to talk, the sound system in there is so mighty, it’s impossible to keep shouting back an answer. Club conversations are a ridiculous concept, so I just smiled sweetly, told him with my hands that he was being nosy and carried on dancing. It seemed to make him more interested. Eventually he got the message and left. Eventually.
The music was a mystical, groovy, poetic, soulful, synthy journey and I had to find my own rhythm within all of that. There were some ethereal highs, lush breaks and beats with a charming 80s attitude, making me loose my retro shit on occasions. Those moments made me feel amazing, inside and out. I was dancing with the biggest smile on my face. Smiling feels goood.
I also felt in my body when the crowd weren’t so keen on the music. It’s like they lost all their positive vibrations and open hearted atmosphere in one fell swoop - they’d been built up and were waiting for a drop that never came. Their mojo had vanished and I truly felt the whole vibe change, then eventually build again as the DJ took his music in another direction. Musical currents are so powerful. You can shock people out of the rhythm they’re in by mediocre mixing or strange musical decisions. MCs are a big no no for me. Or the DJ talking in sets. Both of these things take me away from the connection to the music itself.
There were moments where people invaded my dance space, through drunkeness or just being unaware. I was practising magic in those moments and rather than moving myself, I called on my own positive powers of directing my thoughts into actually moving them on. It often worked and they’d disappear soon enough.
I also manifested a drink through positive thinking. I was imagining drinking a glass of coke to perk me up, 5 mins later I got a tap on the shoulder and this sweet fairy just handed me a full vodka coke and immediately left. I didn’t even get to say thanks before she’d whooshed away. Even that surprised me, an entire drink (and the one I’d envisioned) being manifested right into my hands. I took it as a beautiful sign that I was truly on the right path of abundance and self manifestation. Yay. Thanks universe.
There were people who gee’d me up when I was tired. Just a smile or a little nudge, they all meant something and I lasted until 10 mins before the end with a combination of sitting down for periods and movement in others. As the music was slower than my normal night out, I found it more challenging to pick my feet up and noticed myself swaying and using my arms more gracefully instead. Think, swirly, mystical arm movements rather than punching the air solidly with my strong techno fists.
My legs felt quite heavy and sludgy, like I couldn’t pick them up enough and they were stuck in the mud. There’s something to be said for my body suiting the faster EDM music as it naturally lifts my energy and makes me bounce a lot more, helping my feet self regulate and it also moves more blood around the body to help me heal and get stronger.
The cycle home was interesting and I only made it half way because 2 electric city rental bikes failed on me, I’m guessing due to cold temperatures and I couldn’t face another one breaking down. I called an Uber, which was super cheap being it was a Monday night so a fraction of the price of Friday and Saturday night and made it home by 4am. I love cycling home, listening to the blackbirds and robins sing, with no-one around and beautiful lights everywhere. It’s an especially sacred part of the whole night out.
This Friday….Trym : ) so a rather different experience I expect. Bring it on!
30 Days of Affirmations.
Day 5. Confidence when moving.